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国务院关于股份有限公司境外募集股份及上市的特别规定Special Provisions of the State Council Concerning the Floatation and Listing Abroad of Stocks by Limited Stock Companies

第一条 为适应股份有限公司境外募集股份及境外上市的需要,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》第八十五条、第一百五十五条,制定本规定。
Article 1 This set of provisions has been formulated according to Article 85 and Article 155 of the "Company Law of the People's Republic of China" in order to meet the needs of the floatation and listing abroad of stocks by limited stock companies.

第二条 股份有限公司经国务院证券委员会批准,可以向境外特定的、非特定的投资人募集股份,其股票可以在境外上市。
Article 2 Limited stock companies may issue their stocks to given or non-given investors and list them abroad with the approval of the Securities Committee of the State Council.

The term "listing abroad" used in this set of provisions means to issue stocks to investors abroad and list them for transactions and transfer on the stock exchanges by limited stock companies.

第三条 股份有限公司向境外投资人募集并在境外上市的股份(以下简称境外上市外资股),采取记名股票形式,以人民币标明面值,以外币认购。
Article 3 The stocks issued and listed abroad (hereinafter referred to as "foreign capital stock listed abroad") by limited stock companies shall be in the form of inscribed stocks, with the per value indicated in Renminbi and subscribed to in foreign currencies.

The foreign capital stock listed abroad may be in the form of stock deposit receipts or in other derivations.

第四条 国务院证券委员会或者其监督管理执行机构中国证券监督管理委员会,可以与境外证券监督管理机构达成谅解、协议,对股份有限公司向境外投资人募集股份并在境外上市及相关活动进行合作监督管理。
Article 4 The Securities Committee of the State Council or its supervision and management and executive organization the China Securities Supervision and Management Committee may reach understanding or an agreement with securities supervision and management organizations abroad to exercise cooperative supervision and management of the limited stock companies in their activities of issuing and listing their stocks abroad and other relevant activities.

第五条 股份有限公司向境外投资人募集股份并在境外上市,应当按照国务院证券委员会的要求提出书面申请并附有关材料,报经国务院证券委员会批准。
Article 5 A limited stock company wishing to issue and list its stocks abroad shall file a written application according to the requirements by the Securities Committee of the State Council and submit it, together with relevant documents, to the Securities Committee of the State Council for approval.

第六条 国有企业或者国有资产占主导地位的企业按照国家有关规定改建为向境外投资人募集股份并在境外上市的股份有限公司,以发起方式设立的,发起人可以少于5人;该股份有限公司一经成立,即可以发行新股。
Article 6 If a State-owned enterprise or an enterprise with State-owned property occupying the dominant position is to be converted into a limited stock company that will issue and list its stocks abroad according to the relevant regulations of the State, the number of promoters may be less than five if it is incorporated by way of promotion. Such a limited stock company may issue new stocks as soon as it is incorporated.

第七条 向境外投资人募集股份并在境外上市的股份有限公司(以下简称公司)向境内投资人发行的股份(以下简称内资股),采取记名股票形式。
Article 7 The stocks issued to domestic investors (hereinafter referred to as "domestic capital stocks") by a limited stock company (hereinafter referred to as "company") that has issued and listed its stocks abroad shall be in the form of inscribed stocks.

第八条 经国务院证券委员会批准的公司发行境外上市外资股和内资股的计划,公司董事会可以作出分别发行的实施安排。
Article 8 The board of directors may make separate arrangements for the plan of issuing and listing foreign capital stocks and domestic capital stocks approved by the Securities Committee of the State Council.

The plan for the issuing and listing of foreign capital stocks and domestic capital stocks worked out according to the provisions in the preceding paragraph may be executed separately within 15 months starting from the date of approval by the Securities Committee of the State Council.

第九条 公司在发行计划确定的股份总数内,分别发行境外上市外资股和内资股的,应当分别一次募足;有特殊情况不能一次募足的,经国务院证券委员会批准,也可以分次发行。
Article 9 If a company issues foreign capital stocks and domestic capital stocks listed abroad within the total amount fixed in the stock issue plan, it shall float them in full in one issue. If special circumstances prevent this from being realized, it may issue them in installments with the approval of the Securities Committee of the State Council.

第十条 公司发行计划确定的股份未募足的,不得在该发行计划外发行新股。公司需要调整发行计划的,由股东大会作出决议,经国务院授权的公司审批部门核准后,报国务院证券委员会审批。
Article 10 If a company fails to issue all the stocks as planned in one issue, it is not allowed to issue new stocks not covered by the plan. If a company needs to adjust the stock issue plan, the shareholders meeting shall adopt a resolution for the examination by the company examination and approval department authorized by the State Council and the approval by the Securities Committee of the State Council.

The interval between the second issue of foreign capital stocks listed abroad by adding capital and the previous issue shall not be less than 12 months.

第十一条 公司在发行计划确定的股份总数内发行境外上市外资股,经国务院证券委员会批准,可以与包销商在包销协议中约定,在包销数额之外预留不超过该次拟募集境外上市外资股数额15%的股份。预留股份的发行,视为该次发行的一部分。
Article 11 In issuing foreign capital stocks listed abroad within the total amount fixed in the stock issue plan, it may, with the approval of the Securities Committee of the State Council, agree with the underwriter(s) in the underwriting agreement to reserve a certain amount of stocks apart from the amount underwritten but the amount reserved shall not exceed 15% of the total amount planned to be issued and listed abroad. The issue of the reserved shares is regarded as part of the same issue.

第十二条 公司分别发行境外上市外资股和内资股的计划,应当在公司各次募集股份的招股说明材料中全面、详尽披露。对已经批准并披露的发行计划进行调整的,必须重新披露。
Article 12 A company shall reveal in full and detail the plan for separately issuing foreign capital stocks listed abroad and domestic capital stocks in the prospectus for all issues. Rerevelation is required if the stock issue plan approved is altered.

第十三条 国务院证券委员会会同国务院授权的公司审批部门,可以对公司章程必备条款作出规定。
Article 13 The Securities Committee of the State Council, together with the company examination and approval department, may provide specific stipulations concerning the essential clauses in the articles of association of a company.

The articles of association of a company shall specify clearly the contents required by essential clauses. A company is not allowed to alter or omit, without approval, the contents of the essential clauses in the articles of association.

第十四条 公司应当在公司章程中载明公司的营业期限。公司的营业期限,可以为永久存续。
Article 14 A company shall specify the term of its operation in the articles of association. The term of operation of a company may be extended for ever.

第十五条 公司章程对公司及其股东、董事、监事、经理和其他高级管理人员具有约束力。
Article 15 The articles of association of a company are binding to the company and its shareholders, directors, supervisors, managers and other senior management personnel.

The company and its shareholders, directors, supervisors, managers and other senior management personnel all may apply for arbitration or take legal proceedings according to the advocacy and rights provided for in the articles of association.

The term "senior management personnel" referred to in the first and second paragraphs of this article include people responsible for the financial and accounting affairs of the company, secretaries of the board of directors and other people as provided for in the articles of association.

第十六条 依法持有境外上市外资股、其姓名或者名称登记在公司的股东名册上的境外投资人,为公司的境外上市外资股股东。
Article 16 The names of investors abroad holding foreign capital stocks listed abroad and registered in the list of shareholders of a company shall be the foreign capital stock holders abroad of the company.

Owners of the rights and interests of foreign capital stocks listed abroad may registered their shares under the names of nominal shareholders according to the provisions of the laws of the place where the list of foreign capital stock holders is kept or the place where the stocks are listed.

The list of foreign capital stock holders is the full evidence testifying the holding of the company's foreign capital stocks, except otherwise testified by opposite evidence.

第十七条 依据本规定第四条所指的谅解、协议,公司可以将境外上市外资股股东名册正本存放在境外,委托境外代理机构管理;公司应当将境外代理机构制作的境外上市外资股股东名册的副本备置于公司的住所。受委托的境外代理机构应当随时保证境外上市外资股股东名册正本、副本的一致性。
Article 17 A company may keep the original list of its foreign capital stock holders abroad and entrust a foreign agency for its safekeeping according to the understanding and agreement referred to in Article 4 of this set of provisions. The company shall keep the copy of the list of foreign capital stock holders made by the foreign agency at the residence of the company. The entrusted foreign agency shall ensure the all-time identity of the original and copy of the list of foreign capital stock holders.

第十八条 境外上市外资股股东名册正本的更正需要依据司法裁定作出的,可以由名册正本存放地有管辖权的法院裁定。
Article 18 If an alteration of the list of foreign capital stock holders needs to be made according to judicial rulings, the ruling may be made by the court exercising the jurisdiction over the place where the original of the list is kept.

第十九条 境外上市外资股股东遗失股票,申请补发的,可以依照境外上市外资股股东名册正本存放地的法律、证券交易场所规则或者其他有关规定处理。
Article 19 If a holder of foreign capital stocks lost his or her shares and applies for re-issue, the cases may be handled according to the law where the list of the foreign capital stock holders is kept, the rules of the stock exchange and other relevant regulations.

第二十条 公司召开股东大会,应当于会议召开45日前发出书面通知,将会议拟审议的事项以及会议日期和地点告知所有在册股东。
Article 20 In calling shareholders meetings, a company shall issue a written notice 45 days in advance to all the listed shareholders, specifying the matters to be examined and discussed, the date and place of the meeting.

The shareholders planning to attend the shareholders meeting shall send back the reply in writing to the company 20 days before the convocation of the meeting.

The specific format of the written notice and written reply shall be specified in the articles of association of a company.

第二十一条 公司召开股东大会年会,持有公司有表决权的股份5%以上的股东有权以书面形式向公司提出新的提案,公司应当将提案中属于股东大会职责范围内的事项,列入该次会议的议程。
Article 21 In its annual meeting of shareholders, the shareholders holding more than 5% of the voting stocks have the right to put forward new bills in writing and the company should list the matters falling into the scope of the functions of the shareholders meeting into the agenda of the meeting.

第二十二条 公司根据股东大会召开前20日时收到的书面回复,计算拟出席会议的股东所代表的有表决权的股份数。拟出席会议的股东所代表的有表决权的股份数达到公司有表决权的股份总数1/2的,公司可以召开股东大会;达不到的,公司应当于5日内将会议拟审议的事项、会议日期和地点以公告形式再次通知股东,经公告通知,公司可以召开股东大会。
Article 22 A company shall count the number of voting stocks represented by shareholders according to the number of written replies received on 20th day away from the shareholders meeting. If the number of voting stocks represented by shareholders planning to attend the meeting has reached half of the total number of voting stocks, the company may call the shareholders meeting. If the number has not reached half of the total number of voting stocks, the company should, within five days, inform the shareholders in the form of announcement of the matters to be discussed and the date and place of the meeting. After the announcement is made, the company may call the shareholders meeting.

第二十三条 公司的董事、监事、经理和其他高级管理人员对公司负有诚信和勤勉的义务。
Article 23 The directors, supervisors, managers and other senior management personnel of a company have the obligations of being honest, trustworthy and industrious to the company.

The people listed in the preceding paragraph shall observe the articles of association of the company, faithfully perform their duties and protect the interests of the company. They are not allowed to seek personal gains by abusing the positions and powers they hold in the company.

第二十四条 公司应当聘用符合国家有关规定的、独立的会计师事务所,审计公司的年度报告,并复核公司的其他财务报告。
Article 24 A company shall appoint an independent certified accountants office that conforms to the relevant regulations of the State to audit its annual report and cross checked other financial reports of the company.

The company shall provide relevant materials to the certified accountants office it has appointed and answer its inquires.

The period of appointment of a certified accountants office starts from the date when the first annual shareholders meeting ends to the date when the next annual shareholders meeting ends.

第二十五条 公司解聘或者不再续聘会计师事务所,应当事先通知会计师事务所,会计师事务所有权向股东大会陈述意见。
Article 25 In dismissing or discontinuing the appointment of a certified accountants office, a company shall notify the said accountants office in advance and the said accountants office has the right to make its statement to the shareholders meeting.

If a certified accountants office quits, it shall state to the shareholders meeting whether or not there is anything improper in the company.

第二十六条 公司聘用、解聘或者不再续聘会计师事务所由股东大会作出决定,并报中国证券监督管理委员会备案。
Article 26 The decision to appoint, dismiss or discontinue to appoint a certified accountants office shall be taken by the shareholders meeting and the decision shall be submitted to the China Securities Supervision and Management Committee for the record.

第二十七条 公司向境外上市外资股股东支付股利以及其他款项,以人民币计价和宣布,以外币支付。公司所筹集的外币资本金的结汇和公司向股东支付股利以及其他款项所需的外币,按照国家有关外汇管理的规定办理。
Article 27 The dividends on foreign capital stocks and other relevant payments made to shareholders abroad shall be priced and announced in Renminbi and paid in foreign currencies. The settlement of the capital raised by the company in foreign currencies and the foreign exchange needed by a company to pay the stock dividends and make other payments to shareholders shall be handled according to the provisions concerning the foreign exchange control of the State.

If the articles of association provide that the said payments shall be converted into foreign currencies and paid to shareholders by other organizations, the provisions of the articles of association shall apply.

第二十八条 公司所编制的向境内和境外公布的信息披露文件,内容不得相互矛盾。
Article 28 The documents of information compiled by a company for revelation at home and abroad shall not be self-contradictory in contents.

If there are disparities between the information revealed at home, abroad or in different countries according to the domestic and foreign laws and regulations and rules of stock exchanges, the company shall reveal the differences simultaneously at relevant stock exchanges.

第二十九条 境外上市外资股股东与公司之间,境外上市外资股股东与公司董事、监事和经理之间,境外上市外资股股东与内资股股东之间发生的与公司章程规定的内容以及公司其他事务有关的争议,依照公司章程规定的解决方式处理。
Article 29 The disputes arising from the matters relating to the contents of the articles of association and other affairs of the company between foreign capital stock holders and the company, between foreign capital stock holders and the directors, supervisors and managers of the company and between foreign capital stock holders and domestic capital stock holders shall be settled in the way provided for in the articles of association.

The law of the People's Republic of China shall apply in settling the disputes mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

第三十条 本规定自发布之日起施行。
Article 30 This set of provisions shall be implemented starting from the date of promulgation
