总的来说,一言难尽啊。本来是想昨天晚上就来发一篇给自己也给各位打打气,结果一忙就忘记了。现在回忆起来,实在是有点点难堪,能不能过关真的要看运气了~~~呵呵希望大家运气好,过关哦:)明天就是口语了,下午两点10分。 不知道今天问的这些问题会不会再考~~我找的一些回忆,整了一下:希望对大家有所帮助! Part 2 Part 3 Describe a parent What is the role of parents in today’s society Describe a friend Is friendship the same in every country? Describe a place Should we spend money on national parks? Describe a book Are writers respected in your country? Describe a movie Is censorship of movies a good id Describe a happy event How can we increase the role of the |