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2023-12-06 12:44:40 6
1. charity /5tFAriti/ n. 慈善(团体),仁慈,施舍  
affection, kindness,love, mercy  
[双语语境]We raise money for charity.我们为施舍助人而集资.  
[串联记忆]The orphanage is supported by the charity of the townspeople.  
A.aid B.donations C.concerns D.considerations  
2.charter /5tFB:tE/ n.宪章//v.租船,租车  
[说文解字]chart纸+er名词后缀 (在纸上写的东西)  
charterer n. 租船者,租用者  
[双语语境]Our school charter three buses for the trip.我们学校租了三辆公共汽车去旅游.  
[串联记忆]We must change our charter if we decide to allow foreigners to join our organization.  
A.constitution   B.government    C.leader    D.official   
3.chop /tFRp/ vt. cut砍,劈,斩//n.排骨,肉块  
[双语语境]He chopped the logs into firewood.他把原木劈成柴.  
[串联记忆]He chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow.  
A. marked       B.forced    C.hacked     D.waded     
4.chorus /5kR:rEs/n.合唱队,合唱//v.异口同声地说,随声附合  
[双语语境]The crowd chorused their approval of the decision. 群众对该决定齐声表示赞成.  
[串联记忆]The proposal was greeted with a chorus of approval.  
A.one voice    B.praises    C.disagreement    D.angry voice  
5.clasp  /klB:sp/ n. 1.扣子,钩子||2.握手,拥抱//vi.1.扣住,钩住||2.紧抱,紧握  
[双语语境]The clasp of my brooch is broken.我胸针的钩子坏了||She clasped a bracelet round her wrist.她将手镯戴在手腕上.||They clasped hands briefly before ssaying goodbye.他们匆匆握手告别.  
[串联记忆]Some aninals such as rodents, are able to clasp their food with their feet.  
A.bury    B.  hold    C.eat     D.clean
