
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情



carat :: unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold
caricature :: distortion; burlesque
carillon :: a set of bells capable of being played
carmine :: rich red
carnage :: destruction of life
carousal :: drunken revel
carrion :: rotting flesh of a dead body
carte blanche :: unlimited authority or freedom
cartographer :: maker of maps or charts
caryatid :: sculptured column of a female figure
cascade :: small waterfall
caste :: one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society
casualty :: serious or fatal accident
casuistry :: subtle or sophisticated reasoning resulting in minute distinctions
cataclysm :: deluge; upheaval
catalyst :: agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unchanged
catapult :: slingshot; a hurling machine
catastrophe :: calamity
catechism :: book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer
cathartic :: purgative
caucus :: private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine
cavalcade :: procession; parade
celerity :: speed; rapidity
censor :: overseer of morals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remark
centaur :: mythical figure, half man and half horse
centurion :: Roman army officer
cerebration :: thought
cessation :: stopping
cession :: yielding to another; ceding
chagrin :: vexation; disappointment
chalice :: goblet; consecrated cup
chameleon :: lizard that changes color in different situations
charisma :: divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader
charlatan :: quack; pretender to knowledge
chasm :: abyss
chassis :: framework and working parts of an automobile
chattel :: personal property
chauvinist :: blindly devoted patriot
chicanery :: trickery
chiromancy :: art of telling fortunes by reading the hand; palmistry
chiropodist :: one who treats disorders of the feet
choreography :: art of dancing
circlet :: small ring; band
circumlocution :: indirect or roundabout expression
citadel :: fortress
clairvoyant :: fortuneteller
claustrophobia :: fear of being locked in
clavicle :: collarbone
cleft :: split
clemency :: disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather
clich?:: phrase dulled in meaning by repetition
clique :: small exclusive group