逻辑部分主要有两种类型的题目:分析题(Analytical reasoning)和逻辑单题(Logical reasoning)。机考的逻辑部分有35道题,时间延长到60分钟,因此题目的难度较笔试时略深。 1、分析题(Analytical reasoning) 第一组分析题1—7个小问题组成。可以按下面这五个步骤操作: 1)读题,找出所有条件或游戏规则 2)用符号、图形表示条件 3)检查符号、条件是否完整、正确 4)对条件进行必要的合并或推导 5)开始解题,各个击破 解题的关键是第二步,即用符号、图形正确完整地表示条件。其中要注意以下几点: 1)每一个因素都由一个单独符号表示,如4个M应写成MMMM,而不是4M 2)当两个或多个因素总不在一起时,也应相应地表示,比如“A空格B” 3)假设条件(“如果……那么……”)用箭头表示,“如果”的成分在左,“那么”的成分在右,如“A=>B” 4)遇到难以用符号或图形表示的条件时,要特别标出,以免解题时忘记。 例: a)in a box of candies, for are brown, three are white, and two are red可以表示为: BBBB WWW RR (注:B=Brown, W=White, R=Red) b)Bernice must enter before Erin.可以表示为:B c)Carol and Sue always sit together.可以表示为:CS或SC d)If Fred participates, then Greg participates.可以表示为F=>G e)David cannot attend unless Pamela also attends.可以表示为D=>P f)Oranges and limes must be displayed on adjacent shelves.可以表示为:OL或LO 需要注意的是,在表示假设条件时,往往需要把原条件的逆否公式也一并写出,有利解题。 第四步也很重要。首先要挑出限制最多的因素,这往往是解题的突破口。 当现有条件不能直接提供任何解题思路时,则表明条件需要做进一步的推导。在解题时还应注意到“COULD”和“MUST”的区别。题干中如包含“COULD”则需要将选项一一排除,而题材干中包含“MUST”则可以直接由条件推导出正确结果。 2、逻辑单题(Logical reasoning) 单题通常由一段论证和问题组成,测试考生将论证分解并理清各部分之间逻辑关系的能力。谁由结论(Conclusion)、论据(即原题明确说出的证据,Premise)和假设(即原题中没有明确说出的证据,Assumption)组成。 解题时最好先看问题,再读论证,然后标出结论、论据和假设等,最后才开始找答案。结论一般由这些词引导:therefore, thus, hence, then, consequently, as a result。而论据则由because, since, if, given that, in view of, assume, suppose等词引导。 单题中有这样一些类型: 1)Conclusion(结论型) 要求重述或补充结论。一般会这样设问: a)The main point of the passage is that…… b)Which of the following best states the author’s conclusion in the passage above…… c)Which of the following statements is best supported by the statements above? d)Which of the following best states the author’s main point? 做结论型题时,应排除超越原题内容、范围或文字过于偏激的选项。 2)Inference(演绎型) 要求考生找出原题中的住处所支持的一切观点。有时它可以和结论型题重合,有时比后者范围更广。这类问题的设问中往往会有如下字样:infer, imply, implicit, most reasonably, must also be true等。 3)Assumption(假设型) 要求找出使原题结论成立的假设。常见的问法为: a)Which one of the following is an assumption that, if true, would support the conclusion in the passage above? b) Which of the following most accurately states an assumption that the author must make insgroupsto advance the argument above? c)The author depends upon which of the following to draw his/her conclusion? d)On arguing his/her conclusion the author relies on…… 解题的关键是找出结论与论据之间的缺陷,其它同上。假设型问题可以分3类:取样、类比、因果。 4)Strengthen/Weaken(支持/反驳型) 所谓支持/反驳,就是要找出与原题材中的假设最相一致/违背的选项。与其它类型不同,在解答这种题时,不能排除言辞极端的选项。相反,在面对两个选项无法决定时,应选择言辞更极端的选项。 常见的问法有: 支持: a)Which of the following,if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn in the passage above? b)The argument as it is presented in the passage above would be most strengthened if which of the following were true? c)The conclusion would be more properly drawn if it were made clear that…… 反驳: a)Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion drawn above? b)Which of the following, if true, would provide the strongest evidence against the above? c)Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above? |