一 简单句 1.广告给我们提供了很多有用的信息。 Advertisements provide us with much useful information. 2.旅游者有机会体验一种完全不同的文化。 Tourists have chance to experience a completely different culture. 3.它需要政府私人团体的共同努力。 It calls for the joint efforts of government and private sector. 4.人们变得越来越自私和贪婪。 People have become increasingly self-centered and greedy . 5.某些新闻机构因为不客观报道而著名。 Certain news organizations have reputation for not presenting the news objectively . 6.电影电视上的大量暴力构成对社会的威胁。 The large amount of violence in films and on television constitutes a threat to society. 7.全球化并不意味着民族身份的丧失。 Globalization does not necessarily mean the loss of their national identity . 8.艺术项目应该由为了利润的私人团体去发展 Artistic projects should be developed by the private sector for profit. 9.网络对涉世不深的孩子会施加大量的副面影响 Internet exerts great negative impact on the innocent minds of the young. 10.飞机运输蔬菜和水果使人们有各种食物的选择 The transportation of fruits and vegetables by air might enable people to have a variety of food choices. 11.基因移植的植物不会象生长在原产地那么有风味 Genetically modified plants are not as tasty as those grown in their original areas. 12.最普遍的犯罪原因是贫困 The most common reason for crime is poverty. 13.我们已经介绍了很多控制犯罪的方式 We have introduced many ways of controlling crimes. 14.我们能获得比普通图书馆更广泛更丰富的资源 We can access a wider variety of source s than the average library can provide. 15.公共图书馆有义务服务全社会 Libraries are supposed to serve the entire community. 16.一些人忘记了他们的传统、历史和文化 Some people have forgotten their own tradition, history and culture. 二 并列句 17.水或许脏并且充满微生物细菌威胁人类健康 Water may be dirty and contains microscopic animals or bacteria dangerous to human health. 18.娱乐活动带给我们更方便更容易的生活,但是过度使用将导致人类的创造力丧失 Modern technologies in recreational activities have brought us easier and more convenient life, but using them too often might result in the loss of creativity. 19.娱乐给人们带来很大的快乐而且帮助他们减轻压力和抑郁 Amusements give them great happiness and help relieve pressure and depression. 20.网络训练年轻人反应迅速激起他们对计算机科学的兴趣 Internet trains young people to respond quickly and arouses their interest in computer science. |