
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情


patois :: local or provincial dialect
patriarch :: father and ruler of a family or tribe
patricide :: person who murders his father; murder of a father
patrimony :: inheritance from father
paucity :: scarcity
peccadillo :: slight offense
peculation :: embezzlement; theft
pedagogue :: teacher; dull and formal teacher
pedant :: scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities
pediatrician :: expert in children"s diseases
pediment :: triangular part above columns in Greek buildings
pelf :: stolen property; money or wealth in a contemptuous sense
penance :: self-imposed punishment for sin
penchant :: strong inclination; liking
penumbra :: partial shadow in an eclipse
penury :: extreme poverty
percussion :: striking one object against another sharply
perdition :: damnation; complete ruin
peregrination :: journey
perfidy :: violation of a trust
perigee :: point of moon"s orbit when it is nearest the earth
perimeter :: outer boundary
periphery :: edge, especially of a round surface
peristyle :: series of columns surrounding a building or yard
perjury :: false testimony while under oath
peroration :: conclusion of an oration
perquisite :: any gain above stipulated salary
persiflage :: flippant conversation; banter
perspicuity :: clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity
perturbation :: agitation
perusal :: reading
perversion :: corruption; turning from right to wrong
perversity :: stubborn maintenance of a wrong cause
pessimism :: belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess
phial :: small bottle
philanthropist :: lover of mankind; doer of good
philistine :: narrow-minded person; uncultured person
philology :: study of language
phobia :: morbid fear
physiognomy :: face
pinnacle :: peak
pique :: irritation; resentment
pittance :: a small allowance or wage
plagiarism :: theft of another"s ideas or writings passed off as original
platitude :: trite remark; commonplace statement
plebiscite :: expression of the will of a people by direct election
plethora :: excess; overabundance
podiatrist :: doctor who treats ailments of the feet
podium :: pedestal; raised platform
polemic :: controversy; argument in support of point of view
polity :: form of government of nation or state
poltroon :: coward