
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情


coax            get smb to do smth by kindness

coddle          treat with care and tenderness

coerce          compel, to force to make obedient

cogent          strong, convincing

cogitate        think deeply, mediate

cognition       knowing, awareness (emotionless)

colander        bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water

collusion       secret agreement for a deceitful purpose

combustion      process of burning

commend         praise

commendable     worthy of praise

commuter        person who travels regularly

complacently    with self-satisfaction

complaisance    easy-going habit of mind

comply          act in accordance

compound        mix or combine

conceal         hide, keep secret

conceit         over-high opinion of, too much pride

conciliatory    intending to or likely to, peaceful

concord         agreement or harmony