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Q: 请问所谓的Kaplan内部教材好吗?不知道好不好,特别是logical reasoning.
另外请问logical reasoning 系统的看国外逻辑推理大学教材有用吗?XDF的老师说logical reasoning是凭感觉做题的,是天生的。大家意见如何?好像美国大学有专门给非逻辑专业开的Critical Thinking 的课程。。。
A: I never use the Kaplan myself. There are both positive and negative comments on it.
As to the logical reasoning, the best so far should be the Logical Reasoning Bible by Powerscore. I remember there was a post saying that it is available in China.
A: I dont think LSAT logical reasoning is as complex as requiring formal theoretic knowledge of logic.
XDF的老师说logical Reasoning是凭感觉做题的,是天生的"--------genetic? hum, that is hilarious. I would say it is simply a matter of practice with a little bit common-sense and reasonable reading skill.
Hope people who used Kaplan offer some suggestions*****
A: the Powerscore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible:
Logical reasoning questions are explained in 7 or 8 categories. With each type of question, the book offers a "stimulus peculiarities", i.e. explaining the characteristics of this type;
then there is detailed analysis on the stem/question, helping you to identify the question type.
Then there is a detail on the approach to the question by giving you a few specific examples (all examples are real LSAT questions). A review follows.
Finally, there are real questions for your practice.
The Powerscore LSAT Logic Game Bible is in similar format.
A: I think logical reasoning abilities are partly dependent on instinct. ;-) We can learn all the rules,
but when it comes down to 25 questions in 35 minutes, your "gut reaction" is what really counts!

Q: 小弟明年打算考LSAT, 现在想报个辅导班,不知新东方、Camford那个好,请大虾指点一
