
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情


emaciated :: thin and wasted
eminent :: high; lofty
enamored :: in love
encomiastic :: praising; eulogistic
ephemeral :: short-lived; fleeting
equable :: tranquil; steady; uniform
equivocal :: doubtful; ambiguous
errant :: wandering
erudite :: learned; scholarly
esoteric :: known only to the chosen few
estranged :: separated
ethereal :: light; heavenly; fine
ethnic :: relating to races
eulogistic :: praising
euphonious :: pleasing in sound
evanescent :: fleeting; vanishing
evasive :: not frank; eluding
execrable :: very bad
exemplary :: serving as a model; outstanding
exiguous :: small; minute
exorbitant :: excessive
exotic :: not native; strange
expeditiously :: rapidly and efficiently
extant :: still in existence
extemporaneous :: not planned; impromptu
extraneous :: not essential; external
extrinsic :: external; not inherent; foreign
exuberant :: abundant; effusive; lavish
facetious :: humorous; jocular
facile :: easy; expert
factious :: inclined to form factions; causing dissension
factitious :: artificial; sham
fain :: gladly
fallacious :: misleading
fallible :: liable to err
fallow :: plowed but not sowed; uncultivated
fancied :: imagined; unreal
fanciful :: whimsical; visionary
fantastic :: unreal; grotesque; whimsical
fastidious :: difficult to please; squeamish
fatuous :: foolish; inane
fawning :: courting favor by cringing and flattering
feasible :: practical
felicitous :: apt; suitably expressed; well chosen
fell :: cruel; deadly
fervent :: ardent; hot
fervid :: ardent
fetid :: malodorous
fickle :: changeable; faithless
fictitious :: imaginary
filial :: pertaining to a son daughter
finicky :: too particular; fussy
finite :: limited
fitful :: spasmodic; intermittent
flaccid :: flabby
flagging :: weak; drooping
flagrant :: conspicuously wicked
flamboyant :: ornate
fledgling :: inexperienced
florid :: flowery; ruddy
foolhardy :: rash
foppish :: vain about dress and appearance
forensic :: suitable to debate or courts of law
formidable :: menacing; threatening
fortuitous :: accidental; by chance
fractious :: unruly
frantic :: wild
fraudulent :: cheating; deceitful