
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情


stanch :: check flow of blood
stigmatize :: brand; mark as wicked
stultify :: cause to appear foolish or inconsistent
stymie :: present an obstacle; stump
subjugate :: conquer; bring under control
sublimate :: refine; purify
substantiate :: verify; support
suffuse :: spread over
sully :: tarnish; soil
sunder :: separate; part
superimpose :: place over something else
supersede :: cause to be set aside; replace
supplicate :: petition humbly; pray to grant a favor
suppurate :: create pus
surfeit :: cloy; overfeed
surmise :: guess
swathe :: wrap around; bandage
swelter :: be oppressed by heat
tantalize :: tease; torture with disappointment
temporize :: avoid committing oneself; gain time
tether :: tie with a rope
throttle :: strangle
thwart :: baffle; frustrate
tipple :: drink alcoholic beverages frequently
titillate :: tickle
toady :: flatter for favors
traduce :: expose to slander
transcend :: exceed; surpass
transcribe :: copy
transmute :: change; convert to something different
transpire :: exhale; become known; happen
traverse :: go through or across
trek :: travel; migrate
truckle :: curry favor; act in an obsequious way
truncate :: cut the top off
undulate :: move with a wavelike motion
unearth :: dig up
upbraid :: scold; reproach
validate :: confirm; ratify
veer :: change in direction
vegetate :: live in a monotonous way
venerate :: revere
vent :: express; utter
vie :: contend; compete
vilify :: slander
vindicate :: clear of charges
vitiate :: spoil the effect of; make inoperative
vouchsafe :: grant condescendingly; guarantee
waive :: give up temporarily; yield
wane :: grow gradually smaller
welter :: wallow
wheedle :: cajole; coax; deceive by flattery
whet :: sharpen; stimulate
wreak :: inflict
wrest :: pull away; take by violence