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第一章 总 则

第一条 为了加强对建筑活动的监督管理,维护建筑市场秩序,保证建筑工程的质量和安全,促进建筑业健康发展,制定本法。
Article 1 With a view to strengthening supervision and regulation of construction activities, maintaining construction market order, ensuring the quality and safety of construction projects and promoting the healthy development of construction industry, this law is hereby formulated.

第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事建筑活动,实施对建筑活动的监督管理,应当遵守本法。本法所称建筑活动,是指各类房屋建筑及其附属设施的建造和与其配套的线路、管道、设备的安装活动。
Article 2 Construction activities and supervision of construction activities conducted within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall abide by this law.

第三条 建筑活动应当确保建筑工程质量和安全,符合国家的建筑工程安全标准。
Article 3 Construction activities have to guarantee the quality and safety of construction projects and comply with the State's safety standards for construction projects.

第四条 国家扶持建筑业的发展,支持建筑科学技术研究,提高房屋建筑设计水平,鼓励节约能源和保护环境,提倡采用先进技术、先进设备、先进工艺、新型建筑材料和现代管理方式。
Article 4 The State assists the development of construction industry, supports research on construction science and technology in order to raise the level of housing and construction design, encourages saving of energy and environmental protection and advocates the adoption of advanced technology, advanced equipment, advanced process, new building materials and modern managerial methods.

第五条 从事建筑活动应当遵守法律、法规,不得损害社会公共利益和他人的合法权益。 任何单位和个人都不得妨碍和阻挠依法进行的建筑活动。
Article 5 Conduct of construction activities shall observe laws and regulations and should in no way undermine social and public interests as well as the legitimate interests of others.

第六条 国务院建设行政主管部门对全国的建筑活动实施统一监督管理。
Article 6 The competent construction administrative department under the State Council shall exercise unified supervision and regulation over construction activities of the whole country.

第二章 建筑许可

第一节 建筑工程施工许可

第七条 建筑工程开工前,建设单位应当按照国家有关规定向工程所在地县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门申请领取施工许可证;但是,国务院建设行政主管部门确定的限额以下的小型工程除外。
Article 7 Before the start of construction projects, construction units shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, apply to the competent construction administrative departments under the prefecture-county governments or above for construction licenses, except for small projects below the threshold value set by the competent construction administrative department under the State Council.

Construction projects which have obtained approval of work start reports in accordance with the power limits and procedure stipulated by the State Council are no longer required to apply for construction licenses.

第八条 申请领取施工许可证,应当具备下列条件:
Article 8 The following conditions are required for the application of construction licenses:

(1) Having gone through the approval formalities for construction project land use;

(2) Construction projects within urban planned districts have obtained licenses of planning;

(3) Where demolition and relocation are necessary, the progress of demolition and relocation comply with the requirements of construction;

(4) Constructing enterprises for the projects have been chosen;

(5) Working drawings and technical data are available to meet the need of construction;

(6) Specific measures are available for ensuring the quality and security of construction;

(7) Funds of construction are available;

(8) Other conditions as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

The competent construction administrative departments shall issue construction licenses to qualified applicants within 15 days from the date of receipt of applications.

第九条 建设单位应当自领取施工许可证之日起三个月内开工。因故不能按期开工的,应当向发证机关申请延期;延期以两次为限,每次不超过三个月。既不开工又不申请延期或者超过延期时限的,施工许可证自行废止。
Article 9 Units in charge of construction should start to build the projects within three months since obtaining construction licenses. If work cannot start on schedule, applications should be filed to the license issuing agencies for delay, which shall only be permitted twice in maximum for each case, each permission of delay covering a maximum period of three months. In cases of those projects that neither start on schedule nor apply for delay or exceed the period of permitted delay, the validity of the working licenses automatically expires.

第十条 在建的建筑工程因故中止施工的,建设单位应当自中止施工之日起一个月内,向发证机关报告,并按照规定做好建筑工程的维护管理工作。
Article 10 For projects under construction that come to a halt due to some reasons, the constructing units should report to the license issuing agencies within one month from the stoppage of construction and should also well maintain and manage the construction projects in accordance with provisions.

When construction work resumes, reports should be filed with the license issuing agencies; Before the resumption of work on construction projects which have stopped for over one year, units in charge of construction shall apply to the license issuing agencies for verification of their working licenses.

第十一条 按照国务院有关规定批准开工报告的建筑工程,因故不能按期开工或者中止施工的,应当及时向批准机关报告情况。因故不能按期开工超过六个月的,应当重新办理开工报告的批准手续。
Article 11 For construction projects with approval of work-start reports in light of the relevant provisions of the State Council which fail to start construction on schedule or suspend the construction work due to certain reasons, the constructors should report the cases timely to the approving authorities. If the period of non-start of work due to certain reasons exceeds six months, the constructors shall re-go through the formalities of approval for work-start reports.

第二节 从业资格

第十二条 从事建筑活动的建筑施工企业、勘察单位、设计单位和工程监理单位,应当具备下列条件:
Article 12 Construction engineering enterprises, prospecting units, design units and project supervisory units which engage in construction activities shall possess the following conditions:

(1) Possession of registered capital that complies with the State provisions;

(2) Possession of specialized technical personnel with statutory professional qualifications consistent with the construction activities they engage in;

(3) Possession of technologies and equipment that are necessary for related construction activities.

(4) Other conditions as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

第十三条 从事建筑活动的建筑施工企业、勘察单位、设计单位和工程监理单位,按照其拥有的注册资本、专业技术人员、技术装备和已完成的建筑工程业绩等资质条件,划分为不同的资质等级,经资质审查合格,取得相应等级的资质证书后,方可在其资质等级许可的范围内从事建筑活动。
Article 13 Construction engineering enterprises, prospecting units, design units and project supervisory units are rated into different classes according to their registered capital, professionals and technicians, technical equipment and performance record of completed construction projects, etc. Only when they pass qualification examinations and obtain appropriate qualification certificates may they engage in construction activities commensurate to the scope of their qualification classes.

第十四条 从事建筑活动的专业技术人员,应当依法取得相应的执业资格证书,并在执业资格证书许可的范围内从事建筑活动。
Article 14 Specialized technical personnel engaging in construction activities shall attain the relevant certificates of professional qualification and conduct building activities within the scope of their certificates of professional qualifications.

第三章 建筑工程发包与承包

第十五条 建筑工程的发包单位与承包单位应当依法订立书面合同,明确双方的权利和义务。
Article 15 Contract awarding units and contractors for construction projects shall conclude written covenants, specifying the rights and obligations of each party.

Contract awarding units and contractors should fully fulfill their contractual obligations. Failure to fulfill contractual obligations is subject to contract-breach responsibilities under the laws.

第十六条 建筑工程发包与承包的招标投标活动,应当遵循公开、公正、平等竞争的原则,择优选择承包单位。
Article 16 The tendering and bidding activities for contracting of construction projects shall follow the principle of openness, justice and equal competition, and contractors should be selected based on their merits.

Tendering of and bidding for construction projects which is not covered by this law shall follow the relevant laws on tendering and bidding.

第十七条 发包单位及其工作人员在建筑工程发包中不得收受贿赂、回扣或者索取其他好处。
Article 17 Contract awarding units and their staff shall not take bribery, commissions or seek other benefits in the process of contract awarding for construction projects.

Contractors and staff members thereof shall not undertake projects through illegitimate means such as offering bribes, commissions or other benefits to the units contracting out the projects or staff members thereof.

第十八条 建筑工程造价应当按照国家有关规定,由发包单位与承包单位在合同中约定。公开招标发包的,其造价的约定,须遵守招标投标法律的规定。
Article 18 Construction cost of the projects shall be agreed upon in the contracts by both the contractors and the out-contracting units in accordance with relevant regulations of the State. For projects subject to public bidding, the construction cost shall be agreed upon in line with the provisions of the tendering law.

The out-contracting units shall appropriate project funds in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the contracts.

第十九条 建筑工程依法实行招标发包,对不适于招标发包的可以直接发包。
Article 19 Construction projects shall be contracted through public bidding according to law and those not suitable for bidding can be contracted out directly.

第二十条 建筑工程实行公开招标的,发包单位应当依照法定程序和方式,发布招标公告,提供载有招标工程的主要技术要求、主要的合同条款、评标的标准和方法以及开标、评标、定标的程序等内容的招标文件。
Article 20 For construction projects subject to open bidding, the out- contracting units shall, in accordance with legal procedures and methods, publish invitations for bid and provide tender documents containing major technical requirements of the projects subject to bidding, key contract terms, standards and methods for evaluation of bids as well as the procedures for the opening, evaluation and determination of bids.

The bids shall be opened at the time and place specified in the tender document, after which the bids shall be evaluated and compared in accordance with the evaluation standards and procedures specified by the tender documents. Successful bidder shall be selected among the bidders with appropriate qualifications based on their merits.

第二十一条 建筑工程招标的开标、评标、定标由建设单位依法组织实施,并接受有关行政主管部门的监督。
Article 21 The opening, evaluation and determination of bids in the process of tendering for construction projects shall be organized and implemented by the project owners and shall be subject to the supervision of relevant administrative departments.

第二十二条 建筑工程实行招标发包的,发包单位应当将建筑工程发包给依法中标的承包单位。建筑工程实行直接发包的,发包单位应当将建筑工程发包给具有相应资质条件的承包单位。
Article 22 For construction projects subject to bidding, the out- contracting units shall contract out the projects to the contracting units which have won the bid in accordance with law. For construction projects subject to direct contracting, the out-contracting units shall contract out the project to the contracting units with appropriate qualifications.

第二十三条 政府及其所属部门不得滥用行政权力,限定发包单位将招标发包的建筑工程发包给指定的承包单位。
Article 23 The government and its subordinate departments shall not abuse their administrative power by requiring the out-contracting units to contract out the construction projects to designated contracting units.

第二十四条 提倡对建筑工程实行总承包,禁止将建筑工程肢解发包。
Article 24 Overall contracting of projects is encouraged and the contracting of construction projects in parts shall be prohibited.

The out-contracting units of construction projects can contract out either the survey, design, construction and equipment purchase of the construction units to a single overall contracting unit or one or some of these tasks to an overall contracting unit. However, the out- contracting units shall not divide the construction projects which shall be undertaken by one contracting units into several parts for out- contracting to several different contracting units.

第二十五条 按照合同约定,建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备由工程承包单位采购的,发包单位不得指定承包单位购入用于工程的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备或者指定生产厂、供应商。第三节 承 包
Article 25 For building materials, components and equipment which shall be purchased by the project contracting units as specified by the contracts, the out-contracting units shall not designate the building materials, components and equipment for the projects to be purchased by the contracting units or designate manufacturers and suppliers thereof.

第二十六条 承包建筑工程的单位应当持有依法取得的资质证书,并在其资质等级许可的业务范围内承揽工程。
Article 26 The project contracting units shall hold legally-obtained certificates of qualifications and contract projects within the business scope as allowed by their level of qualification.

Project contracting units are prohibited from contracting projects beyond the business scope as allowed by their level of qualification or in the name of other construction enterprises in any form. Construction enterprises are prohibited from allowing other units or individuals to use their own certificates of qualification, business licenses or their name in any form in order to contract construction projects.

第二十七条 大型建筑工程或者结构复杂的建筑工程,可以由两个以上的承包单位联合共同承包。共同承包的各方对承包合同的履行承担连带责任。
Article 27 Large construction projects or complex construction projects can be jointly contracted by two or more contracting units. Parties to joint project contracting shall bear joint responsibilities for the implementation of the contract.

For joint contracting by two or more units with different levels of qualification, projects shall be contracted within the business scope of the contracting unit with the lower level of qualification.

第二十八条 禁止承包单位将其承包的全部建筑工程转包给他人,禁止承包单位将其承包的全部建筑工程肢解以后以分包的名义分别转包给他人。
Article 28 Contracting units are prohibited from subcontracting the entire construction projects undertaken by the contracting units to others and they are prohibited from dividing the entire construction projects into parts and then subcontracting those parts to others.

第二十九条 建筑工程总承包单位可以将承包工程中的部分工程发包给具有相应资质条件的分包单位;但是,除总承包合同中约定的分包外,必须经建设单位认可。施工总承包的,建筑工程主体结构的施工必须由总承包单位自行完成。
Article 29 The overall contracting units can subcontract part of the projects to subcontractors with appropriate qualifications. However, except for the subcontracting as specified in the overall contracts, approval from project owners shall be obtained. With regard to overall project contracting, the construction of the main structure of the project shall be completed by the overall contracting units.

The overall contracting units shall be held responsible to project owners in accordance with the provisions of the overall contracts; The subcontractors shall be held responsible to the overall contractors in accordance with the terms of the subcontracting contracts. The overall contractors and subcontractors shall bear joint responsibilities to project owners for the subcontracted projects.

The overall contracting units are prohibitied from subcontracting the projects to units without appropriate qualifications. The subcontractors are prohibitied from re-subcontracting the sub-contracted projects.

第四章 建筑工程监理

第三十条 国家推行建筑工程监理制度。
Article 30 The State adopts the system of project construction supervision.

The State Council can stipulate the scope of construction projects subject to compulsory supervision.

第三十一条 实行监理的建筑工程,由建设单位委托具有相应资质条件的工程监理单位监理。建设单位与其委托的工程监理单位应当订立书面委托监理合同。
Article 31 Construction projects subject to supervision shall be supervised by project supervising units with appropriate qualifications entrusted by the project owners. The project owners shall enter into written contracts on supervision with the entrusted project supervising units.

第三十二条 建筑工程监理应当依照法律、行政法规及有关的技术标准、设计文件和建筑工程承包合同,对承包单位在施工质量、建设工期和建设资金使用等方面,代表建设单位实施监督。
Article 32 The construction supervising units shall, on behalf of project owners, carry out supervision of the construction quality, construction period and the use of construction funds in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant technical standards, design documents and contracts for project contracting.

When project supervising personnel think the construction work is not in line with the requirements of project design, technical standards for construction and the terms of the contracts, they have the right to demand corrections from the construction units.

When project supervising personnel find that project design is not in conformity with the quality standards for project construction or the quality requirements as specified in the contracts, they shall report to the project owners who shall then demand corrections from the designing units.

第三十三条 实施建筑工程监理前,建设单位应当将委托的工程监理单位、监理的内容及监理权限,书面通知被监理的建筑施工企业。
Article 33 Prior to the implementation of the supervision of project construction, the project owners shall inform the construction enterprises in written form of the project supervising unites entrusted, contents for supervision and the scope for supervision.

第三十四条 工程监理单位应当在其资质等级许可的监理范围内,承担工程监理业务。
Article 34 The construction supervising units shall undertake project supervising business within the scope of supervision as allowed by their level of qualifications.

The construction supervising units shall carry out construction supervision in an objective and fair manner in accordance with the entrustment by the project owners.

The construction supervising units shall not have subordinate relations with or other stakes in the contracting units under supervision and the suppliers of building materials, components and equipment.

The construction supervising units shall not transfer the supervising business.

第三十五条 工程监理单位不按照委托监理合同的约定履行监理义务,对应当监督检查的项目不检查或者不按照规定检查,给建设单位造成损失的,应当承担相应的赔偿责任。
Article 35 If the construction supervising units do not fulfill their obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract for supervision and do not inspect the items that should be supervised or do not follow the regulations in carrying out the supervision, which has resulted in losses on the part of project owners, the supervising units shall bear the corresponding liability for damages.

If the supervising units collude with the contracting units in order to reap illegitimate profits for the contracting units, which has resulted in losses on the part of project owners, the supervising units shall bear joint liability for damages.

第五章 建筑安全生产管理

第三十六条 建筑工程安全生产管理必须坚持安全第一、预防为主的方针,建立健全安全生产的责任制度和群防群治制度。
Article 36 The administration of safety in construction operation shall follow the principle of safety and prevention first. The responsibility system for operation safety and the regime of prevention and treatment by the masses shall be established and perfected.

第三十七条 建筑工程设计应当符合按照国家规定制定的建筑安全规程和技术规范,保证工程的安全性能。
Article 37 The design of construction projects shall be in line with the safety standards for construction and technical specifications in order to ensure the safety performance of the projects.

第三十八条 建筑施工企业在编制施工组织设计时,应当根据建筑工程的特点制定相应的安全技术措施;对专业性较强的工程项目,应当编制专项安全施工组织设计,并采取安全技术措施。
Article 38 When planning construction organization and designing, the construction projects shall formulate appropriate safety technical measures according to the characteristics of the construction projects; With regard to construction projects with a high degree of technical speciality, special safety construction organization and designs shall be formulated and safety technical measures shall be adopted.

第三十九条 建筑施工企业应当在施工现场采取维护安全、防范危险、预防火灾等措施;有条件的,应当对施工现场实行封闭管理。
Article 39 The construction enterprises shall take measures aimed at maintaining safety, preventing dangers and fires. When condition allows, the construction site shall be sealed up.

When the construction site may cause damages to the adjacent buildings, structures and special operating environment, the construction enterprises shall adopt safety and preventive measures.

第四十条 建设单位应当向建筑施工企业提供与施工现场相关的地下管线资料,建筑施工企业应当采取措施加以保护。
Article 40 The project owners shall provide the construction enterprises with the documents concerning underground pipeline layout related to the construction site and the construction enterprises shall take preventive measures.

第四十一条 建筑施工企业应当遵守有关环境保护和安全生产的法律、法规的规定,采取控制和处理施工现场的各种粉尘、废气、废水、固体废物以及噪声、振动对环境的污染和危害的措施。
Article 41 In accordance with laws and regulations concerning environmental protection and safety in operation, construction enterprises shall adopt measures to control and clear environmental pollution and harm resulting from various kinds of dust, waste gas, waste water, solid waste materials, noise and vibration at construction sites.

第四十二条 有下列情形之一的,建设单位应当按照国家有关规定办理申请批准手续:
In accordance with relevant state regulations, units undertaking projects shall go through application and approval procedures for following matters:

(1) Need to temporarily occupy areas not covered by approved construction programs;

(2) Likely to damage roads, pipes and electric wires, power supply and post and telecommunication equipment and other public facilities;

(3) Need to temporarily cut off water and power supply or hold up traffic;

(4) Need to conduct blasting operations;

(5) Other matters for which application and approval procedures are required in accordance with the stipulations of laws and regulations.

第四十三条 建设行政主管部门负责建筑安全生产的管理,并依法接受劳动行政主管部门对建筑安全生产的指导和监督。
Article 43 Administrative authorities on construction are responsible for the administration of safety in construction operation and shall, according to law, subject themselves to the instruction and supervision on safety in construction operation by administrative authorities on labor.

第四十四条 建筑施工企业必须依法加强对建筑安全生产的管理,执行安全生产责任制度,采取有效措施,防止伤亡和其他安全生产事故的发生。
Article 44 Construction enterprises shall, according to law, strengthen the safety in construction operation, enforce the safe operation responsibility system, and prevent casualties and other operation accidents by adopting effective measures.

The legal representative of a construction enterprise is responsible for the safety in operation of this enterprise.

第四十五条 施工现场安全由建筑施工企业负责。实行施工总承包的,由总承包单位负责。分包单位向总承包单位负责,服从总承包单位对施工现场的安全生产管理。
Article 45 Construction enterprises are responsible for the safety at construction sites. As to a construction project under an overall contract, the overall contractor is responsible for the safety at construction sites. Subcontractors shall hold themselves responsible to the overall contractor and be subject to the administration of the overall contractor concerning safe operation at construction sites.

第四十六条 建筑施工企业应当建立健全劳动安全生产教育培训制度,加强对职工安全生产的教育培训;未经安全生产教育培训的人员,不得上岗作业。
Article 46 Construction enterprises shall establish a sound system of education and training in safe operation, strengthen the education and training of their staff members in safe operation. Those without receiving a training in safe operation are prohibited from going on duty.

第四十七条 建筑施工企业和作业人员在施工过程中,应当遵守有关安全生产的法律、法规和建筑行业安全规章、规程,不得违章指挥或者违章作业。作业人员有权对影响人身健康的作业程序和作业条件提出改进意见,有权获得安全生产所需的防护用品。作业人员对危及生命安全和人身健康的行为有权提出批评、检举和控告。
Article 47 In the course of construction operation, construction enterprises and working personnel shall observe laws and regulations concerning safe operation as well as safety rules of the construction industry. They shall not command or operate in violation of relevant regulations. Working personnel are entitled to forward proposals for improving the operating programs and conditions which adversely affect health and to obtain protective equipment as required for safe operation. They are entitled to criticize, report and accuse of actions endangering vital safety and personal health.

第四十八条 建筑施工企业必须为从事危险作业的职工办理意外伤害保险,支付保险费。
Article 48 Construction enterprises must give accident and casualty insurance to workers engaged in dangerous operations and pay insurance premium for them.

第四十九条 涉及建筑主体和承重结构变动的装修工程,建设单位应当在施工前委托原设计单位或者具有相应资质条件的设计单位提出设计方案;没有设计方案的,不得施工。
Article 49 As to a decoration project involving the change of the main part and bearing structure of the building, the unit undertaking the project shall entrust the original designing institution or other designing institutions of equivalent capability with the responsibility for drawing up the design scheme before the start of construction operation. The project shall not be started without a design scheme.

第五十条 房屋拆除应当由具备保证安全条件的建筑施工单位承担,由建筑施工单位负责人对安全负责。
Article 50 Demolition shall be taken by the construction enterprises being able to ensure safety. The heads of those enterprises are responsible for safety.

第五十一条 施工中发生事故时,建筑施工企业应当采取紧急措施减少人员伤亡和事故损失,并按照国家有关规定及时向有关部门报告。
Article 51 If an accident occurred in the course of construction operation, construction enterprises shall take emergency measures to reduce casualties and losses resulting from the accident and immediately report to the departments concerned in accordance with relevant state regulations.

第六章 建筑工程质量管理

第五十二条 建筑工程勘察、设计、施工的质量必须符合国家有关建筑工程安全标准的要求,具体管理办法由国务院规定。
Article 52 The survey, design and construction of a project must meet the requirement of relevant state safety standards on construction projects. The specific administrative measures shall be stipulated by the State Council.

The state safety standards on construction projects which can not ensure the safety of buildings shall be amended without delay.

第五十三条 国家对从事建筑活动的单位推行质量体系认证制度。从事建筑活动的单位根据自愿原则可以向国务院产品质量监督管理部门或者国务院产品质量监督管理部门授权的部门认可的认证机构申请质量体系认证。经认证合格的,由认证机构颁发质量体系认证证书。
Article 53 The state shall establish the quality certification system for units engaged in construction. On a voluntary basis, units engaged in construction may, when applying for quality certification, submit their applications to the certification institutions approved by the product quality control departments under the State Council and by other departments authorized by the product quality control departments under the State Council. If certified, the units engaged in construction shall be granted with Quality Certificates by the certification institutions.

第五十四条 建设单位不得以任何理由,要求建筑设计单位或者建筑施工企业在工程设计或者施工作业中,违反法律、行政法规和建筑工程质量、安全标准,降低工程质量。
Article 54 Units which are undertaking projects shall not, with any excuse, demand designing institutions or construction enterprises to act in violation of laws, administrative regulations and quality and safety standards on construction projects and lower the quality of projects in the course of design and construction operation.

Designing institutions or construction enterprises shall reject the requests from owner for lowering the quality of projects in violation of the stipulations of previous articles.

第五十五条 建筑工程实行总承包的,工程质量由工程总承包单位负责,总承包单位将建筑工程分包给其他单位的,应当对分包工程的质量与分包单位承担连带责任。分包单位应当接受总承包单位的质量管理。
Article 55 As to a construction project under an overall contract, the overall contractor is responsible for the quality of the project. If the overall contractor jobbed out to subcontractors, the overall contractor should assume responsibility with subcontractors for the quality of projects under subcontracts. Subcontractors shall subject themselves to the quality control of the overall contractor.

第五十六条 建筑工程的勘察、设计单位必须对其勘察、设计的质量负责。勘察、设计文件应当符合有关法律、行政法规的规定和建筑工程质量、安全标准、建筑工程勘察、设计技术规范以及合同的约定。设计文件选用的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备,应当注明其规格、型号、性能等技术指标,其质量要求必须符合国家规定的标准。
Article 56 Survey and designing institutions shall be responsible for the survey and design quality of construction projects. Survey and designing documents shall conform to the stipulations of relevant laws and administrative regulations, quality and safety standards on construction projects, survey and design technical codes on construction projects and contracted terms. The specification, model, function and other specifications of construction materials, structural parts, construction fittings and equipment chosen in design documents shall be specified in detail. Their quality must meet the standards set by the state.

第五十七条 建筑设计单位对设计文件选用的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备,不得指定生产厂、供应商。
Article 57 Designing institutions shall not designate manufacturers and suppliers of construction materials, structural parts, construction fittings and equipment chosen in design documents.

第五十八条 建筑施工企业对工程的施工质量负责。
Article 58 Construction enterprises are responsible for the quality of construction projects.

Construction enterprises must carry out construction operation in accordance with design drawings of projects and construction technical standards, and shall not cheat on work and materials. The original designing institution shall bear the responsibility for altering the design of projects. Construction enterprises shall not alter the design of projects without authorization.

第五十九条 建筑施工企业必须按照工程设计要求、施工技术标准和合同的约定,对建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备进行检验,不合格的不得使用。
Article 59 Construction enterprises shall examine the quality of construction materials, structural parts, construction fittings and equipment in accordance with the requirement of the design of projects, construction technical standards and contracted terms. Those proved not up to the standards shall not be put into use.

第六十条 建筑物在合理使用寿命内,必须确保地基基础工程和主体结构的质量。
Article 60 Within normal service life time of buildings, the quality of foundations and main parts of buildings shall be guaranteed.

Upon the completion of construction projects, there shall not be leakage, cracking and other defects left on roofs and walls. Construction enterprises shall repair the defects having been found out.

第六十一条 交付竣工验收的建筑工程,必须符合规定的建筑工程质量标准,有完整的工程技术经济资料和经签署的工程保修书,并具备国家规定的其他竣工条件。
Article 61 Construction projects having been completed and accepted through examination shall meet the stipulated quality standards on construction projects, have complete technical and economic data of projects and warranties issued by builders, and satisfy other requirements set out by the state for the completion of construction projects.

Only after a completed construction project is proved to meet the standards through examination can it be delivered for use. Construction projects having not been examined and accepted or having failed in examination shall not be delivered for use.

第六十二条 建筑工程实行质量保修制度。
Article 62 The system of the warranty of quality shall be established for construction projects.

The scope of warranties on construction projects covers foundations, main parts, the leak prevention of roof covering and other building projects as well as the installation of electric wires and gas, water supply and drainage pipes, and heating and air-conditioning systems. The time frames of warranties shall be determined in accordance with the principle of ensuring the regular use of buildings within normal service life time and safeguarding users' legitimate rights and interests. The specific scope and minimum time frame of warranties shall be stipulated by the State Council.

第六十三条 任何单位和个人对建筑工程的质量事故、质量缺陷都有权向建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门进行检举、控告、投诉。
Article 63 Any unit and individual are entitled to report, accuse of and complain about the quality accidents and defects of construction projects to administrative authorities on construction and other departments concerned.

第七章 法律责任

第六十四条 违反本法规定,未取得施工许可证或者开工报告未经批准擅自施工的,责令改正,对不符合开工条件的责令停止施工,可以处以罚款。
Article 64 Construction enterprises, which act in violation of the stipulations of this Law to start construction operation without construction permit or at the time when the application for construction operation has not yet been approved, shall be ordered to correct themselves. Construction enterprises of which construction projects can not meet the requirement for starting operation shall be ordered to stop construction operation and may be imposed fine penalties.

第六十五条 发包单位将工程发包给不具有相应资质条件的承包单位的,或者违反本法规定将建筑工程肢解发包的,责令改正,处以罚款。
Article 65 A contract awarder who contracts projects to unqualified contractors or contract projects by dividing the projects into different parts in violation of the stipulations of this Law shall be ordered to correct himself and shall be imposed fine penalties.

An organization which exceeds its level of qualification to contract projects shall be ordered to stop the illegal activities and imposed fine penalties, and can be ordered to stop business operations for rectification, with its qualification level reduced. An organization found to have serious violations shall be revoked business license, with all its illegal incomes confiscated.

An organization which contracts projects without a certificate of qualification shall be outlawed and imposed fine penalties, with all its illegal incomes confiscated.

An organization which has obtained a certificate of qualification through cheating shall be revoked the certificate and imposed fine penalties, and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed.

第六十六条 建筑施工企业转让、出借资质证书或者以其他方式允许他人以本企业的名义承揽工程的,责令改正,没收违法所得,并处罚款,可以责令停业整顿,降低资质等级;情节严重的,吊销资质证书。对因该项承揽工程不符合规定的质量标准造成的损失,建筑施工企业与使用本企业名义的单位或者个人承担连带赔偿责任。
Article 66 A construction enterprise which transfers or lends its certificate of qualification to others or which allows others to contract projects in its name shall be ordered to correct itself and imposed fine penalties, with all illegal incomes confiscated. It can also be ordered to stop business operations and to have its level of qualification reduced. An enterprise found to have serious violations shall be revoked the certificate of qualification. The construction enterprise and the organization or individual which has used the name of the construction enterprise shall assume the associated liabilities for losses incurred from the sub-par quality of the contracted project.

第六十七条 承包单位将承包的工程转包的,或者违反本法规定进行分包的,责令改正,没收违法所得,并处罚款,可以责令停业整顿,降低资质等级;情节严重的,吊销资质证书。
Article 67 A project contractor which subcontracts the contracted project in violation of the stipulations of this Law shall be ordered to correct the situation, imposed fine penalties, have all illegal incomes confiscated, and can be ordered to stop business operations and lower the level of qualification. A contractor found to have serious violations shall be revoked the certificate of qualification.

The contractor which has violated the above clause and the subcontractor shall assume the associate liabilities for the losses incurred from the sub-par quality of the project due to subcontracting.

第六十八条 在工程发包与承包中索贿、受贿、行贿,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,分别处以罚款,没收贿赂的财物,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予处分。
Article 68 Acts of asking for bribes, taking bribes and offering bribes in the course of contract awarding and project contracting which have committed crimes shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities. Those who have not committed crimes shall be imposed fine penalties respectively and have the bribes confiscated. The people in direct charge and the people directly involved in the acts shall be imposed punishment.

A contractor who offers bribes in project contracting shall be ordered to stop business operations for rectification, have the level of qualification reduced or shall be revoked the certificate of qualification in addition to the punishment provided for in the previous clause.

第六十九条 工程监理单位与建设单位或者建筑施工企业串通,弄虚作假、降低工程质量的,责令改正,处以罚款,降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书;有违法所得的,予以没收;造成损失的,承担连带赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 69 A project supervisory organization which collides with the project undertaker or the construction enterprise to practice fraud and lower the quality of the project shall be ordered to correct the situation, imposed fine penalties, shall have the level of qualification reduced or be revoked the certificate of qualification, with all illegal incomes confiscated. Where losses are incurred, the organization shall assume associated liabilities for compensation. And the organization found to have committed crimes shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law.

A project supervisory organization which transfers the business operation of project supervision shall be ordered to correct the situation, shall have all illegal incomes confiscated, and can be ordered to stop business operations for rectification and have its level of qualification reduced. An organization found to have serious violations shall be revoked the certificate of qualification.

第七十条 违反本法规定,涉及建筑主体或者承重结构变动的装修工程擅自施工的,责令改正,处以罚款;造成损失的,承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 70 An organization which violates the stipulations of this Law to undertake decoration project by changing the major structure or load- bearing structure of the building shall be ordered to correct the situation and imposed fine penalties; shall assume liabilities of compensation for losses incurred thereof; and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed.

第七十一条 建筑施工企业违反本法规定,对建筑安全事故隐患不采取措施予以消除的,责令改正,可以处以罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿,降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 71 A construction enterprise which does not adopt necessary measures to eliminate potential dangers of accidents in violation of the stipulations of this Law shall be ordered to correct itself and can be imposed fine penalties. A construction enterprise with serious violations shall be ordered to stop business operations for rectification, have its level of qualification reduced or shall be revoked the certificate of qualification, and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed.

The management of a construction enterprise who gives directions in violation of regulations and forces workers to take risks in performing operations shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities for major casualties or other serious consequences.

第七十二条 建设单位违反本法规定,要求建筑设计单位或者建筑施工企业违反建筑工程质量、安全标准,降低工程质量的,责令改正,可以处以罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 72 A project undertaker which violates the stipulations of this Law to request the project designer and the construction enterprise to alleviate from quality and safety standards so as to lower construction quality shall be ordered to correct the situation, can be imposed fine penalties, and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed.

第七十三条 建筑设计单位不按照建筑工程质量、安全标准进行设计的,责令改正,处以罚款;造成工程质量事故的,责令停业整顿,降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书,没收违法所得,并处罚款;造成损失的,承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 73 A project designer which does not abide by quality and safety standards in designing projects shall be ordered to correct itself and imposed fine penalties. Where major quality accidents are incurred, the designer shall be ordered to stop business operations for rectification, shall have its level of qualification reduced or shall be revoked the certificate of qualification and imposed fine penalties, with all illegal incomes confiscated. The designer shall assume liabilities of compensation for losses incurred thereof, and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed.

第七十四条 建筑施工企业在施工中偷工减料的,使用不合格的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备的,或者有其他不按照工程设计图纸或者施工技术标准施工的行为的,责令改正,处以罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿,降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书;造成建筑工程质量不符合规定的质量标准的,负责返工、修理,并赔偿因此造成的损失;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 74 A construction enterprise which has been found to have scamped work and used inferior materials, unqualified construction materials, parts and components and equipment or have other acts inconsistent with the blueprints or technical standards shall be ordered to correct itself and imposed fine penalties. An enterprise found to have serious violations shall be ordered to stop business operations for rectification, shall have its level of qualification reduced or shall be revoked the certificate of qualification. Where construction quality is found lower than the stipulated quality standards, the said enterprise shall be responsible for the reconstruction and repair, shall compensate the losses incurred thereof and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed.

第七十五条 建筑施工企业违反本法规定,不履行保修义务或者拖延履行保修义务的,责令改正,可以处以罚款,并对在保修期内因屋顶、墙面渗漏、开裂等质量缺陷造成的损失,承担赔偿责任。
Article 75 A construction enterprise which does not perform its obligations pertaining to maintenance or default on these obligations in violation of the stipulations of this Law shall be ordered to correct itself, can be imposed find penalties and shall assume the liabilities of compensation for losses incurred from quality defects such as ceiling or wall leaking and cracks during the term of maintenance.

第七十六条 本法规定的责令停业整顿、降低资质等级和吊销资质证书的行政处罚,由颁发资质证书的机关决定;其他行政处罚,由建设行政主管部门或者有关部门依照法律和国务院规定的职权范围决定。
Article 76 The administrative punishment provided for in the stipulations of this Law like forced stoppage of business operations for rectification, lowering of the level of qualification and revocation of the certificate of qualification shall be decided by the issuing authority of the certificate of qualification. Other administrative punishment shall be decided by competent authorities of construction or relevant authorities based on the purview provided for in the law or authorized by the State Council.

Administrative authorities of industry and commerce shall revoke business licenses of those enterprises whose certificates of qualification have been revoked in accordance with the stipulations of this Law.

第七十七条 违反本法规定,对不具备相应资质等级条件的单位颁发该等级资质证书的,由其上级机关责令收回所发的资质证书,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 77 Certificates of qualification issued to unqualified organizations in violation of the stipulations of this Law shall be ordered by the superior administrative authority for revocation of the certificates issued. People in direct charge and people directly involved shall be imposed administrative punishment and criminal liabilities shall be prosecuted according to law for any crimes committed.

第七十八条 政府及其所属部门的工作人员违反本法规定,限定发包单位将招标发包的工程发包给指定的承包单位的,由上级机关责令改正;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 78 Employees of government agencies or their subordinate authorities who violate the stipulations of this Law to direct contract awarders to contract the bidding project to designated contractors shall be ordered by superior authorities to correct themselves and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed.

第七十九条 负责颁发建筑工程施工许可证的部门及其工作人员对不符合施工条件的建筑工程颁发施工许可证的,负责工程质量监督检查或者竣工验收的部门及其工作人员对不合格的建筑工程出具质量合格文件或者按合格工程验收的,由上级机关责令改正,对责任人员给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;造成损失的,由该部门承担相应的赔偿责任。
Article 79 Authorities responsible for the issuance of construction permits and their employees who issue construction permits to unqualified construction projects and authorities responsible for the supervision and inspection of project quality or acceptance test and their employees who issue documents of qualification to unqualified projects or accept unqualified projects as qualified ones shall be ordered by superior authorities to correct themselves. People directly involved shall be imposed administrative punishment and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed. Liabilities of compensation shall be assumed by the authorities concerned for any losses incurred thereof.

第八十条 在建筑物的合理使用寿命内,因建筑工程质量不合格受到损害的,有权向责任者要求赔偿。
Article 80 People suffering from inferior construction quality during the reasonable life span of the buildings are entitled to compensation from people responsible for the damages.

第八十一条 本法关于施工许可、建筑施工企业资质审查和建筑工程发包、承包、禁止转包,以及建筑工程监理、建筑工程安全和质量管理的规定,适用于其他专业建筑工程的建筑活动,具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 81 Stipulations of this Law pertinent to construction permit, examination of the qualification of construction enterprises, awarding, contracting and ban on subcontracting of construction projects as well as supervision, safety and quality management of the construction projects shall be applicable to the construction of other special projects, with details formulated by the State Council.

第八十二条 建设行政主管部门和其他有关部门在对建筑活动实施监督管理中,除按照国务院有关规定收取费用外,不得收取其他费用。
Article 82 Apart from charges provided for in relevant regulations of the State Council, competent authorities responsible for construction and other relevant authorities shall not collect other fees while exercising supervision over construction activities.

第八十三条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定的小型房屋建筑工程的建筑活动,参照本法执行。
Article 83 Construction activities of small-sized buildings designated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall be carried out based on the stipulations of this Law mutatis mutandis.

Renovation of memorials and ancient buildings certified by law as cultural relics for protection shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws of protection of cultural relics.

The stipulations of this Law are not applicable to buildings erected for risk and disaster relief, other buildings for provisional use and low- stored residential buildings constructed by farmers for their own use.

第八十四条 军用房屋建筑工程建筑活动的具体管理办法,由国务院、中央军事委员会依据本法制定。
Article 84 Specific regulations for the administration of construction of buildings for military use shall be formulated by the State Council and the Military Committee of the Central Party Committee in accordance with the stipulations of this Law.
