三 短语 21.根据法律广告必须是完全真实的和健康的 According to the laws, advertisements must be completely truthful and healthy 22.因为医学的发展人们比过去活的长的多 Thanks to the development of medical science, people live longer than before. 23.预算很有限政府不能投资很多钱在艺术方面 With the limited budget, the government is unable to invest much money in education. 24.把大工厂和公司搬到城外将改善交通和生活条件 Moving big companies and factories to the countryside may ease the transportation and living conditions 25.限制小汽车的使用将受到渴望炫耀自己财富的人的反对 Restricting car use would cause protests from those eager to show off their wealth. 26.做游戏不要求学生使用任何的创造力 Playing games does not need students to use any creativity. 27.家庭在塑造孩子的性格方面起着重要作用。 Families play an important role in moulding children’s character. 28.促进身心健康成长的课程应该大力推荐 More courses promoting the healthy and psychological growth of students should be suggested. 29.与老一代的人相比现在的年轻人更早的时候就独立了 Compared with the old generation, young people are inclined to be independent at an earlier age. 30.许多年轻人希望做一切事情都使用高科技设备包括查找信息 Many young people wish to use hi-tech equipment to do almost everything in life, including finding information. 四 复合句 (一)名词性复合句 31.一些人相信向其他国家学习将使他们了解自己的信念和传统。 Some people believe that learning more about other countries often helps you to learn about your own beliefs and traditions . 32.我强烈认为由于广告在不同地方不同领域的大量使用将导致人们失去他们独特的个性 I think strongly that because of the extensive use of advertisements on so many different topics in so many different places it does cause people to lose their distinctive personality. 33.不难得出这样一个结论,穿某种衣服我们将变得很酷很漂亮有活力和聪明。 It is not difficult to get the conclusion that wearing certain clothing will become cool, beautiful, athletic or intelligent. 34.人们晚上害怕出去这一事实,经常是感知危险的结果而并不是实际的危险。 The fact that people are afraid to go out at night is often a result of perceived danger rather than actual danger. 35.拥有同样的电影、音乐、品牌、电视频道也会使生活乏味单调,这是显然的。 It is obvious that having the same films, music, brands, television channels would also make life dull and monotonous . (二)形容词性复合句 36.那些想要图书馆在本质上保留更多传统的人们指出高科技设备的成本问题 Those who want libraries to remain more traditional in nature point to the costs of hi-tech equipment. 37.你穿的衣服是表达你的独特性的方式 The clothing that you wear is one way to express your uniqueness . 38.他们认为这种作法与目前高度尊崇自由与个性的文明社会不一致 They think this practice does not coincide with the civilized world in which liberty and individuality are worshiped highly. 39.导致这一现象的最直接原因是农业机械的过度使用,这将使农民从土地中解放出来到城市寻找更多的机会 The most immediate factor that has give rise to this phenomenon is the extensive use of farming machinery, which has freed more farmers from the land to seek better opportunities in cities. (三)副词性复合句 40.因为坏人带枪,如果警察不配枪市民就很危险了 As evil people always have guns, it is dangerous for citizens if the police do not carry them. 41.由于女性的体质不同于男性,她们在军队的激烈竞争中比不过男性 Because women’s physiques are different, they are not so capable as men in the fiercely competitive world of the military. 42.如果我们推倒老建筑,我们就破坏了文化遗产和传统价值 If we tear down the old building, we are ruining the culture heritage and the traditional values as well. 43.记者应该相当的客观,尽管完全客观是难以达到的,因为每个人都有自己的观点和意见。 Journalists should be reasonably objective, though complete objectivity will be different to achieve, as everyone has their own opinions and standpoints . 44.就象年轻人可以停下工作享受休闲时光,老年人也应该被允许继续工作 Just as young people can choose to stop working and enjoy their leisure time, old people should also be allowed to continue working.