近期口语考试中关于人物的卡片主要有如下几张: Describe a classmate of yours Describe a good friend Describe a happy person Describe a colleague Describe a neighbor Describe your own personality Describe a family member Describe a child you know Describe an old person Describe an old person who has influenced you the most Describe a successful person Describe a singer Describe a sportsman Describe a movie star Describe a character in TV or movie Describe a teacher of yours Describe a famous person that you want to spend a day with. 近期考试中关于地点的卡片主要有如下几张: Describe a building at schools Describe a historical place Describe a monument Describe an interesting building Describe a lake, river or sea. Describe a peaceful place Describe a leisure place Describe a park Describe a place of interest Describe a natural beauty Describe a city you want to live in Describe a place you have visited Describe a place you always go for shopping Describe a restaurant you often go to Describe a club or pub Describe an exhibition Describe a hotel Describe your ideal house Describe your favorite room in your house Describe your accommodation Describe a quiet place. 近期考试中关于物品的卡片主要有如下几张: Describe your favorite book Describe a book you want to write Describe a newspaper or magazine Describe a photo Describe a gift Describe something important to you Describe a painting Describe a piece of cloth or jewelry Describe something expensive that you want to buy Describe a handicraft Describe a piece of art work Describe a piece of traditional clothes Describe a pet Describe a wild animal Describe a letter Describe a toy Describe a dish that you like Describe a website you often go to Describe a way of transportation Describe a way of communication 近期考试中关于经历的卡片主要有如下几张: Describe a happy event Describe a family event Describe a piece of good family news Describe a success in your life Describe an important decision in your life Describe a positive change in your life Describe a special meal Describe a party Describe a birthday celebration Describe a wedding Describe an exciting trip Describe a visit Describe an exciting experience Describe a cultural event Describe an economic event Describe a festival Describe a 3-day holiday. Describe a short course Describe a school trip Describe an achievement Describe a bad weather Describe a difficult thing Describe a project you finished with others Describe s kill that you want to learn 近期考试中关于喜好的卡片主要有如下几张: Describe your favorite advertisement Describe your favorite movie Describe your favorite music Describe your favorite TV program Describe a story you know Describe your favorite relaxation method. Describe your ideal job Describe a business you want to start Describe an advantage in your character Describe an ambition of yours Describe your favorite period of time in a day Tips: 如何准备如此繁多的卡片? 雅思口语的卡片确实很多,很多考生都会觉得如果每一张卡片都准备答案的话工作量太大。实际上在考试的时候,重要的是考生能不能够将自己当时考的卡片与已经准备过的卡片结合起来。单独靠“题海战术”是解决不了问题的。大家可以作这样一个小练习。请大家针对上述每一组卡片,组织一个可以将全组卡片题目都能串起来的描述。这里我用最后一组卡片给大家做一个例子: Describe your ideal job (Teaching) Describe a business you want to start (Start a school of mine own) Describe an advantage in your character (enthusiasm in teaching and talkative) Describe an ambition of yours (Become the most popular teacher) Describe your favorite period of time in a day (While I am teaching) 这样子大家可以练习自己将不同的卡片有机联系到一起的能力,同时这个小练习也可以帮助大家记忆所有出现过的卡片,以求考试的时候有备无患 |