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国务院关于批准国家高新技术产业开发区和有关政策规定的通知Circular of the State Council Concerning the Approval of the National Development Zones for New and High Technology Industries and the Relevant Policies and Provisions

In pursuance of the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Reform of the Science and Technology Management System, a number of development zones for new and high technology industries have been successively established in recent years in some large and mediumsized technologyintensive cities and coastal areas, which have promoted the development of new and high technology industries in our country.

In order to act in the spirit of further implementing the Torch Programme and managing well the development zones for new and high technology, as advocated in the Proposal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Formulation of the TenYear Programme and the Eighth FiveYear Plan for National Economic and Social Development so as to expedite the development of new and high technology industries, the State Council has decided to designate another group of existing development zones for new and high technology industries in various places as national development zones for new and high technology industries, in addition to the Beijing Experimental Zone for the Development of New Technology Industries approved by the State Council in 1988, and to bestow them preferential policies accordingly. The following are hereby notified:

1. The State Council approves the designation, as examined and determined by the State Science and Technology Commission, of the following 21 development zones as the national ones for new and high technology industries:

Donghu New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan; Pukou ExportOriented Development Zone for New and High Technologies, Nanjing; Nanhu Science and Technology Development Zone, Shenyang; Tianjin New Technology Industries Park; Xi’an Development Zone for New Technology Industries; Chengdu Development Zone for New and High Technology Industries;

Weihai Torch Development Zone for High Technology Industries; Zhongshan Torch Development Zone for High Technology Industries; NanhuNanling New Technology Industries Park, Changchun; Harbin High Technology Development Zone; Changsha Experimental Zone for the Development of Science and Technology;

Fuzhou Science and Technology Park; Tianhe Development Zone for New and High Technology Industries, Guangzhou; Hefei Science and Technology Industry Park; Chongqing Development Zone for New and High Technology Industries;

Hangzhou Development Zone for New and High Technology Industries; Guilin Development Zone for New Technology Industries; Zhengzhou High Technology Development Zone; Ningwozhuang Experimental Zone for the Development of New Technology Industries, Lanzhou; Shijiazhuang Development Zone for New and High Technology Industries; and Jinan Development Zone for High Technology Industries.

2. In addition, the Caohejin Development Zone for NewlyEmerged Technologies in Shanghai, Dalian New and High Technology Industries Park, Shenzhen Science and Technology Industry Park, Xiamen Torch Development Zone for High Technology Industries and Hainan International Science and Technology Industry Park, which have been respectively set up in the economic and technological development zones and in the special economic zones, are also designated as the national development zones for new and high technology industries.

3. The State Council authorizes the State Science and Technology Commission to be responsible for the examination and determination of the bounds and the area of each national development zone for new and high technology industries, and for the relevant management and specific guidance of each zone.

4. The State Council approves the Requirements and Measures for the Acknowledgement and Determination of New and High Technology Enterprises in the National Development Zones for New and High Technology Industries (Annex I) and Interim Provisions on Policies for the National Development Zones for New and High Technology Industries (Annex II) both formulated by the State Science and Technology Commission, and Provisions on the Tax Policy for the National Development Zones for New and High Technology Industries (Annex III) formulated by the State Administration of Taxation, which should all be observed and implemented.

5. In the Beijing Experimental Zone for the Development of New Technology Industries, all transactions of business should be conducted in accordance with the Interim Regulations of the Beijing Experimental Zone for the Development of New Technology Industries, except for the magnitude control of investment in fixed assets and the reserved percentage of foreign exchange earned through exportation, which should comply with the existing provisions.

It is of great significance for the readjustment of industrial structure, the promotion of the traditional industries transformation, the improvement of labour productivity and the enhancement of international competitiveness to accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of the achievements in high technology by relying on our own scientific and technical strength.

All localities and all relevant departments shall strengthen leadership over and give effective support to the development zones for new and high technology industries and, in accordance with the relevant provisions and policies of the State, promote a sound development of new and high technology industries of our country.

附件:一、 国家高新技术产业开发区高新技术企业认定条件和办法
ANNEX I Requirements and Measures for the Acknowledgement and Determination of New and High Technology Enterprises in the National Development Zones for New and High Technology Industries

第一条 为实施国务院批准的国家高新技术产业开发区有关政策规定,推动我国高新技术产业的发展,制定本办法。
Article 1 These Measures are formulated for the implementation of the relevant policies and provisions on the national development zones for new and high technology industries approved by the State Council and the promotion of the development of new and high technology industries in China.

第二条 国家高新技术产业开发区(以下简称开发区)内的高新技术企业,按照本办法认定。
Article 2 New and high technology enterprises in the national development zones for new and high technology industries (hereinafter referred to as the development zones) shall be acknowledged and determined in accordance with these Measures.

第三条 省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市科学技术委员会(以下简称省、市科委)是省、自治区、直辖市计划单列市人民政府管理开发区内高新技术企业认定工作的主管机关,负责监督本办法的实施。
Article 3 The science and technology commissions of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately listed in planning (hereinafter referred to as the provincial or municipal science and technology commissions) shall be the competent organs responsible for acknowledging and determining new and high technology enterprises in the development zones and for supervising the implementation of these Measures under the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately listed in planning.

The offices of the development zones shall, under the leadership of the relevant people’s governments and under the guidance of the relevant provincial or municipal science and technology commissions, handle the specific matters in examining and approving the acknowledgement and determination of new and high technology enterprises.

第四条 根据世界科学技术发展现状,划定高新技术范围如下:
Article 4 In line with the current state of scientific and technical development across the world, the scope of new and high technologies is defined as follows:

(1) microelectronics and electronic information technology;

(2) space science and aero/space technology;

(3) photoelectronics and photo-mechanic-electronic integration technology;

(4) life science and bioengineering technology;

(5) materials science and new-material technology;

(6) energy science and new energy technology and efficient energy-saving technology;

(7) ecology science and environmental protection technology;

(8) earth science and marine engineering technology;

(9) science of fundamental matters and radiation technology;

(10) medicine science and biomedical engineering;

(11) other new processes and technologies applied on the basis of traditional industries.

This scope of new and high technologies will be supplemented and revised in accordance with the continuous development of new and high technologies at home and abroad, and the State Science and Technology Commission shall announce the supplemented and revised scope.

第五条 高新技术企业是知识密集、技术密集的经济实体。
Article 5 A new and high technology enterprise shall be an intellect-intensive and technology-intensive economic entity.

The new and high technology enterprise in a development zone shall meet the following requirements:

(1) being engaged in the research, development, production and business operations of one or several high technologies and related products as specified in Article 4 of these Measures, excluding purely commercial business operations;

(2) being independent in accounting and management, and responsible for its own profits and losses;

(3) being headed by scientific and technical personnel who are familiar with the research, development, production and business operations of the enterprise’s products, and are full-time employees of the enterprise;

(4) having scientific and technical personnel with the educational qualification at or above the level of higher learning who shall account for at least 30 percent of the enterprise’s total staffs and workers; among them at least 10 percent being engaged in research and development of new and high technology products;

As for the labour-intensive new and high technology enterprises which are engaged in the production of new and high technology products or service, the scientific and technical personnel with educational qualifications at or above the level of higher learning shall account for at least 20 percent of their total staffs and workers;

(5) possessing a capital amounting to or exceeding one hundred thousand yuan (RMB), as well as premises and facilities commensurate with the scale of the business operation;

(6) spending at least 3 percent of the enterprise’s annual gross income on the research and development of new and high technology and related products;

(7) realizing a total of the technological income and output value of new and high technologies exceeding 50 percent of the annual gross income of the new and high technology enterprise that generally comprises the technological income, output value of products from new and high technologies, output value of products from conventional technologies, and technologically interrelated trade;

The technological income refers to earnings from technology consultancy and transfer, the investment in the form of technologies in businesses, technological service, training, project and contracting, the export of technologies, the assimilation of imported technologies, and pilotplant products that are performed by the new and high technology enterprise;

(8) having explicit articles of association and strict technical and financial management system;

(9) having fixed a business duration of 10 years or longer.

第六条 兴办高新技术企业,须向开发区办公室提出申请,经开发区办公室核定后,由省、市科委批准并发给高新技术企业证书。
Article 6 For the setting up of a new and high technology enterprise, an application shall be submitted to the office of the development zone concerned for examination and acknowledgement, and then to a provincial or municipal science and technology commission for approval, and a certificate of new and high technology enterprise shall be issued by the approving commission.

第七条 开发区办公室应定期按本办法第五条规定的条件,对高新技术企业进行考核。
Article 7 The offices of the development zones shall, in accordance with requirements specified in Article 5 of these Measures, make regular inspections on new and high technology enterprises.

Enterprises which fail to meet the aforesaid requirements may not enjoy the treatment provided for by different policies for the national development zones for new and high technology industries.

第八条 列为高新技术产品的期限一般为五年以内,技术周期较长的高新技术产品经批准可延长至七年。
Article 8 The time limit for the products to be listed as new and high technology ones shall usually be no longer than five years. The time limit may be extended to seven years after approval for new and high technology products that need a longer technical cycle.

第九条 高新技术企业变更经营范围、合并、分立、转业、迁移或歇业的,须经开发区办公室审批,并向工商、税务等部门办理相应的登记。
Article 9 Any change in the scope of business operation, amalgamation or breakup, divertion in trade, removal to a new site or close-down of new and high technology enterprises shall be approved beforehand by the office of the development zone concerned. The enterprises shall register such changes with the relevant departments in charge of industry, commerce and taxation.

第十条 开发区内,按国家规定全部核减行政事业费实行经济自立的全民所有制科研单位,符合本办法第五条规定条件的,经开发区办公室核定,可转成高新技术企业。
Article 10 Any State-owned scientific and technological research unit located in a development zone which has become a financially independent unit after the reduction of its Statefunded administration and undertaking expenses according to the provisions of the State and which meets the requirements specified in Article 5 of these Measures may be acknowledged as a new and high technology enterprise upon verification by the office of the development zone concerned.

第十一条 本办法替代原由国家科委颁布的《关于高技术、新技术企业认定条件和标准的暂行规定》。
Article 11 These Measures shall replace the Interim Provisions on the Requirements and Standards for the Acknowledgement and Determination of New and High Technology Enterprises promulgated earlier by the State Science and Technology Commission.

第十二条 各省、市科委应就本办法制定实施细则。原有实施细则凡与本办法不符的,应依据本办法修正。
Article 12 The provincial and municipal science and technology commissions shall work out detailed rules for the implementation of these Measures. Any discrepancy found in the original detailed rules for the implementation shall be revised in accordance with these Measures.

第十三条 本办法由国家科学技术委员会负责解释和修改。
Article 13 The State Science and Technology Commission shall be responsible for the interpretation and revision of these Measures.

第十四条 本办法自国务院批准之日起实施。
Article 14 These Measures shall be put into effect as of the date of approval by the State Council.

ANNEX II Interim Provisions on Policies for the National Development Zones for New and High Technology Industries

第一条 为进一步扶植我国高新技术产业开发区的建设,推动高新技术产业的发展,制定本规定。
Article 1 These Provisions are formulated to foster the establishment of new and high technology industries development zones in our country and promote the development of new and high technology industries.

第二条 本规定适用于国家高新技术产业开发区中按照国家科委制定的《国家高新技术产业开发区高新技术企业认定条件和办法》认定的高新技术企业。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to new and high technology enterprises in the national development zones for new and high technology industries acknowledged and determined in line with the "Requirements and Measures for the Acknowledgement and Determination of New and High Technology Enterprises in the National Development Zones for New and High Technology Industries" formulated by the State Science and Technology Commission.

第三条 本规定包括除税收政策之外的各项优惠性政策。
Article 3 These Provisions cover all preferential policies except for tax policy.

第四条 有关进出口货物的关税优惠问题按以下规定办理:
Article 4 Matters concerning preferential tariffs and duties on imports and exports shall be dealt with in accordance with the following stipulations:

(1) For importing raw materials and component parts destined for processing export products by new and high technology enterprises in the new and high technology industries development zones, import license shall be exempted. The Customs in charge shall check and release the above-mentioned raw materials and parts against the export contracts and approval papers issued by the new and high technology industries development zones.

(2) Subject to the approval by the Customs, new and high technology enterprises may set up in the new and high technology industries development zones bonded warehouses or bonded factories.

The Customs shall exempt import duties, tax for the import products and tax on the added value of products in accordance with the provisions on processing imported raw materials and parts and the real export volume of the processed products.

(3) The export products of new and high technology enterprises, except for those restricted by the State or those otherwise stipulated, shall be exempted from export duties.

(4) Bonded export products shall not be marketed at home unless approved by the original examination and approval authorities and the Customs, and duties shall be levied according to the regulations.

Of these products, those that are specifically rationed by the State or require import license shall go through the procedures for approving the import or for applying for the import license according to the relevant provisions of the State.

(5) The import of apparatus and equipment to be used by new and high technology enterprises for the development of new and high technology and which cannot be made at home shall be exempted from import duties against the approval papers issued by the examination and approval authorities and after the verification by the Customs.

The Customs may, when deeming it necessary, set up agencies or station supervisory groups in the new and high technology industries development zones to supervise and control the imports and exports.

第五条 有关进出口业务的规定。
Article 5 As regards import and export business, it is stipulated as follows:

(1) With the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, technology import and export corporations may be set up in the new and high technology industries development zones to promote the access of new and high technology products to international markets.

(2) According to the relevant provisions of the State new and high technology enterprises with good results in export business may be granted the right to handle foreign trade transactions.

New and high technology enterprises may, with approval by relevant departments, set up branches overseas according to business needs.

第六条 有关资金信贷的规定。
Article 6 As regards capital and credits, it is stipulated as follows:

(1) Banks shall give an active support to new and high technology enterprises and do their best to provide enterprises with funds needed for their development, production and construction.

(2) Banks may arrange the issue of long-term bonds in definite sums for the new and high technology industries development zones so as to raise funds from the society to help the development of new and high technology industries.

(3) Departments concerned may establish venture investment funds in the new and high technology industries development zones for the development of new and high technology products with greater risks.

Venture investment companies may be set up in the new and high technology industries development zones where conditions are available.

第七条 高新技术企业的生产、经营性基本建设项目,按照统一规划安排建设,优先纳入当地固定资产投资规模。
Article 7 The capital construction projects for production and sales of new and high technology enterprises shall be carried out according to the overall plan, and be given priority to be brought into the local fixed capital investment programmes.

第八条 经当地人民政府批准,高新技术企业可以免购国家重点建设债券。
Article 8 Approved by the local people’s governments, new and high technology enterprises may be exempted from subscribing for State key construction bonds.

第九条 高新技术企业所开发的高新技术产品,凡是各项指标达到同种进口产品的水平,并具备一定的生产规模,经国家科委会同有关部门审定后,列入国家限制进口商品目录,并按现行进口管理办法控制进口。
Article 9 The new and high technology products developed by new and high technology enterprises which have met qualifications of the import products of the same kind in all quality standards and with a certain production scale shall, after being examined and approved by the State Science and Technology Commission jointly with other departments concerned, be listed in the catalogue of the Staterestricted import commodities, and imports of such products shall be restricted according to the existing regulations on import control.

第十条 高新技术企业开发的属于国家控制价格(包括国家定价和国家指导)的新产品,除特定品种须报物价部门定价外,在规定的试销期内,企业可自行制定试销价格,并报物价部门和业务主管部门备案。
Article 10 Prices of new products developed by new and high technology enterprises involving Statecontrolled prices (including State-set and State-guided prices), except for those of specific varieties that shall be fixed by departments in charge of price control, may be fixed by the enterprises themselves during a definite period of trial sale of the products but shall report to departments in charge of the enterprises and price control for record.

Prices of new and high technology products which are not under the State price control may be fixed by the enterprises themselves.

第十一条 高新技术企业用于高新技术开发和高新技术产品生产的仪器、设备,可实行快速折旧。
Article 11 New and high technology enterprises may apply accelerated depreciation of their apparatus and equipments used for development of new and high technologies and production of their products.

第十二条 在不影响上缴中央财政部分,经当地人民政府批准,高新技术产业开发区中高新技术企业所缴各项税款,以一九九O年为基数,新增部分五年内全部返还高新技术产业开发区,用于开发区的建设。
Article 12 All tax payments from new and high technology enterprises in the new and high technology industries development zones, if not affecting the portion to be handed over to the central financial department and with the approval of the local people’s governments, shall be based on the level of such payments levied in 1990, and the amount of taxes collected in excess thereof shall be returned, for a period of up to five successive years, to the new and high technology industries development zones for their further construction.

第十三条 高新技术企业的商务、技术人员一年内多次出国的,按国办发[1990]9号文件执行。
Article 13 Matter related to overseas trips more than once in a year made by business and technical personnel of new and high technology enterprises shall be dealt with in accordance with the Circular of the General Office and the State Council Concerning the Transmission of the Request for Instructions Submitted by the State Science and Technology Commission to Simplify the Examining and Approving Procedures for Certain People of New and High Technology Enterprises with Respect to Their Multiple Exit from the Country.

第十四条 各地区、各部门在安排劳动就业和招收职工时,要优先考虑高新技术企业对大学生、研究生、留学生和归国专家的需求。
Article 14 All localities and departments shall, when planning employment and recruiting staffs and workers, give priority to needs of new and high technology enterprises for recruiting university graduates and postgraduates, as well as returned students and experts.

第十五条 经国家批准的高新技术产业开发区所在地的省、自治区、直辖市或计划单列市人民政府可根据本规定制定具体实施办法。
Article 15 People’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government or cities separately listed in plan where the new and high technology industries development zones approved by the State are located may work out measures for implementation in line with these Provisions.

第十六条 国家科委会同有关部门将定期对高新技术产业开发区进行检查。
Article 16 The State Science and Technology Commission shall, jointly with other departments concerned, inspect at regular intervals the new and high technology industries development zones.

The implementation of preferential policies shall be suspended in those zones poorly managed or showing slow progress, even to the degree of cancellation of their qualifications as the national new and high technology industries development zones.

第十七条 本规定由国家科委和有关部门负责解释。
Article 17 The State Science and Technology Commission and other departments concerned shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions.

第十八条 本规定自国务院批准之日起执行。
Article 18 These Provisions shall be put into effect as of the date of approval by the State Council.

ANNEX III Provisions on the Tax Policy for the National Development Zones for New and High Technology Industries

第一条 为促进我国高新技术产业的健康发展,进一步推动高新技术产业开发区建设,制定本规定。
Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in order to accelerate the healthy development of new and high technology industries of our country and to further promote the establishment of the new and high technology industries development zones.

第二条 本规定的适用范围,限于经国务院批准设立的高新技术产业开发区(以下简称开发区)内被认定的高新技术企业(以下简称开发区企业)。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply only to the acknowledged and determined new and high technology enterprises (hereinafter referred to as development zone enterprises) in the new and high technology industries development zones (hereinafter referred to as development zones) approved by the State Council.

第三条 开发区和开发区企业的认定条件和标准,高新技术及其产品的范围,按国家科委制定的统一规定执行。
Article 3 The acknowledgement requirements and standards for the development zones and development zone enterprises as well as the scope of new and high technologies and the products thereof shall be dealt with according to the unified provisions formulated by the State Science and Technology Commission.

第四条 开发区企业从被认定之日起,减按15%的税率征收所得税。
Article 4 The income tax of development zone enterprises shall be levied at a reduced rate of 15 percent from the date of their acknowledgement and determination.

第五条 开发区企业出口产品的产值达到当年总产值70%以上的,经税务机关核定,减按10%的税率征收所得税。
Article 5 When the output value of export of a development zone enterprise exceeds 70 percent of its total annual output value, the income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 10 percent after being verified by the taxation authorities.

第六条 新办的开发区企业,经企业申请,税务机关批准,从投产年度起,二年内免征所得税。
Article 6 A newly-established development zone enterprise may, upon approval by the taxation authorities of an application filed by the enterprise, be exempted from income tax in the first two operation years.

A Chinese-foreign equity joint venture newly-established as a development zone enterprise and scheduled to operate jointly for a period of 10 years or more may, upon approval by the taxation authorities of an application filed by the enterprise, be exempted from income tax in the first two years after it has begun to make a profit.

Development zone enterprises using foreign investments within the special economic zones and economic and technological development zones shall be subject to the administration of relevant tax policy of the special zones or economic and technological development zones, and shall not be restricted by the provisions of the above two paragraphs of this Article.

On the expiration of the tax-free period, considerations of appropriate tax reductions or exemptions for a definite period of time may, upon approval, be given to the enterprises which still have real difficulties in tax payment.

第七条 对内资办的开发区企业,其进行技术转让以及在技术转让过程中发生的与技术转让有关的技术咨询、技术服务、技术培训的所得,年净收入在三十万元以下的,可暂免征收所得税;超过三十万元的部分,按适用税率征收所得税。
Article 7 Development zone enterprises using domestic investments with an annual net income not exceeding 300,000 yuan (RMB) from technological transfer and consultation, services and trainings related to this transfer shall be temporarily exempted from income tax for the above-mentioned amount; for the portion exceeding 300,000 yuan (RMB), income tax shall be levied according to the appropriate tax rate.

For all new and high technology products developed under the "Torch Programme", and conforming to exemption and reduction conditions for new products, the amount derived from tax exemption or reduction on products and on the added value of products shall be used specially for the technical development and shall be exempted from income tax.

第八条 对内资办的开发区企业减征或免征的税款统一作为国家扶持基金,单独核算,由有关部门监督专项用于高新技术及产品的开发。
Article 8 The amount derived from tax exemption or reduction for development zone enterprises using domestic investments shall be regarded as national support funds managed under an independent accounting system, and shall be specially used for the development of new and high technologies and their products under the supervision of relevant departments.

第九条 开发区企业属联营企业的,其分给投资方的利润,应按投资方企业的财务体制,扣除开发区缴纳的税款后,补缴所得税或上缴利润。
Article 9 For a development zone enterprise jointly run with another investing party, the party shall, according to its own enterprise financial system, pay retroactively the income tax or the portion to be handed over to its superior department from the profit distributed to it after deducting the tax levied in the development zone.

第十条 内资办的开发区企业,一律按照国家现行规定缴纳奖金税。但属下列单项奖励金,可不征收奖金税:
Article 10 For development zone enterprises using domestic investments, the bonus tax shall be collected according to the existing provisions of the State. However, the bonus tax may be exempted for the following individual items:

(1) the portion not exceeding 15 percent of the bonus taken from the retained net income from technology transfer, technical consultancy, technical services and technical trainings;

(2) for enterprises exporting new and high technology products, the portion of bonus awarded to staffs and workers not exceeding the amount equivalent to one and half monthly standard salaries and taken from export bonus fund according to the State provisions;

(3) other individual tax-free bonuses which comply with the State provisions.

Concerning the amount of annual per capita tax-free bonus, if the total amount of Items (1) and (2) does not exceed two and half standard monthly salaries, the bonus tax shall be levied after the above amount is deducted from the annual bonus. If the amount exceeds two and half standard monthly salaries, the bonus tax shall be levied after the actual tax-free bonus is deducted from the annual total bonus.

第十一条 内资办的开发区企业,以自筹资金新建技术开发和生产经营用房,按国家产业政策确定征免建筑税(或投资方向调节税)。
Article 11 Newly constructed buildings for technology development and production and business operations built with self-raised funds by development zone enterprises established with domestic investments shall be subject to or exempted from construction tax (or investment direction regulatory tax) according to the industrial policies of the State.

第十二条 开发区企业的贷款,一律在征收所得税后归还。
Article 12 All loans of development zone enterprises shall be reimbursed after the income tax is levied.

第十三条 开发区内的非开发区企业,按国家现行税收政策规定执行,不执行本规定。
Article 13 Non-development zone enterprises in the development zones shall act on the existing tax policy of the State instead of these Provisions.

For enterprises previously acknowledged and determined as development ones, which have undergone changes and no longer conform to the requirements and standards for development zone enterprises, these Provisions shall no longer apply.

第十四条 过去凡与本规定有抵触的税收政策,一律废止,改按本规定执行。
Article 14 Previously enacted tax policies which contravene these Provisions shall, without exception, be abolished and superseded by these Provisions.

第十五条 本规定由国家税务局负责解释。
Article 15 The State Tax Bureau shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions.

第十六条 本规定自国务院批准之日起执行。
Article 16 These Provisions shall be put into effect as of the date of approval by the State Council.
