
: 英语巴士网英语考试IELTS雅思英语英语考试内容详情



Space Research
1. The oldest and purestof the arguments for space exploration is the advancement of science and technology.
2. We will go into space, not to bring back things which make us richer or more comfortable here on Earth. We will go there to live and make it our home.
3. The explorationto the universe is a high ideal –space truly is the final frontier.
4. The instinctto explore is fundamentallyhuman; already some of our most amazing achievements have taken place in space.
5. No one can deny the sense of wonder.
6. The exploitation of space has directly changed our world. Satellites orbiting the Earth allow us to communicate instantaneouslywith people on different continents, and to broadcast to people all over the world.
7. Weather satellites save lives by giving advance warning of adverse conditions, and together with other scientific instruments in orbitthey have helped us understand our own world better.
8. Space exploration is an investmentin the future. Our world is rapidly running out of resources. Overpopulation could become a serious worldwide threat.
9. Space exploration open us new world and adds to our knowledge, enabling human being to know more about the universe as well as about the earth.
10. Space exploration helps to acquirenew resources to mitigatethe energy crisis (shortage). There may be some new kinds of natural resource in other planets.
11. Space exploration may find new living places for human being to solve the problem of overpopulation. There is possibility that one day mankind may emigrateto other planets.
12. Space exploration is necessary for future. If we want to progress in the world then we should continue space exploration.

Pros and Cons of Tourism
1. It is regarded as a pillar of key local economic development.
2. The boomingtourist industry has created more job openings. Many people have said good-bye to povertythrough involvement in tourist businesses.
3. The tourist industry has played a positive role in meeting the cultural needs of the public, carrying forward national culture and achieving the sustainabledevelopment of resources.
4. Tourism helps to better introduce the country to foreigners and showcasethe brilliant history and culture to the outside world.
5. Tourism helps to improve the investment environment so as to attract more foreign investors.
6. Tourists can take pleasure in the magnificentnatural landscape, appreciatethe superior workmanship of ancient artists and enjoy a variety of local delicacies (specialties). Many tourist attractions offer a wealth of historical relics, fascinating scenery and interesting local culture.
7. Tourism helps to promote the catering trade, transportation service and commerce.
8. Tourism is the world’s largest and faster growing industry. According to recent statistics, tourism provides 10 percent of the world’s income and employs almost one-tenth of world’s workforce. By the year 2010, these numbers will double. All considered, tourism’s actual and potential economic impactis astounding.
9. Tourism encourages the preservationof identify, pride and value in our living conditions and the cultural legacyof generations in danger of extinction.
10. Tourism contributes to the revivalof customs and traditions.
11. Tourism brings new money into an area and generates jobs, income and tax revenues.

1. Contact with and assimilationof other cultures will reduce the uniqueness of one’s own culture and make the world less colorful than before.
2. Undermine local traditions and ways of life.
3. Tourism may cause serious environmental pollution.

Museums and Galleries
1. Museum and related heritageinstitutions provide people with an enhanced awareness of our diverse heritage and our place in the world. They promote understanding and appreciationof our diverse cultures, landscapes, stories and experiences.
2. Museums contribute to the enrichmentof the lives of people.
3. Guarantee the availabilityand use of the collections in research and teaching.
4. Collections and exhibitions reflect the cultural and social diversity.
5. Museums and galleries make an important contribution to education, scholarship, citizenship, social inclusionand tourism.
6. Generally promote the public’s enjoyment and understanding of painting and other fine art both by means of the collection and by such other means as they consider appropriate.

How to Support and Develop the Museum and Gallery:
1. The government sets up more state funded museums and art school.
2. Increase education personneland facilities in museums and galleries, as well as support schools with the cost of visits.
3. We should actively seek to attract additional sources of funding in order to increase the total pool of money available.
4. Museums should be taken to raise standards of collection care or management.
5. The government should refundthose museum and galleries which offer free admissions to the public.
6. Seek the financial support of corporations, non-profit foundations and individuals who share its goal of preserving the cultural legacy of the museums.

TV and Films
Positive Side:
1. Television is one of the most important forms of entertainment and communication.
2. Television has the power to educate and to entertain.
3. There is probably no greater influence on society than the television, which has saturatedour lives.
4. Children watch TV to receive the daily news.
5. TV plays a big role in a child’s life. It teaches them new words and shows them things they have never seen before.
6. The TV was brought in to our world to give us a new sense of entertainment, world news and endless amounts of information.
7. Television can also promote pro-social behavior.
8. Television can exert its strongest pro-social influence in the area of learning and cognitivedevelopment.

Negative Side:
1. A child who often indulges in TV doesn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy.
2. Children have undeveloped minds, which can not conceive the information the same way that adults do.
3. Given our national television habit, it is no surprise that we are raising the most sedentaryand most overweight generation of youngsters in history.
4. The health consequences of this overabundanceof TV viewing include an increase in obesity among kids due to a sedentarylifestyle, and the flip side, an increase in dieting disorders due to the unrealistic expectationsset up by thin actors on television shows and commercials.

1. Advertising promotes and popularizes new products and give people everywhere the maximum choice of products and choice.
2. Some advertisements are of high artistic value, originaland well-designed with vivid pictures and wittylanguage, artistic photography and witty slogan; therefore they add to the beauty of our lives. They are a parindispensable to modern society.
3. Advertising brings convenience to people’s lives.
4. Advertising plays an important role in our economic life and is indispensable to the consumer society.
5. It is a kind of visual enjoyment to look at some wittyworks of advertising which add beauty to the cityscape.

1. Some leaflets and handoutsare scattered here and there, polluting the environment. They are regarded as rubbish and a blemishon the landscape of the city. They disfigure our cities,
2. Advertisements are not always truthful, and a product is often misrepresented, false and deceptive. Many advertisements are fictitious, exaggerating, misleading and flying in the face of truth.
3. Advertisements are an insidiousform of brainwashing. Some are mislead and tend to induce people to spend more and create demand for things we do not need.
4. It is very disturbing that TV programs are interrupted by advertisements, and mailboxes are stuffed with rubbish. Nuisanceto TV viewers: constant interruption spoils the viewing. We can do nothing but accept it passively.
