阅读:23号题 Section 1 关于阅读速度的。 Section 2 关于探索太空存在生命的。 Section 3 关于使用生物学防治病虫害的。很难看懂。 第二篇议论文题目有点怪,是关于家庭成员间的凝聚力随历史发展而变化的状况。 Listening I registered the TOEFL of 15th of May.So I will spend some time on TOEFL listening practice. Because the score of listening section is not a part that considered by immigration department of Canada consulate, I will not spend my valuable time on it. Reading I’m prepare the Reading section of TOEFL and IELTS at the same time. So, no extra time for practice this section except looking through the example.Writing I downloaded several tasks from (www.ielts.com) and wrote according to them and TOEFL an essay every day or every other day.I found a American English teacher and let him correct my writing once a week.I’m also going to keep in mind some good essaies in order to use them in the real examination. Speaking I have chance to talk to some foreigners during work time. But it is not enough.I have arrange with the here in above American to simulate the test with me once a week. 我的口语CUE CARD为Do you tell my something made by yourself? 一.自然界染料与人工染料: 1.对第一段中间开始到第一段结尾的summary。 2.自然界染料的缺点--五选三 3.人工染料的优点--七选五 只要读前三段,后面四段没有看 二.电影的发展 1. list of heading 2.yes or no or NG ,5题 3.选择 三.如何开发利用无意识记忆 1.选择 2.yes or no ,3题 3.summary.最难。我在第一,第二篇只花了30分钟,在这个summry上花了15分钟,(看到前面一位网友发的帖子,汗颜) 1st part: personal information where were you born? Describe your home town.What are the disadvantage and advantage of your hometown.What’s your current accomodation,describe it. 2nd part: Tell me onething you would like to learn to. *what is it? *why you want to learn? *where would you like to learn it?... 3rd part: Tell me some rules on campus. How does the elder people think of the youngster’s dressing habit? what kind of clothes you like? Do students get some non-academic training at school?Give some examples. Is there any change on educational style between generation of your parents and current students? 这只是大意,不是十分的精确,而且还有一些问题记不大清了。不好意思。:) 我的感觉是,只要轻松的进入状态,把考官当作聊天的对象,就能够发挥出比较好的水平。每次在我正要展开再说点的时候,就会被打断了,让我觉得好像有头无尾,不知道这算不算是好兆头。希望一切顺利!也希望每一个人都取得满意的成绩! 我来补充点最近上海杭州的口语topics 1.describe a trip or travel or natural beauty. /tourist attraction. 2.friend/classmate/teacher. 3.family member. 4.sport. 5.birthday celebration. 6.restaurant/coffee house. 7.something made by yourself(new 8/12,hangzhou) 8.clothing. 9.gifts. 10.building. 11.festival. 12.music. 13.describe your hobby.(new 8/12,hangzhou) 阅读:24,不算难:) 第一篇the basic knowledge of interview面试别人的技术,gap送分题前三段就可找到,后面是选择要你找出面试技巧,要选5个大致是后面几段的每一个段落一个,最后是main idea,easy!大概是第说怎么顾主怎么有效地对申请者进行面试。第一部分是一个summary,不难。第二部分找出有效面试的方法。, 填空很容易照着写就行了,然后是MATCHING 和排序,从11个选项中挑出5个INTERVIEW ‘S ORDER, 第二篇比较普通医疗和中国的中医疗法,有关澳大利亚医生用中药治病,文章很短,有时间可以看完,题目不难但有很多单词我不认得,只好估计了,选择两道,然后是y/n/not given。还有填表 第三篇讲科学家如何从蛇毒中发现中毒的原因,有很多专有名词,填空最难,因为答案贯穿于整个文章中,而且没有很明显的痕迹可以给你照模子往上写,需要高度的概括能力,然后是选择,有一点托福的模式, 作文:77 task1:是两个表,关于欧洲和美国,加拿大妇女接受教育的。是给你一个TABLE和一个CHART,分别说europe usa Canada的妇女受的高等教育的比例,其中欧洲中分丹麦瑞士等,第二个CHART说各个MAJOR 中女学生所占的比例,有HUMANITIES LAW MEDICINE ENGIEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE AND SO ON task2:一些国家把大把钞票花在国防上,有人认为应花在人民身上,agree/disagree是说好多国家花大力气投资武器,一些人认为不如把也些钱来资肋一些穷的国民什么的。 |