
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情



intelligentsia :: the intelligent and educated classes (often used derogatorily)
interim :: meantime
interment :: burial
interstices :: chinks; crevices
intimidation :: fear
intransigence :: state of stubborn unwillingness to compromise
introvert :: one who is introspective
intuition :: power of knowing without reasoning
invective :: abuse
inviolability :: security from being destroyed, corrupted or profaned
iota :: very small quantity
irony :: hidden sarcasm or satire
isotope :: varying form of an element
itinerary :: plan of a trip
jargon :: language used by special group; gibberish
jeopardy :: exposure to death or danger
jeremiad :: lament; complaint
jingoism :: extremely aggressive and militant patriotism
jubilation :: rejoicing
juncture :: crisis; joining point
junket :: a merry feast or picnic
junta :: group of men joined in political intrigue; cabal
jurisprudence :: science of law
kaleidoscope :: tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors
ken :: range of knowledge
kiosk :: summerhouse; open pavilion
kismet :: fate
kith :: familiar friends
kleptomaniac :: person who has a compulsive desire to steal
knavery :: rascality
knell :: tolling of a bell at a funeral; sound of the funeral bell
knoll :: little round hill
labyrinth :: maze
lackey :: footman; toady
lagniappe :: trifling present given to a customer
lagoon :: shallow body of water near a sea; lake
laity :: laymen; persons not connected with the clergy
languor :: lassitude; depression
lapidary :: worker in precious stones
larceny :: theft
largess :: generous gift
lassitude :: languor; weariness
latitude :: freedom from narrow limitations
lechery :: gross lewdness; lustfulness
lectern :: reading desk
lesion :: unhealthy change in structure; injury