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能大致构成转折的只有a 和b,如果知道contrive的词义的话,没有人会做错。而contrive与

spontaneous这两个词居然就是93年4月section3 3rd 的主考词。


spontaneous 1: proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint 2: arising from a momentary impulse 3: controlled and directed internally: self-acting <~ movement characteristic of living things> 4: produced without being planted or without human labor: indigenous 5: developing without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment 6: not apparently contrived or manipulated: natural —— spon.ta.ne.ous.ly adv —— spon.ta.ne.ous.ness n

syn spontaneous, impulsive, instinctive, automatic, mechanical mean acting or activated without deliberation. spontaneous implies lack of prompting and connotes naturalness . impulsive implies acting under stress of emotion or spirit of the moment . instinctive stresses spontaneous action involving neither judgment nor will . automatic implies action engaging neither the mind nor the emotions and connotes a predictable response . mechanical stresses the lifeless, often perfunctory character of the response .

contrive 1 a: devise, plan <~ ways of handling the situation> b: to form or create in an artistic or ingenious manner 2: to bring about by stratagem or with difficulty: manage ~ vi: to make schemes —— con.triv.er n

decline 1 archaic: to turn from a straight course: stray 2 a: to slope downward: descend b: to bend down: droop c: to stoop to what is unworthy 3 a of a celestial body: to sink toward setting b: to draw toward a close: wane 4: to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition 5: to withhold consent 6: to become less in amount ~ vt 1: to give in prescribed order the grammatical forms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective) 2 obs a: avert b: avoid 3: to cause to bend or bow downward 4 a: to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with b: to refuse esp. courteously <~ an invitation> —— de.clin.able adj —— de.clin.er n

syn decline, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn mean to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering. decline often implies courteous refusal esp. of offers or invitations . refuse suggests more positiveness or ungraciousness and often implies the denial of something asked for . reject implies a peremptory refusal by sending away or discarding . repudiate implies a casting off or disowning as untrue, unauthorized, or unworthy of acceptance . spurn stresses contempt or disdain in rejection or repudiation . 2decline n (14c) 1: the process of declining: a: a gradual physical or mental sinking and wasting away b: a change to a lower state or level 2: the period during which something is deteriorating or approaching its end 3: a downward slope: declivity 4: a wasting disease; esp: pulmonary tuberculosis syn see deterioration

5. 【中文释义】





逻辑关系最直接,可由此逻辑直接推理得minutely. d正确。


minutely 1: into very small pieces 2: in a minute manner or degree 2min.ute.ly adj

versed :to familiarize by close association, study, or experience

knowledgeable :having or exhibiting knowledge or intelligence: keen —— knowl.edge.abil.i.ty n ——

knowl.edge.able.ness n —— knowl.edge.ably adv

congenial 1: having the same nature, disposition, or tastes: kindred 2 a: existing or associated

together harmoniously b: pleasant; esp: agreeably suited to one's nature, tastes, or outlook c: sociable,

genial —— con.ge.nial.i.ty n —— con.ge.nial.ly adv

astute : having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity <~ remarks>; also: crafty,

wily syn see shrewd —— as.tute.ly adv —— as.tute.ness n