
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情


stingy          spending, using unwillingly

stipulate       state or put forward as a necessary condition

strands         smth twisted together into a rope, line of development

stray           wander, lose one's way

roll call       calling of names

rope            thick strong cord made by twisting

savant          person of great learning

savor           taste, flavour smth

sawdust         tiny bits of wood

scabbard        sheath for the blade

scent           smell (esp pleasant)

scurvy          diseased state of the blood caused by eating too much salt

seal            piece of wax, lead, etc stamped on the document

sedulous        persevering

sequence        succession, connected line of

serration       having a toothed edge

servile         like a slave, lacking independence

shaft           arrow or spear, smth long and narrow

shallow         little depth; not earnest

shard           piece of broken earthenware

sheath          cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool

shove           push

shrill          sparp, piercing

shun            keep away from; avoid

shunt           send from one track to another; lay aside; evade discussion

sidestep        step to one side

skiff           small boat

skit            short piece of humorous writing

slate           king of blue-grey stone; propose; critisize

sluggard        lazy, slow-moving person

sluggish        inactive, slow-moving

soar            rise, fly high

sober           self-controlled

sobriety        quality or condition of being sober

soggy           heavy with water

solvent         of the power of forming a solution

somatic         of the body

soot            black powder in smoke

sophisticated   complex, subtle, refined

sordid          wretched, comfortless, contemptible

spear           weapon with a metal point on a long shaft

specious        seeming right or true but not really so

squalid         dirty, mean

squander        spend wastefully

steeply         rising or falling sharply

stickler        person who insists on importance of smth

stigma          mark of shame or disgrace

sting           smth sharp