
: 英语巴士网英语考试Lsat英语英语考试内容详情


Q: 2005-2007考试具体安排 
A: 大陆现在只有两次考试:六月和十二月。其他的要去香港。 
2005-2006 LSAT Dates (IMPORTANT: Registration for these dates will not begin until March 2005.) 
Monday, June 6, 2005 
Saturday, October 1, 2005 
Saturday, December 3, 2005 
Saturday, February 4, 2006 
2006-2007 LSAT Dates (IMPORTANT: Registration for these dates will not begin until March 2006.) 
Monday, June 12, 2006 
Saturday, September 30, 2006 
Saturday, December 2, 2006 
Saturday, February 10, 2007 
Q: LSAT写作将有变化 
A: Beginning with the June 2005 test, the time allotted for the unscored LSAT writing sample will increase from 30 to 35 minutes, the writing space will increase from one to two pages, the directions have been revised, and each test taker will be randomly assigned one of two different kinds of writing prompt. One kind is new to the LSAT. The other is very similar to the kind of writing prompt that has previously been administered with the LSAT and that has appeared in official LSAT preparation materials produced prior to June 2005. The writing sample will remain unscored. 

Q: LSAT难度有增加吗? 
A: 据一些考试人的讨论总结,LSAT的阅读和LOGICAL REASONING的难度在增加,尤其是LOGICAL REASONING比较明显,这个可能可以通过对比近两年的题目和黄皮书的早期题目可以看出,但GAME的难度呈现下降趋势,尤其是近年的题目尤其明显。 

Q: 请问去美国读JD需要什么样的工作背景? 
A: If you graduated from a university degree, no matter what kind of major, got a not bad LSAT score and have enough money, you are qualified to pursue JD in US. 
Q: 但是如果我的目标是前二十名甚至是前十名呢?当然,如果LSAT足够高的情况下。 
A: I do not think so. if you get LSAT and GPA high enough. Your background doesnt matter. In fact, Law school pay more attention to LSAT and GPA. JD bases on only university education, not your experience. 
A: Your numbers (LSAT&GPA) are No. 1 important. 
You do have nice background. it would be a plus in your application. Some law schools such as Northwestern like applicants with some experience. But I dont think background in law is preferred than that in other areas. Diversity is what they really want. 
Most schools would take your work experience into consideration, but it is not a major factor. A lot Americans go to law school directly out of college. 
A: 考LSAT 和以前学的专业几乎没有任何关系,关键是英语,不过PHILOSOPHY或者POLITICAL SCIENCE,ENGLISH专业的人还是占点便宜的 
工作经验对于JD 的申请不是那么重要,有的美国人认为工作经验是弥补本科GPA不足的一种途径, 这一点和MBA完全不一样。 不过工作经历倒是可以帮助你写PS,有时说想上好学校,LSAT分数是命根。 
Q: Experiment Section in LSAT 
Is it true that the experiment section in LSAT could either be Logic Game or Reading? 
A: could be Logic Game, Reading or Logic Reasoning. Suggest do not guess. 
A: the experimental usually appears among the first three sections 
