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16. The ancient Romans understood the principles of water power very well and in some outlying parts of their empire they made extensive and excellent use of water as an energy sources. This makes it all the more striking that the Romans made do without water power in dominated by large cities.

Which one of the following, if true , contributes most to an explanation of the difference described above in the Romans use of water power?

(A) The ancient Romans were adept at constructing and maintaining aqueducts that could carry quantities of water sufficient to supply large cities over considerable distances

(B) In the areas in which water power was not used water flow in rivers and streams was substantial throughout the year but nevertheless exhibited some seasonal variation

(C) Water power was relatively vulnerable to sabotage but any damage could be quickly and inexpensively repaired

(D) In most areas to which the use of water power was not extended other more traditional sources of energy continued to be used

(E) In heavily populated areas the introduction of water power would have been certain to cause social unrest by depriving large numbers of people of their livelihood

17. From a book review: The authors blithely claim that there are "three basic ways to store energy: as heat, as electricity or as kinetic energy" However, I can not call to mind any affective ways to store energy as electricity, whereas any capable student of physics could readily suggest a few more ways to store energy : chemical , gravitational, nuclear

The reviewer makes which one of the following criticisms of a claim that appears in the book under review?

(A) There is no reason to consider any particular way to store energy any more basic than any other

(B) The list given of ways to store energy is possibly inaccurate and certainly not exhaustive

(C) It is overly limiting to treat basic ways to store energy as a question unrelated to the question of effective ways to use energy

(D) What needs to be considered is not whether various ways to store energy are basic but whether they are effective

(E) Except possibly for electricity all ways to store energy are equally effective and therefore equally basic

18.There is no mystery as to why figurative painting revived in the fate 1970s.People want to look at recognizable images. Sorting out art theories reflected in abstract paintings

is no substitute for the sense of empathy that comes form looking at a realistic painting of a figure in a landscape. Perhaps. members of the art because they felt that its lack of realistic subject matter was a rejection of the viewers and their world.

Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main point of the passage?

(A) Abstract paintings often include or forms that are suggestive of real objects or emotions.

(B) The art-viewing public wished to see traditional subjects treated in a nontraditional manner.

(C) Paintings that depict a recognizable physical world rather than the emotional world of the artist's life require more artistic talent to create.

(D) The general public is unable to understand the theories on which abstract painting is based.

(E) The artistic preferences of the art-viewing public stimulated the revival.

19. Valitania's long -standing practice of paying high salaries to its elected politicians has had a disastrous effect on the level of integrity among politicians in that country. This is because the prospect of earning a high salary is always attractive to anyone whose primary aim in life is to make money, so that inevitably the wrong people must have been attracted into Valitanian politics: people who are more interested in making money than in serving the needs of the nation

Which one of the following, if true, world weaken the argument?

(A) Many Valitanian candidates for elected office spend some of their own money to finance their campaigns.

(B) Most Valitanian elective offices have four-year terms.

(C) No more people compete for elected office when officeholders are paid well then when they are paid poorly.

(D) Only politicians who rely on their offices for income tend to support policies that advance their own selfish interests.

(E) Most of those who are currently Valitanian politicians could have obtained better-paid work outside politics.


Policy Adviser: Freedom of speech is not only a basic human right; it is also the only rational policy for this government to adopt. When ideas are openly aired ,good idea flourish, silly proposals are easily recognized as such, and dangerous ideas can be responded to by forcing citizens to disseminate their thoughts in secret.

20. The policy adviser's method of persuasion in recommending a policy of free speech to the following?

(A) a circular justification of the idea of free speech as an idea that flourishes when free speech is allowed

(B) advocating respect for basic rights of citizens for its own sake

(C) a coupling of moral ideals with self-interest

(D) a warning about the difficulty of suppressing the truth

(E) a description of an ideal situation that cannot realistically be achieved.
