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Many people are optimistic towards 21st Century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extend do you agree or disagree with their optimism?

What changes would you like to make in the new century?

Currently, confronted with the tremendous advancement of the late 20th Century, certain proportion of people hold a positive view towards 21st Century, deeming it a precious chance to change the world positively, which consequently triggered a contentious debate. Attitudes towards this issue are divergent.

Advocates allege that 21st Century is undoubtedly a peaceful era, which enables to live a harmonious live and generally make some positive changes. Unlike in the yeasty years a century before, wars and conflicts are largely eliminated and economy is the core of this completely new century. Hence, as the divergence of cultures becomes less apparent, it is time that people around the world enhanced cooperation in every sphere, in order to establish the so-call global village. 51ielts.com

Opponents, nonetheless, cast serious doubts on the proponents’ opinions. As they claims, 21st is absolutely not a no-war-period, rather, it is the very era that allows certain powerful countries to overindulge their boundless ambitions and eventually overwhelm other countries. In this strong-country-dominated age, it is ridiculous to be optimistic and any attempt to make positive changes is naive.

All in all, both sides have solid foundations. Personally, I tend to side with the former. First and foremost, having witnessed the basically stable situation in the late 20th Century, it is reasonable for us to believe that it is the right time for positive changes. Additionally, in the era of globalization, separate power is not enough for achieving success whereas cooperation equals to successfulness, which has been evidenced in numerous cases. Therefore, it is imperative that some modifications be made in this pivotal moment; otherwise we may miss the hard-won opportunity. As for the changes, I think apart from reinforcing cooperation, division of labor is also of vital importance. For instance, in developed countries, some high-tech industries should be encouraged, whilst in developing countries, it is wiser for developing traditional industries and agriculture.
