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【重点词条】definite 1: having distinct or certain limits 2 a: free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity b: unquestionable, decided 3: typically designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing 4 a: being constant in number, usu. less than 20, and occurring in multiples of the petal number b: cymose syn see explicit —— def.i.nite.ly adv —— def.i.nite.ness n


【解题分析】attemp to表目的,by短语中的to仍然表达目的,并且两个宾语suitable varieties与favorable traits同义,故相应的动词应同义,与breed构成同义词的为b的reinforce.

【重点词条】In favor of —— in favor of 1 a: in accord or sympathy with b: for the acquittal of c: in support of 2: to the order of 3: in order to choose: out of preference for —— in one's favor 1: in one's good graces 2: to one's advantage —— out of favor : unpopular, disliked


【解题分析】a regime has declared war on justice.是该句的主干。without在此表示条件,结果是 has declared war on justice. 故条件相吻合的为c.

【重点词条】supreme 1: highest in rank or authority 2: highest in degree or quality <~ endurance in war and in labour ——R. W. Emerson> 3: ultimate, final —— su.preme.ly adv —— su.preme.ness n

suppression 1: an act or instance of suppressing: the state of being suppressed 2: the conscious intentional exclusion from consciousness of a thought or feeling

accountibility : the quality or state of being accountable; esp: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions

prioritization : to list or rate (as projects or goals) in order of priority usage see -ize —— pri.or.i.ti.za.tion n

autonomy 1: the quality or state of being self-governing; esp: the right of self-government 2: self-directing freedom and esp. moral independence 3: a self-governing state



【重点词条】cursorily rapidly and often superficially performed or produced: hasty syn see superficial —— cur.so.ri.ly adv —— cur.so.ri.ness n


【解题分析】paradoxically修饰disoriention may yield加 空格这一句,所以空格当然是产生好事物,否则无法paradoxically. a是唯一的好词。

【重点词条】hazard 1: a game of chance like craps played with two dice 2: a source of danger 3 a: chance, risk b: a chance event: accident 4 obs: stake 3a 5: a golf-course obstacle —— at hazard : at stake 2hazard vt (1530): venture, risk <~ a guess as to the outcome>

somatic 1: of, relating to, or affecting the body esp. as distinguished from the germ plasm or the psyche 2: of or relating to the wall of the body: parietal —— so.mat.i.cal.ly adv

disorder 1: to disturb the order of 2: to disturb the regular or normal functions of 2disorder n (1530) 1: lack of order 2: breach of the peace or public order 3: an abnormal physical or mental condition: ailment


【解题分析】由ironically可知denotative与figurative为反义词,由空格前的this可知空格应填denotative的同义词,因而是figurative的反义词,为literal. 这个词考过很多次了。

【重点词条】literal 1 a: according with the letter of the scriptures b: adhering to fact or to the ordinary construction or primary meaning of a term or expression: actual c: free from exaggeration or embellishment d: characterized by a concern mainly with facts 2: of, relating to, or expressed in letters 3: reproduced word for word: exact, verbatim —— lit.er.al.i.ty n —— lit.er.al.ness n 2literal n (1622): a small error usu. of a single letter (as in writing)