家务活对很多人来说都非常枯燥无趣,还会占用很多的时间。近年来,一个“不做家务日”的冷门节日让人在节日里光明正大、毫不愧疚地“逃避”家务,去做自己喜欢做的事。“洗碗、熨衣服、扫尘”等日常杂务用英语怎么说?做下面的《英语小测验》,学习和“家务活”有关的词汇。 1. My flatmate is very good. The dishwasher is broken so every night he does the ______. a) washing down b) washing over c) washing up d) washing on 2. I'm very lazy. In the morning I never ______. a) do my bed b) have my bed c) arrange my bed d) make my bed 3. The living room's a mess. We really need to ______. a) tidy up b) sort up c) arrange up d) make up 4. All the little household jobs we find uninteresting can be called ______. a) bores b) works c) chores d) tediums 5. I don't mind having shirts with creases because I hate ______ my clothes. a) ironing b) flattening c) squashing d) sorting 6. I can hardly see the TV screen! When was the last time you ______. a) did the wiping b) did the washing c) did the dusting d) did the clearing 答案 1) c, 2) d, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c. |