
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情



capitulate :: surrender
castigate :: punish
cauterize :: burn with hot iron or caustic
cavil :: make frivolous objections
cede :: transfer; yield title to
censure :: blame; criticize
chafe :: warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing
champ :: chew noisily
chastise :: punish
chide :: scold
circumscribe :: limit; confine
circumvent :: outwit; baffle
cite :: quote; commend
clamber :: climb by crawling
cleave :: split asunder
coalesce :: combine; fuse
coerce :: force; repress
cogitate :: think over
cohere :: stick together
collaborate :: work together
collate :: examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order
commandeer :: to draft for military purpose; to take for public use
commiserate :: feel or express pity or sympathy for
comport :: bear one"s self; behave
compromise :: adjust; endanger the interests or reputation of
compute :: reckon; calculate
concatenate :: link as in a chain
conciliate :: pacify; win over
concoct :: prepare by combining; make up in concert
condescend :: bestow courtesies with a superior air
condole :: express sympathetic sorrow
condone :: overlook; forgive
confiscate :: seize; commandeer
congeal :: freeze; coagulate
consecrate :: dedicate; sanctify
consort :: associate with
construe :: explain; interpret
contaminate :: pollute
contemn :: regard with contempt; disregard
contravene :: contradict; infringe on
controvert :: oppose with arguments; contradict
convene :: assemble
convoke :: call together
corroborate :: confirm
coruscate :: glitter; scintillate
countermand :: cancel; revoke
cower :: shrink quivering, as from fear
cozen :: cheat; hoodwink; swindle

cull :: pick out; reject
curry :: dress; treat leather; seek favor
curtail :: shorten; reduce
dally :: triffle with; procrastinate
daunt :: intimidate
dawdle :: loiter; waste time
debase :: reduce to lower state
debauch :: corrupt; make intemperate
debilitate :: weaken; enfeeble