
: 英语巴士网英语考试IELTS雅思英语英语考试内容详情



27.   onrushing

adj. 汹涌奔流的, 风驰电掣般的(气流)。

28.   brush

n.(常与with连用)小冲突, 小的遭遇战。

e.g. a brush with the police与警察发生的小冲突。


Part III
Keys to the Questions 1-14
1.      iv


See the first two sentences in Section A “Inventors have long tried to copy nature. Most, though, have looked to the skies and the land, rather than the sea, for inspiration”.

2.      v


See the first sentence in the Section B “Although fish can see and hear, they also rely a lot on a series of flow sensors strung along the sides of their bodies.”.

3.      x


See the first two sentences in Section C “The cells detect subtle water movements, and from the different times that the individual cells are stimulated by these movements the fish's brain is able to reconstruct an image of what caused them in the first place.”.

4.      iii


See the first two sentences in Section D“Dr Liu's artificial lateral line was somewhat shorter than a natural one…The sensors themselves contained heated filaments and worked by recording how quickly the heat was lost”.

5.      viii


See the sentences in Section F “Instead of heated filaments, these sensors have artificial hairs… Heating filaments in water causes bubbles to form, so turning the power up too much stops them working. Hair sensors do not suffer from the same upper limit”.

6.      i


See the first sentence in each paragrph of Section G“Artificial lateral lines would have many applications. Dr Liu also speculates about using lateral lines to detect air-movements”.

7.      TRUE


See the first two sentences in Section A“Inventors have long tried to copy nature. Most, though, have looked to the skies and the land, rather than the sea, for inspiration”.

8.      FALSE


See the last sentence in Section A “Submarines, for example, use the familiar human senses of sight and sound to build images of their surroundings”.

9.      TRUE

See the second sentence in Section C“The cells detect subtle water movements.”



See the last two sentences in Section C “Blind a shoaling fish such as a herring and it can still follow its mates. Cut its lateral lines and it rapidly gets lost”.

11.  FALSE


See the first two sentences in Section G “Artificial lateral lines would have many applications.The most obvious would be in submarines,both manned and unmanned.”

12.  TRUE


See the last two sentences in Section G “A lateral-line system could. The vortices thrown off by water moving past even a stationary object would be visible to it.”

13 .C


See the fourth sentence in Section D “The faster that water moved past a filament, the quicker the filament lost heat.”

14    D

See the last two sentences in the first paragraph of Section E “A lateral-line system could. The vortices thrown off by water moving past even a stationary object would be visible to it.”
