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十一月是 “胡子月 Movember”。“Movember” 这个词由 “moustache 胡子” 和 “November 十一月” 组合而成,它指的是每年十一月份在英国开展的一项倡导关注男性健康的活动。很多人认为胡子是彰显个性的方式,不少男士会通过各式胡子造型来表现自己的时尚观念和态度。试做六道小测验题,学习和“男士仪容”有关的英语表达。

1. What adjective describes a man who does not have hair on his face?

a) bald

b) weak-chinned

c) naked-faced

d) clean-shaven

2. Men grow this hair above their top lip. What is it called?

a) a moustache

b) a beard

c) side-burns

d) a goatee

3. This is what some men don't do in November because they want to grow hair on their faces.

a) floss

b) brush

c) shave

d) cut

4. What tool is used to remove hair from the face?

a) a strimmer

b) a face-mower

c) a razor

d) shears

5. This is the word for the short hairs that grow on a man's face a day or so after he has removed the hair.

a) kibble

b) stubble

c) rubble

d) scrabble

6. When you cut just a little bit off your hair, you can describe it as having a ______.

a) groom

b) snip

c) chop

d) trim


1) d, 2) a, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b, 6) d.
