
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情


hypochondriac :: person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about il
ideology :: ideas of a group people
idiom :: special usage in language
idiosyncrasy :: peculiarity; eccentricity
idolatry :: worship of idols; excessive admiration
illusion :: misleading vision
imbecility :: weakness of mind
imbroglio :: a complicated situation; perplexity; entanglement
immobility :: state of being immovable
impasse :: predicament from which there is no escape
imperturbability :: calmness
impetus :: moving force
impiety :: irreverence; wickedness
implication :: that which is hinted at or suggested
import :: significance
imprimatur :: permission to print or publish a book
impropriety :: state of being inappropriate
impunity :: freedom from punishment
imputation :: charge; reproach
inadvertence :: oversight; carelessness
incantation :: singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula
incarnation :: act of assuming a human body and human nature
incendiary :: arsonist
incentive :: spur; motive
incidence :: falling on a body; a casual occurrence
incongruity :: lack of harmony; absurdity
incredulity :: a tendency to disbelief
increment :: increase
incubus :: burden; mental care; nightmare
incumbent :: officeholder
incursion :: temporary invasion
indignity :: offensive or insulting treatment
indolence :: laziness
inebriety :: habitual intoxication
inertia :: state of being inert or indisposed to move
inference :: conclusion drawn from data
infirmity :: weakness
influx :: flowing into
infraction :: violation
ingenue :: an artless girl; an actress who plays such parts
ingrate :: ungrateful person
inkling :: hint
innovation :: change; introduction off something new
innuendo :: hint; insinuation
insolvency :: bankruptcy; lack of ability to repay debts
insomnia :: wakefulness; inability to sleep
integrity :: wholeness; purity; uprightness
integument :: outer covering or skin
intellect :: higher mental powers