中华人民共和国监狱法PRISON LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 1994年12月29日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过。 (Adopted at the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on December 29, 1994) 目录 CONTENTS 第一章总则 CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS 第二章监狱 CHAPTER II PRISON 第三章刑罚的执行 CHAPTER III EXECUTION OF CRIMINAL PUNISHMENTS 第一节收监 SECTION 1 PUTTING IN PRISON 第二节对罪犯提出的申诉、控告、检举的处理 SECTION 2 HANDLING OF PETITIONS, COMPLAINTS AND ACCUSATIONS MADE BY PRISONERS 第三节监外执行 SECTION 3 EXECUTION OUTSIDE PRISON 第四节减刑、假释 SECTION 4 COMMUTATION OF PUNISHMENT AND RELEASE ON PAROLE 第五节释放和安置 SECTION 5 RELEASE AND RESETTLEMENT 第四章狱政管理 CHAPTER IV PRISON ADMINISTRATION 第一节分押分管 SECTION 1 SEPARATE CUSTODY AND SEPARATE CONTROL 第二节警戒 SECTION 2 GUARD 第三节戒具和武器的使用 SECTION 3 USE OF RESTRAINT IMPLEMENTS AND WEAPONS 第四节通信、会见 SECTION 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND MEETING WITH VISITORS 第五节生活、卫生 SECTION 5 LIFE AND HEALTH 第六节奖惩 SECTION 6 REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS 第七节对罪犯服刑期间犯罪的处理 SECTION 7 HANDLING OF CRIMES COMMITTED BY PRISONERS DURING THE TERM OF IMPRISONMENT 第五章对罪犯的教育改造 CHAPTER V EDUCATION AND REFORM OF PRISONERS 第六章对未成年犯的教育改造 CHAPTER VI EDUCATION AND REFORM OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS 第七章附则 CHAPTER VII SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS 第一章总则 CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS 第一条为了正确执行刑罚,惩罚和改造罪犯,预防和减少犯罪,根据宪法,制定本法。 Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of correctly executing criminal punishments, punishing and reforming prisoners, preventing and reducing crimes. 第二条监狱是国家的刑罚执行机关。 Article 2 A prison is an organ of the State for executing criminal punishments. 依照刑法和刑事诉讼法的规定,被判处死刑缓期二年执行、无期徒刑、有期徒刑的罪犯,在监狱内执行刑罚。 Criminal punishments of prisoners sentenced to death penalty with a two- year suspension of execution, life imprisonment, or fixed-term imprisonment shall be executed in prisons under the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Law. 第三条监狱对罪犯实行惩罚和改造相结合、教育和劳动相结合的原则,将罪犯改造成为守法公民。 Article 3 A prison shall, with regard to prisoners, implement the principle of combining punishment with reform and combining education with labour, in order to transform them into law-abiding citizens. 第四条监狱对罪犯应当依法监管,根据改造罪犯的需要,组织罪犯从事生产劳动,对罪犯进行思想教育、文化教育、技术教育。 Article 4 A prison shall exercise supervision and control over prisoners according to law, and shall, in accordance with the needs of reforming prisoners, organize prisoners to engage in productive labour and conduct ideological, cultural and technical education among prisoners. 第五条监狱的人民警察依法管理监狱、执行刑罚、对罪犯进行教育改造等活动,受法律保护。 Article 5 Activities in prison administration, execution of criminal punishments, and education and reform of prisoners conducted according to law by the people's police of a prison shall be protected by law. 第六条人民检察院对监狱执行刑罚的活动是否合法,依法实行监督。 Article 6 A people's procuratorate shall exercise supervision in accordance with the law over the legality of activities conducted by prisons in execution of criminal punishments. 第七条罪犯的人格不受侮辱,其人身安全、合法财产和辩护、申诉、控告、检举以及其他未被依法剥夺或者限制的权利不受侵犯。 Article 7 Human dignity of a prisoner shall not be humiliated, and his personal safety, lawful properties, and rights to defence, petition, complaint and accusation as well as other rights which have not been deprived of or restricted according to law shall not be violated. 罪犯必须严格遵守法律、法规和监规纪律,服从管理,接受教育,参加劳动。 A prisoner must stirctly observe laws, regulations, and rules and discipline of the prison, subject himself to control, accept education and take part in labour. 第八条国家保障监狱改造罪犯所需经费。监狱的人民警察经费、罪犯改造经费、罪犯生活费、狱政设施经费及其他专项经费,列入国家预算。 Article 8 The State shall ensure the expenditures of a prison for the reform of prisoners. The prisons' expenditures for the people's police, for the reform of prisoners, for the living expenses of prisoners, for the administration and installations of the prison, and other special expenses shall be included into the State budget. 国家提供罪犯劳动必需的生产设施和生产经费。 The State shall provide production facilities and production expenses necessary for prisoners to do labour. 第九条监狱依法使用的土地、矿产资源和其他自然资源以及监狱的财产,受法律保护,任何组织或者个人不得侵占、破坏。 Article 9 Lands, mineral resources and other natural resources used by a prison according to law as well as properties of a prison shall be protected by law; no organizations or individuals shall seize or undermine them. 第十条国务院司法行政部门主管全国的监狱工作。 Article 10 The department of judicial administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the work of prisons in the whole country. 第二章监狱 CHAPTER II PRISON 第十一条监狱的设置、撤销、迁移,由国务院司法行政部门批准。 Article 11 The establishment, abolition or move of a prison shall be subject to the approval of the department of judicial administration under the State Council. 第十二条监狱设监狱长一人、副监狱长若干人,并根据实际需要设置必要的工作机构和配备其他监狱管理人员。 Article 12 A prison shall install one warden, several deputy wardens, and, in light of the actual needs, set up necessary working organs and provide other administrative personnel. 监狱的管理人员是人民警察。 The administrative personnel in a prison are the people's police. 第十三条监狱的人民警察应当严格遵守宪法和法律,忠于职守,秉公执法,严守纪律,清正廉洁。 Article 13 The people's police of a prison shall strictly abide by the Constitution and the law, be loyal to their duties, enforce the law impartially, strictly observe discipline and be honest and upright. 第十四条监狱的人民警察不得有下列行为: Article 14 The people's police of a prison shall not commit any of the following acts: (一)索要、收受、侵占罪犯及其亲属的财物; (1) to demand, accept or seize money or goods from prisoners or their relatives; (二)私放罪犯或者玩忽职守造成罪犯脱逃; (2) to release a prisoner without authorization or through dereliction of duty to cause a prisoner to flee from the prison; (三)刑讯逼供或者体罚、虐待罪犯; (3) to use torture to coerce a confession, or to use corporal punishment, or to maltreat a prisoner; (四)侮辱罪犯的人格; (4) to humiliate the human dignity of a prisoner; (五)殴打或者纵容他人殴打罪犯; (5) to beat or connive at others to beat a prisoner; (六)为谋取私利,利用罪犯提供劳务; (6) to utilize a prisoner to provide labour services for personal gains; (七)违反规定,私自为罪犯传递信件或者物品; (7) to privately deliver a letter or an article for a prisoner in violation of regulations; (八)非法将监管罪犯的职权交予他人行使; (8) to illegally surrender the functions and powers to supervise and control prisoners to another person; (九)其他违法行为。 or (9) other law-breaking acts. 监狱的人民警察有前款所列行为,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚未构成犯罪的,应当予以行政处分。 If the people's police of a prison commit any act specified in the preceding paragraph and the case constitutes a crime, the offenders shall be investigated for criminal responsibility; if the case does not constitute a crime, the offenders shall be given administrative sanctions. 第三章刑罚的执行 CHAPTER III EXECUTION OF CRIMINAL PUNISHMENTS 第一节收监 SECTION 1 PUTTING IN PRISON 第十五条人民法院对被判处死刑缓期二年执行、无期徒刑、有期徒刑的罪犯,应当将执行通知书、判决书送达羁押该罪犯的公安机关。 Article 15 With respect to a criminal who is sentenced to death penalty with a two-year suspension of execution, life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment, the people's court shall serve the notice of execution of the sentence and the written judgment on the public security organ where the criminal is in custody. 公安机关应当自收到执行通知书、判决书之日起一个月内将该罪犯送交监狱执行刑罚。 The public security organ shall hand the criminals over to a prison for execution of the punishment within one month from the date of receiving the notice of execution of the sentence and the written judgment. 罪犯在被交付执行刑罚前,剩余刑期在一年以下的,由看守所代为执行。 Before a criminal is handed over for execution of the criminal punishment, if the remaining term of his sentence is not more than one year, the criminal punishment shall be executed by the detention house instead. 第十六条罪犯被交付执行刑罚时,交付执行的人民法院应当将人民检察院的起诉书副本、人民法院的判决书、执行通知书、结案登记表同时送达监狱。 Article 16 A people's court shall, in handing over a criminal for execution of the criminal punishment, serve on the prison a copy of the bill of prosecution from the people's procuratorate together with the written judgment, the notice of execution and the registration form of closing the case from the people's court. 监狱没有收到上述文件的,不得收监;上述文件不齐全或者记载有误的,作出生效判决的人民法院应当及时补充齐全或者作出更正; The prison shall not put the criminal in prison without receiving the above-mentioned documents; if such documents are incomplete or have errors in the records, the people's court which passed the effective judgment shall, without delay, make them complete or correct; 对其中可能导致错误收监的,不予收监。 if any of the above-mentioned circumstances may lead to wrongful imprisonment of a person, the prison shall not accept him. 第十七条监狱应当对交付执行刑罚的罪犯进行身体检查。 Article 17 A prison shall give physical examination to the criminals who are handed over for execution of their criminal punishments. 经检查,被判处无期徒刑、有期徒刑的罪犯有下列情形之一的,可以暂不收监: A criminal sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment may, after physical examination, temporarily not be put in prison under either of the following circumstances: (一)有严重疾病需要保外就医的; (1) if a criminal is seriouly ill and needs to be released on parole for medical treatment; (二)怀孕或者正在哺乳自已婴儿的妇女。 or (2) if a criminal is a pregnant woman or a woman who is breast-feeding her own baby. 对前款所列暂不收监的罪犯,应当由交付执行的人民法院决定暂予监外执行。 With respect to a criminal temporarily not to be put in prison as provided in the preceding paragraph, the decision on temporary exectution outside prison shall be made by the people's court which handed the criminal over for the execution. 对其中暂予监外执行有社会危险性的,应当收监。 With respect to any such criminal whose temporary execution of the sentence outside prison constitutes a danger to the society, he shall be put in prison. 暂予监外执行的罪犯,由居住地公安机关执行刑罚。 If a criminal temporarily serves his sentence outside prison, the public security organ in the place of the criminal's residence shall execute the criminal punishment. 前款所列暂不收监的情形消失后,原判刑期尚未执行完毕的罪犯,由公安机关送交监狱收监。 After the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph under which a criminal is temporarily not put in prison disappeared, the criminal who has not completed the execution of his original term of sentence shall be handed over to a prison for imprisonment by the public security organ. 第十八条罪犯收监,应当严格检查其人身和所携带的物品。 Article 18 When a criminal is put in prison, his or her body and the articles brought with him or her shall strictly be checked. 非生活必需品,由监狱代为保管或者征得罪犯同意退回其家属,违禁品予以没收。 The non- daily necessities shall be taken care of by the prison for the criminal or with the agreement of the criminal be returned to his or her families, and contraband goods shall be confiscated. 女犯由女性人民警察检查。 A female criminal shall be checked by a people's policewoman. 第十九条罪犯不得携带子女在监内服刑。 Article 19 A criminal may not bring his or her child with him or her to serve sentence in prison. 第二十条罪犯收监后,监狱应当通知罪犯家属。 Article 20 After a criminal is put in prison, the prison shall inform the criminal's family members. 通知书应当自收监之日起五日内发出。 A written notice shall be sent out within five days from the date when the criminal is put in prison. 第二节对罪犯提出的申诉、控告、检举的处理 SECTION 2 HANDLING OF PETITIONS, COMPLAINTS AND ACCUSATIONS MADE BY PRISONERS 第二十一条罪犯对生效的判决不服的,可以提出申诉。 Article 21 If a prisoner is not satisfied with the effective judgment, he may file a petition. 对于罪犯的申诉,人民检察院或者人民法院应当及时处理。 A people's procuratorate or a people's court shall without delay handle the petitions filed by prisoners. 第二十二条对罪犯提出的控告、检举材料,监狱应当及时处理或者转送公安机关或者人民检察院处理; Article 22 A prison shall without delay handle the complaints or accusations made by prisoners, or transfer the above material to a public security organ or a people's procuratorate for handling. 公安机关或者人民检察院应当将处理结果通知监狱。 The public security organ or the people's procuratorate shall inform the prison of the result of its handling. 第二十三条罪犯的申诉、控告、检举材料,监狱应当及时转递,不得扣压。 Article 23 A prison shall transfer without delay the petitions, complaints and accusations made by prisoners and shall not withhold them. 第二十四条监狱在执行刑罚过程中,根据罪犯的申诉,认为判决可能有错误的,应当提请人民检察院或者人民法院处理; Article 24 In the course of execution of the criminal punishment, if a prison believes on the basis of a prisoner's petition that the judgment may be wrongfully made, it shall refer the matter to a people's procuratorate or a people's court for handling. 人民检察院或者人民法院应当自收到监狱提请处理意见书之日起六个月内将处理结果通知监狱。 The people's procuratorate or the people's court shall notify the prison of the result of its handling within six months from the date of receiving the prison's written recommendation for handling. 第三节监外执行 SECTION 3 EXECUTION OUTSIDE PRISON 第二十五条对于被判处无期徒刑、有期徒刑在监内服刑的罪犯,符合刑事诉讼法规定的监外执行条件的,可以暂予监外执行。 Article 25 If a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment serving his sentence in prison complies with the conditions for execution outside prison as provided by the Criminal Procedure Law, he may be permitted to temporarily serve his sentence outside prison. 第二十六条暂予监外执行,由监狱提出书面意见,报省、自治区、直辖市监狱管理机关批准。 Article 26 For temporary execution outside prison, a written recommendation shall be made by a prison and submitted for approval to the administrative organ of prisons of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. 批准机关应当将批准的暂予监外执行决定通知公安机关和原判人民法院,并抄送人民检察院。 The organ granting the approval shall notify the public security organ and the people's court making the original judgment of the decision on the approval of the temporary execution outside prison, and send a duplicate of its decision to the people's procuratorate. 人民检察院认为对罪犯适用暂予监外执行不当的,应当自接到通知之日起一个月内将书面意见送交批准暂予监外执行的机关; If a people's procuratorate considers that it is improper to apply temporary execution outside prison to the prisoner, the people's procuratorate shall send its written opinions within one month from the date of receiving the notice to the organ that approved the temporary execution outside prison. 批准暂予监外执行的机关接到人民检察院的书面意见后,应当立即对该决定进行重新核查。 The said organ shall, upon receiving the written opinions from the people's procuratorate, conduct forthwith reexamination and reverification of its decision. 第二十七条暂予监外执行的罪犯,由居住地公安机关执行。 Article 27 If a prisoner temporarily serves his sentence outside prison, the public security organ in the place of the prisoner's residence shall execute his sentence. 原关押监狱应当及时将罪犯在监内改造情况通报负责执行的公安机关。 The prison that originally held the prisoner in custody shall promptly inform such public security organ of the prisoner's performances of reform in prison. 第二十八条暂予监外执行的情形消失后,刑期未满的,负责执行的公安机关应当及时通知监狱收监; Article 28 After the circumstances causing temporary execution outside prison disappeared, if the prisoner has not completed his term of sentence, the public secirity organ in charge of the execution shall without delay inform the prison to put the prisoner back into prison; 刑期届满的,由原关押监狱办理释放手续。 if a prisoner has completed his term of sentence, the prison that originally held the prisoner in custody shall handle the formalities for the release. 罪犯在暂予监外执行期间死亡的,公安机关应当及时通知原关押监狱。 If a prisoner died during the period of temporary execution outside prison, the public security organ shall, without delay, inform the prison that originally held the prisoner in custody about the death. 第四节减刑、假释 SECTION 4 COMMUTATION OF PUNISHMENT AND RELEASE ON PAROLE 第二十九条被判处无期徒刑、有期徒刑的罪犯,在服刑期间确有悔改或者立功表现的,根据监狱考核的结果,可以减刑。 Article 29 If a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment has shown true repentance or rendered meritorious service during the term of imprisonment, his sentence may be commuted on the basis of the result of the assessment made by the prison. 有下列重大立功表现之一的,应当减刑: If a prisoner has rendered one of the following major meritorious services, his sentence shall be commuted: (一)阻止他人重大犯罪活动的; (1) having stopped a grave criminal activity of another person; (二)检举监狱内外重大犯罪活动,经查证属实的; (2) having reported a grave criminal activity inside or outside prison which has been ascertained to be true; (三)有发明创造或者重大技术革新的; (3) having made an invention or a major technical innovation; (四)在日常生产、生活中舍己救人的; (4) having risked his or her life to save others in daily production or life; (五)在抗御自然灾害或者排除重大事故中,有突出表现的; (5) having made remarkable performances in fighting against natural calamities or in avoiding or removing grave accidents; (六)对国家和社会有其他重大贡献的。 or (6) having made other major contributions to the State or the society. 第三十条减刑建议由监狱向人民法院提出,人民法院应当自收到减刑建议书之日起一个月内予以审核裁定; Article 30 A recommendation for commutation of a sentence shall be made by a prison to a people's court. The people's court shall within one month from the date of receiving the written recommendation examine it and make a ruling thereon; 案情复杂或者情况特殊的,可以延长一个月。 if the case is complicated or the circumstances are special, the said period may be extended by one month. 减刑裁定的副本应当抄送人民检察院。 A duplicate of the ruling on commutation of a sentence shall be sent to the people's procuratorate. 第三十一条被判处死刑缓期二年执行的罪犯,在死刑缓期执行期间,符合法律规定的减为无期徒刑、有期徒刑条件的,二年期满时,所在监狱应当及时提出减刑建议,报经省、自治区、直辖市监狱管理机关审核后,提请高级人民法院裁定。 Article 31 Where a prisoner sentenced to death penalty with a two-year suspension of execution comforms with the conditions for commutation to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment as provided by the law during the period of suspension of execution of his death penalty, the prison holding the prisoner in custody shall make a timely recommendation for commutation upon expiration of the two-year suspension of execution and report it first to the administrative organ of prisons of the province, autonomous region or the municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and verification, and then submit the matter to the higher people's court for a ruling. 第三十二条被判处无期徒刑、有期徒刑的罪犯,符合法律规定的假释条件的,由监狱根据考核结果向人民法院提出假释建议。 Article 32 Where a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment conforms with the conditions for release on parole as provided by the law, the prison shall, on the basis of the result of its assessment, make a recommendation for release on parole to the people's court. 人民法院应当自收到假释建议书之日起一个月内予以审核裁定; The people's court shall, within one month from the date of receiving the written recommendation, examine it and make a ruling thereon; 案情复杂或者情况特殊的,可以延长一个月。假释裁定的副本应当抄送人民检察院。 if the case is complicated or the circumstances are special, the said period may be extended by one month. A duplicate of the ruling on parole shall be sent to the people's procuratorate. 第三十三条人民法院裁定假释的,监狱应当按期假释并发给假释证明书。 Article 33 Where a people's court has made a ruling on parole, the prison shall parole the prisoner as scheduled and issue him a certificate of parole. 被假释的罪犯由公安机关予以监督。 A parolee shall be supervised by a public security organ. 被假释的罪犯,在假释期间有违反法律、行政法规和国务院公安部门有关假释的监督管理规定的行为,尚未构成新的犯罪的,公安机关可以向人民法院提出撤销假释的建议。 Where a parolee during the period of parole commits any acts in voilation of laws, administrative rules and regulations or the regulations of the public security department under the State Council on the supervision and control of parolees, if such acts do not constitute a new crime, the public security organ may make a written recommendation for the cancellation of parole to the people's court. 人民法院应当自收到撤销假释建议书之日起一个月内予以审核裁定。 The people's court shall within one month from the date of receiving the written recommendation examine it and make a ruling thereon. 人民法院裁定撤销假释的,由公安机关将罪犯送交监狱收监。 Where the people's court has ruled to cancel the parole, the parolee shall be handed over to the prison for custody by the public security organ. 第三十四条对不符合法律规定的减刑、假释条件的罪犯,不得以任何理由将其减刑、假释。 Article 34 If a prisoner does not satisfy the conditions for commutation or parole as provided by the law, the prisoner shall not be commuted or paroled on any ground. 人民检察院认为人民法院减刑、假释的裁定不当,应当依照刑事诉讼法规定的期间提出抗诉,对于人民检察院抗诉的案件,人民法院应当重新审理。 If a people's procuratorate considers that a ruling on commutation or parole made by a people's court is improper, it may lodge a protest within the time limit specified by the Criminal Procedure Law. With respect to the case protested by the people's procuratorate, the people's court shall try it anew. 第五节释放和安置 SECTION 5 RELEASE AND RESETTLEMENT 第三十五条罪犯服刑期满,监狱应当按期释放并发给释放证明书。 Article 35 If a prisoner has completed service of his sentence, the prison shall release him as scheduled and issue him a certificate of release. 第三十六条罪犯释放后,公安机关凭释放证明书办理户籍登记。 Article 36 After a prisoner is released, the public security organ shall make residence registration for him on the strength of his certificate of release. 第三十七条对刑满释放人员,当地人民政府帮助其安置生活。 Article 37 With respect to a person released after serving his sentence, the local people's government shall assist him in resettling down. 刑满释放人员丧失劳动能力又无法定赡养人、扶养人和基本生活来源的,由当地人民政府予以救济。 If a person released after serving his sentence has lost his ability to do labour, and has no statutory supporters or basic source of income, the local people's government shall offer him relief. 第三十八条刑满释放人员依法享有与其他公民平等的权利。 Article 38 A person released after serving his sentence shall enjoy equal rights with other citizens in accordance with the law. 第四章狱政管理 CHAPTER IV PRISON ADMINISTRATION 第一节分押分管 SECTION 1 SEPARATE CUSTODY AND SEPARATE CONTROL 第三十九条监狱对成年男犯、女犯和未成年犯实行分开关押和管理; Article 39 A prison shall practise separate custody and separate control with respect to male adult prisoners, female adult prisoners and juvenile delinquents. 对未成年犯和女犯的改造,应当照顾其生理、心理特点。 In respect of the reform of juvenile delinquents and female prisoners, special consideration shall be given to their physiological and psychological characteristics. 监狱根据罪犯的犯罪类型、刑罚种类、刑期、改造表现等情况,对罪犯实行分别关押,采取不同方式管理。 A prison shall, with respect to prisoners, carry out separate custody and varied control on the basis of their types of crimes and punishments, terms of sentences and performances of reform. 第四十条女犯由女性人民警察直接管理。 Article 40 Female prisoners shall be under the direct control of people's policewomen. 第二节警戒 SECTION 2 GUARD 第四十一条监狱的武装警戒由人民武装警察部队负责,具体办法由国务院、中央军事委员会规定。 Article 41 The people's armed police forces shall be in charge of the armed guard of prisons. The specific measures shall be prescribed by the State Council and the Central Military Commission. 第四十二条监狱发现在押罪犯脱逃,应当即时将其抓获。 Article 42 If a prison discovers that a prisoner in custody has escaped, the prison shall capture him as soon as possible. 不能即时抓获的,应当立即通知公安机关。 If the prison can not immediately capture the escapted prisoner, it shall notify the public security organ without delay. 由公安机关负责追捕,监狱密切配合。 The public security organ shall be responsible for the pursuit and capture of the escaped prisoner, and the prison shall closely coordinate with the public security organ. 第四十三条监狱根据监管需要,设立警戒设施。 Article 43 A prison shall set up guard installations in accordance with the needs of supervision and control. 监狱周围设警戒隔离带,未经准许,任何人不得进入。 The guard segregation zone around a prison shall be delimited. No one shall, without permission, enter into such zone. 第四十四条监区、作业区周围的机关、团体、企业事业单位和基层组织,应当协助监狱做好安全警戒工作。 Article 44 State organs, public organizations, enterprises, institutions and grass-roots organizations in the neighbourhood of a prison or its operation areas shall assist the prison in its security work. 第三节戒具和武器的使用 SECTION 3 USE OF RESTRAINT IMPLEMENTS AND WEAPONS 第四十五条监狱遇有下列情形之一的,可以使用戒具: Article 45 Under any of the following circumstances, a prison may use restraint implements: (一)罪犯有脱逃行为的; (1) if a prisoner commits any acts of escape; (二)罪犯有使用暴力行为的; (2) if a prisoner commits any acts of violence; (三)罪犯正在押解途中的; (3) if a prisoner is on the way of escord; (四)罪犯有其他危险行为需要采取防范措施的。 or (4) if a prisoner commits other dangerous acts against which it is necessary to take precautions. 前款所列情形消失后,应当停止使用戒具。 After the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph disappeared, restraint implements shall not be used. 第四十六条人民警察和人民武装警察部队的执勤人员遇有下列情形之一,非使用武器不能制止的,按照国家有关规定,可以使用武器: Article 46 Personnel on duty of the people's police or the people's armed police forces may, under any of the following circumstances, which can not be checked without the use of weapons, use weapons in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State: (一)罪犯聚众骚乱、暴乱的; (1) if any prisoner is assembling a crowd to make a riot or rebellion; (二)罪犯脱逃或者拒捕的; (2) if any prisoner is escaping or resisting arrest; (三)罪犯持有凶器或者其他危险物,正在行凶或者破坏,危及他人生命、财产安全的; (3) if any prisoner is committing physical assault or destruction with a lethal weapon or other dangerous articles to endanger the safety of another person's life or property; (四)劫夺罪犯的; (4) if any prisoner is being seized and rescued by force; (五)罪犯抢夺武器的。 or (5) if any prisoner is seizing a weapon by force. 使用武器的人员,应当按照国家有关规定报告情况。 Personnel who have used weapons shall report the situations in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State. 第四节通信、会见 SECTION 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND MEETING WITH VISITORS 第四十七条罪犯在服刑期间可以与他人通信,但是来往信件应当经过监狱检查。 Article 47 A prisoner may, during the service of his sentence, correspond with others, but their correspondence shall be examined by the prison. 监狱发现有碍罪犯改造内容的信件,可以扣留。 If the prison discovers that the contents of a letter present a hindrance to the reform of the prisoner, the prison may detain the letter. 罪犯写给监狱的上级机关和司法机关的信件,不受检查。 Letters from a prisoner to the higher authorities of the prison or to the judicial organs shall be free from examination. 第四十八条罪犯在监狱服刑期间,按照规定,可以会见亲属、监护人。 Article 48 A prisoner may, in accordance with the relevant regulations, meet with his relatives and guardians during the service of his sentence. 第四十九条罪犯收受物品和钱款,应当经监狱批准、检查。 Article 49 Goods or money to be received by a prisoner shall be subject to the approval and examination of the prison. 第五节生活、卫生 SECTION 5 LIFE AND HEALTH 第五十条罪犯的生活标准按实物量计算,由国家规定。 Article 50 The living standard of prisoners shall be measured by the quantity of material objects, and it shall be set by the State. 第五十一条罪犯的被服由监狱统一配发。 Article 51 The beddings and clothings of prisoners shall be uniformly rationed and provided by the prison. 第五十二条对少数民族罪犯的特殊生活习惯,应当予以照顾。 Article 52 Considerations shall be given to the special habits and customs of prisoners of minority ethnic groups. 第五十三条罪犯居住的监舍应当坚固、通风、透光、清洁、保暖。 Article 53 Wards of a prison shall be firm, ventilated, possible for the natural light to come in, clean and warm. 第五十四条监狱应当设立医疗机构和生活、卫生设施,建立罪犯生活、卫生制度。 Article 54 A prison shall set up medical organs and living and sanitary facilities, and institute regulations on the life and sanitation of prisoners. 罪犯的医疗保健列入监狱所在地区的卫生、防疫计划。 Medical and health care of prisoners shall be put into the public health and epidemic prevention programme of the area in which the prison is located. 第五十五条罪犯在服刑期间死亡的,监狱应当立即通知罪犯家属和人民检察院、人民法院。 Article 55 If a prisoner dies during imprisonment, the prison shall immediately inform the prisoner's family members, the people's procuratorate and the people's court. 罪犯因病死亡的,由监狱作出医疗鉴定。 If a prisoner dies from a disease, the prison shall make a medical appraisal. 人民检察院对监狱的医疗鉴定有疑义的,可以重新对死亡原因作出鉴定。 If the people's procuratorate suspects the prison's medical appraisal, it may make an appraisal anew on the cause of the death. 罪犯家属有疑义的,可以向人民检察院提出。 If the family members of the prisoner suspect the prison's medical appraisal, they may raise their suspicion to the people's procuratorate. 罪犯非正常死亡的,人民检察院应当立即检验,对死亡原因作出鉴定。 If a prisoner dies an abnormal death, the people's procuratorate shall immediately conduct examinations and make an appraisal on the cause of the death. 第六节奖惩 SECTION 6 REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS 第五十六条监狱应当建立罪犯的日常考核制度,考核的结果作为对罪犯奖励和处罚的依据。 Article 56 A prison shall establish a routine check-up system for prisoners. The result of such check-ups shall be taken as the basis for awarding or punishing prisoners. 第五十七条罪犯有下列情形之一的,监狱可以给予表扬、物质奖励或者记功: Article 57 If a prisoner is under one of the following circumstances, the prison may commend or award him, or record a merit for him: (一)遵守监规纪律,努力学习,积极劳动,有认罪服法表现的; (1) if a prisoner observes the rules and discipline of the prison, studies hard, takes an active part in labour and shows admission of guilt and acceptance of the judgement; (二)阻止违法犯罪活动的; (2) if a prisoner has stopped any law-breaking or criminal activities; (三)超额完成生产任务的; (3) if a prisoner has overfulfilled his production task; (四)节约原材料或者爱护公物,有成绩的; (4) if a prisoner has made achievements in saving on raw materials or caring for public property; (五)进行技术革新或者传授生产技术,有一定成效的; (5) if a prisoner has achieved certain success in technical renovation or passing on his production skill; (六)在防止或者消除灾害事故中作出一定贡献的; (6) if a prisoner has made contributions in preventing or removing a disastrous accident; (七)对国家和社会有其他贡献的。 or (7) if a prisoner has made other contributions to the State and the society. 被判处有期徒刑的罪犯有前款所列情形之一,执行原判刑期二分之一以上,在服刑期间一贯表现好,离开监狱不致再危害社会的,监狱可以根据情况准其离监探亲。 Where a prisoner sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment is under one of the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph, if he has served more than a half of the original term of his sentence, and has always shown good performances during imprisonment and if his leaving from the prison will no longer endanger the society, the prison may, in light of the circumstances, permit him to leave the prison for the purpose of visiting his family members or relatives. 第五十八条罪犯有下列破坏监管秩序情形之一的,监狱可以给予警告、记过或者禁闭: Article 58 If a prisoner has committed one of the following acts obstructing the order of supervision and control, the prison may give him a warning, demerit-recording or solitary confinement: (一)聚众哄闹监狱,扰乱正常秩序的; (1) assembling a crowd to make a stir and to disturb the order of the prison; (二)辱骂或者殴打人民警察的; (2) abusing or beating the people's police; (三)欺压其他罪犯的; (3) bullying other prisoners; (四)偷窃、赌博、打架斗殴、寻衅滋事的; (4) stealing, gambling, coming to blows, or stirring up fights and causing troubles; (五)有劳动能力拒不参加劳动或者消极怠工,经教育不改的; (5) refusing to do labour though he has the ability to work or being slack in work and refusing to mend his ways even after education; (六)以自伤、自残手段逃避劳动的; (6) escaping from doing labour by means of self-injury or self- mutilation; (七)在生产劳动中故意违反操作规程,或者有意损坏生产工具的; (7) intentionally violating the operation rules in productive labour or intentionally destroying tools of production; (八)有违反监规纪律的其他行为的。 or (8) other acts violating the rules and discipline of the prison. 依照前款规定对罪犯实行禁闭的期限为七天至十五天。 The term of solitary confinement imposed on a prisoner as stipulated by the preceding paragraph shall be from seven to fifteen days. 罪犯在服刑期间有第一款所列行为,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 If a prisoner has committed an act specified in the first paragraph during the service of his sentence, and if the case constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. 第七节对罪犯服刑期间犯罪的处理 SECTION 7 HANDLING OF CRIMES COMMITTED BY PRISONERS DURING THE TERM OF IMPRISONMENT 第五十九条罪犯在服刑期间故意犯罪的,依法从重处罚。 Article 59 If a prisoner intentionally commits a crime during the service of his sentence, he shall be given a heavier punishment according to law. 第六十条对罪犯在监狱内犯罪的案件,由监狱进行侦查。 Article 60 A criminal case committed by a prisoner in the prison shall be investigated by the prison. 侦查终结后,写出起诉意见书或者免予起诉意见书,连同案卷材料、证据一并移送人民检察院。 On the conclusion of the investigation, a recommendation for prosecution or a recommendation for exemption from prosecution written by the prison together with the case file and the evidence shall be handed over to a people's procuratorate. 第五章对罪犯的教育改造 CHAPTER V EDUCATION AND REFORM OF PRISONERS 第六十一条教育改造罪犯,实行因人施教、分类教育、以理服人的原则,采取集体教育与个别教育相结合、狱内教育与社会教育相结合的方法。 Article 61 In the education and reform of prisoners, the principle of suiting education to different persons and cases and persuading prisoners through reasoning shall be implemented and the method of combining collective education with individual education and combining education by the prison with education by the society adopted. 第六十二条监狱应当对罪犯进行法制、道德、形势、政策、前途等内容的思想教育。 Article 62 A prison shall carry out ideological education among prisoners in legality, morality, current situations, policies and outlook on their futures. 第六十三条监狱应当根据不同情况,对罪犯进行扫盲教育、初等教育和初级中等教育,经考试合格的,由教育部门发给相应的学业证书。 Article 63 A prison shall, in light of different conditions of prisoners, carry out literacy education, primary education and junior secondary education. If a prisoner has passed due examinations, the educational department shall issue him the corresponding certificate of education. 第六十四条监狱应当根据监狱生产和罪犯释放后就业的需要,对罪犯进行职业技术教育,经考核合格的,由劳动部门发给相应的技术等级证书。 Article 64 A prison shall carry out occupational and technical education among prisoners in accordance with the needs of production in the prison and of employment after their release. If a prisoner has passed due examination and verification, the labour department shall issue him the corresponding certificate of technical grade. 第六十五条监狱鼓励罪犯自学,经考试合格的,由有关部门发给相应的证书。 Article 65 A prison shall encourage prisoners to study on their own. If a prisoner has passed due examinations, the relevant department shall issue him the corresponding certificate. 第六十六条罪犯的文化和职业技术教育,应当列入所在地区教育规划。监狱应当设立教室、图书阅览室等必要的教育设施。 Article 66 The cultural, occupational and technical education of prisoners shall be included into the educational plan of the area where the prison is located. A prison shall have necessary educational facilities such as class-rooms and reading-rooms. 第六十七条监狱应当组织罪犯开展适当的体育活动和文化娱乐活动。 Article 67 A prison shall organize prisoners to conduct proper sport activities and cultural recreations. 第六十八条国家机关、社会团体、部队、企业事业单位和社会各界人士以及罪犯的亲属,应当协助监狱做好对罪犯的教育改造工作。 Article 68 State organs, public organizations, units of armed forces, enterprises, institutions, personage of various circles and family members or relatives of prisoners shall assist prisons in doing a good job in the education and reform of prisoners. 第六十九条有劳动能力的罪犯,必须参加劳动。 Article 69 An able-bodied prisoner must do labour. 第七十条监狱根据罪犯的个人情况,合理组织劳动,使其矫正恶习,养成劳动习惯,学会生产技能,并为释放后就业创造条件。 Article 70 A prison shall, in the light of the individual conditions of prisoners, rationally organize them to do labour so as to correct their bad habits, to cultivate their habits of working, to acquire production skills and to create conditions for employment after their release. 第七十一条监狱对罪犯的劳动时间,参照国家有关劳动工时的规定执行; Article 71 With regard to the working hours of prisoners, a prison shall make reference to the State's relevant regulations on working hours; 在季节性生产等特殊情况下,可以调整劳动时间。 under special circumstances such as seasonal production, the working hours may be readjusted. 罪犯有在法定节日和休息日休息的权利。 Prisoners shall have the right to rest on statutory festivals and holidays. 第七十二条监狱对参加劳动的罪犯,应当按照有关规定给予报酬并执行国家有关劳动保护的规定。 Article 72 Prisons shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, pay remunerations to the prisoners who take part in labour, and implement relevant regulations of the State on labour protection. 第七十三条罪犯在劳动中致伤、致残或者死亡的,由监狱参照国家劳动保险的有关规定处理。 Article 73 If a prisoner is injured, disabled or dead in the course of doing labour, the prison shall handle the matter with reference to relevant regulations of the State on labour insurance. 第六章对未成年犯的教育改造 CHAPTER VI EDUCATION AND REFORM OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS 第七十四条对未成年犯应当在未成年犯管教所执行刑罚。 Article 74 Criminal punishments on juvenile delinquents shall be executed in the reformatories for juvenile delinquents. 第七十五条对未成年犯执行刑罚应当以教育改造为主。 Article 75 The focus in the execution of criminal punishments on juvenile delinquents shall be on education and reform. 未成年犯的劳动,应当符合未成年人的特点,以学习文化和生产技能为主。 Labour for juvenile delinquents shall conform to the characteristics of minors and its main objectives shall be to acquire an elementary education and production skills. 监狱应当配合国家、社会、学校等教育机构,为未成年犯接受义务教育提供必要的条件。 A prison shall coordinate with the State, society and educational institutions such as schools in providing necessary conditions for juvenile delinquents to receive compulsory education. 第七十六条未成年犯年满十八周岁时,剩余刑期不超过二年的,仍可以留在未成年犯管教所执行剩余刑期。 Article 76 If a juvenile delinquent has reached the age of 18 and the remaining term of his sentence does not exceed two years, he may still be kept in the reformatory for juvenile delinquents for the execution of the remaining term of his sentence. 第七十七条对未成年犯的管理和教育改造,本章未作规定的,适用本法的有关规定。 Article 77 If matters relating to the control, education and reform of juvenile delinquents are not covered by this Chapter, the relevant provisions of this Law shall apply. 第七章附则 CHAPTER VII SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS 第七十八条本法自公布之日起施行。 Article 78 This Law shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation. |