
: 英语巴士网英语考试IELTS雅思英语英语考试内容详情


2023-12-06 12:41:45 11

Tip:  When answering questions, always tell the truth, don’t make up a story.  If the examiner asks you a question about a topic that you are not familiar with, explain that you have never experienced this topic and talk about something related to it.

Function:  Expressing Time

Key Words:  When/as soon as/ before/after/by

Example Question:   What do you plan to do after you graduate?

Expressing Time:  As soon as I finish my degree, I plan to find a job in advertising because that has always been my dream.

Answer the following questions by using the keywords to combine an independent and dependent clause.

1. When do you usually take pictures?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

2. Do you watch the same television shows now as when you were a child?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

3. What do you plan to do after you graduate?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

4. What do you normally do after work?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

5. How often to you exercise?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

6. What do you do when you have free time?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

7. How often to you go to the park?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

8. On which occasions might you give flowers as a gift?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

9. When was the last time you received a gift?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________

10. Did you go to museums when you were a child?

____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________
