
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情



epitome :: summary; concise abstract
epoch :: period of time
equanimity :: calmness of temperament
equestrian :: rider on horseback
equinox :: period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn
equipage :: horse-drawn carriage
equity :: fairness; justice
erudition :: high degree of knowledge and learning
escapade :: prank; flighty conduct
escutcheon :: shield-shaped surface on which coat of arms is placed
espionage :: spying
esprit de corps :: comradeship; spirit
ethnology :: study of man
etymology :: study of derivation, structure and development of words
eulogy :: praise
euphemism :: mild expression in place of an unpleasant one
ewer :: water pitcher
exaction :: exorbitant demand; extortion
exchequer :: treasury
excision :: act of cutting away
exegesis :: explanation, especially of Biblical passages
exigency :: urgent situation
exodus :: departure
expatriate :: exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land
expediency :: that which is advisable or practical
expletive :: interjection; profane oath
expostulation :: remonstrance
extradition :: surrender of prisoner by one state to another
extrovert :: person interested mostly in external objects and actions
facade :: front of the building
facet :: small plane surface of a gem; a side
faction :: party; clique; dissension
factotum :: handyman; person who does all kinds of work
fanaticism :: excessive zeal
fancier :: breeder or dealer of animals
fanfare :: call by bugles or trumpets
fatalism :: belief that events are determined by forces beyond one"s control
fauna :: animals of a period or region
faux pas :: an error or slip in manners or behavior
fealty :: loyalty; faithfulness
fecundity :: fertility; fruitfulness
feint :: trick; shift; sham blow
ferment :: agitation; commotion
fervor :: glowing ardor
fetish :: object supposed to possess magical powers; an object of special devoti