中华人民共和国财产保险合同条例Regulations of the PRC on Contracts of Property Insurance 第一条 本条例依据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》的有关规定制定。 Article 1. The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Contracts of Property Insurance are drawn up in accordance with relevant provisions of the Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China. 第二条 本条例所指的财产保险,包括财产保险、农业保险、责任保险、保证保险、信用保险等以财产或利益为保险标准的各种保险。 Article 2. The property insurance referred to in the present Regulations includes various kinds of insurance on either property or interest as the subject matter of insurance, such as property insurance, agricultural insurance, liability insurance, surety bond, credit insurance etc. 本条例中的保险事故,是指发生保险合同责任范围内的事故。 The event mentioned in the present Regulations refers to and event coming within the scope of cover under the contract of insurance. 第三条 财产保险的投保方(在保险单或保险凭证中称被保险人),应当是被保险财产的所有人或者经营管理人或者是对保险标的有保险利益的人。投保方向保险 方申清订立保险合同,负责交纳保险费的义务。 Article 3. An applicant for cover of property insurance (called the Insured in the policy or the certificate of insurance) shall be owner or the operating manager of the insured property or a person who has an insurable interest in the subject matter insured. In applying to the Insurer for the conclusion of a contract of insurance, the applicant shall be obligated to pay the insurance premium. 第四条 保险合同当事人根据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》第五十条规定,向合同管理机关申请调解或仲裁,应从其知道或应当知道保险事故发生之日起一年内提出。 Article 4. The parties to the contract of insurance applying to the organ for control of contracts for reconciliation or arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of the Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China shall make their submission within a period of one year from the date on which the incidence of an insured event is known or ought to be known by them. 第二章 保险合同的订立、变更和转让 CHAPTER II CONCLUSION, ALTERATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT OF INSURANCE 第五条 投保方提出投保要求,填具投保单,经与保险方商定交付保险费办法,并经保险方签章承保后,保险合同即告成立,保险方并应根据保险合同及时向投保方出具保险单或者保险凭证。 Article 5. A contract of insurance shall be deemed to be concluded when the applicant puts forward his proposal for insurance by filling in an application and agrees with the Insurer on the method of payment of insurance premium and when the Insurer signifies acceptance of the said application form by affixing his seal thereto. The Insurer shall issue a policy or a certificate of insurance to the applicant in good time in accordance with the contract of insurance. 第六条 投保方可以与保险方订立预约保险合同。保险方应当根据保险合同向投保方出具预约保险单,以资证明。 Article 6. An applicant may conclude an open cover with the Insurer, and the Insurer shall, in witness thereof issue an open policy to the applicant according to the contract of insurance. 预约保险合同应当订明预约的保险责任范围、保险财产范围、每一保险或一地点的最高保险金额、保险费结算办法等。 The open cover shall stipulate the scope of cover, the range of property insured, the maximum amount of insurance each risk or at each place and the method of settling premium, etc. 在预约保险合同有效期内,投保方应当将预约保险合同范围内的每一笔保险,按规定及时向保险方书面申报;保险方对投保方每一笔书面申报,均应当视作预约 保险合同的一部分, 按保险合同承担保险责任。 During the currency of the open cover, the insured shall declare to the Insurer in writing, in good time each and every risk falling within the scope of the open cover according to the stipulations. The Insurer shall treat each written declaration by the Insured as a part of the open cover and shall be liable therefor in accordance with the contract of insurance. 保险方有权查对申报内容,如有遗漏,投保方必须补报。 The Insurer shall be entitled to verify the contents of the declarations, and in cases of any omission, the Insured shall rectify it by filing the omitted declaration or declarations. 投保方有权要求保险方对申报的每一笔保险,出具单独的保险单。 The Insured may ask the Insurer to issue a separate policy for any one risk declared. 第七条 在订立保险合同时,保险方应当将办理保险的有关事项告知投保方;投保方应当按照保险方的要求,将保险方在决定其是否接受承保或者据以确定保险费率所需了解的有关主要危险情况告知保险方。 Article 7. At the time a contract of insurance is concluded, the Insurer shall advise the Insured of all matters related to the way of effecting insurance, and the Insured shall, as required by the Insurer, disclose all material circumstances which the Insurer requires to know in deciding whether or not to accept the risk or the premium to be charged. 保险合同成立后,如果发现投保方对本条上款所述的主要危险情况不申报或者有隐瞒或者作错误的申报,保险方有权解除保险合同或者不负赔偿责任。 Should, after the conclusion of the contract of insurance, there be any non-disclosure, concealment or misrepresentation by the Insured of the material circumstances mentioned in the preceeding paragraph the Insurer shall be entitled to rescind the contract of insurance or disclaim liability. 第八条 由于投保方的故意而发生保险事故,造成保险财产损失的,保险方不承担赔偿责任。 Article 8. The Insurer shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to the insured property in consequence of an insured event caused by any intentional act of the Insured. 第九条 在保险合同有效期内,投保方和保险方可以协议变更保险合同的内容。对于变更保险合同的任何协议,保险方均应当在原保险单、保险凭证上批注或者附贴批单,以资证明。 Article 9. The contents of a contract of insurance may be altered by agreement between the Insured and the Insurer during the currency thereof. Any agreement on the alteration of the contract of insurance shall be certified to by the Insurer by endorsing the policy or the certificate of insurance or by affixing an endorsement thereto. 第十条 保险合同一经成立,保险方不得在保险有效期内终止合同。 Article 10. Once a contract of insurance is concluded, the Insurer shall not terminate it during its currency. 如果按法律或者保险合同的协议,保险方提前终止保险合同时,则应将按日计算的未到期的保险费,退还投保方。 In case the contract of insurance is terminated by the Insurer prior to its expiry pursuant to law or to the agreement of the contract of insurance, the premium to be calculated pro rata daily for the unexpired period shall be refunded to the Insured. 投保方要求终止合同时, 保险方有权按照国家保险管理机关规定的短期费率表的规定,收取自保险生效日起至终止合同日为止的保险费,退还投保方原己交付的保险费。 When the contract is terminated at the request of the Insured, the Insurer shall be entitled to charge the premium calculated on the basis of the short period rating schedule set by the State Insurance Supervisory Authority for the time the contract has been in force, and refund to the Insured the premium paid by him. 但货物运输和运输工具的航程保险,保险责任一经开始,除非保险合同另有规定,投保方不能要求终止合同,也不能要求退还保险费。 In no case can the insured ask for termination of cargo transportation insurance and insurance on conveyances for voyages once they commence and for refund of premium, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract of insurance. 第十一条 除货物运输保险的保险单或者保险凭证可由投保方背书转让,毋须征得保险方同意外,其他保险标准的过户、转让或者出售,事先应当书面通知保险方,经保险方同意并将保险单或者保险凭证批改后方为有效, 否则从保险标准的过户、 转让或者出售时起,保险责任即行终止。 Article 11. With the exception of the cargo transportation policy or certificate of insurance which may be transferred by the Insured by endorsement without the necessity of obtaining the approval of the Insurer the insurance shall terminate at the time of the transfer, assignment or sale of the subject-matter insured unless prior written notice is given to the Insurer and his consent obtained, with the policy or the certificate of insurance duly endorsed. 第三章 投保方的义务 CHAPTER III OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSURED 第十二条 投保方应当按照约定的期限,交付保险费,如不按期交付保险费,保险方可以分别情况要求其交付保险费及利息或者终止保险合同。 Article 12. The Insured shall pay the insurance premium within the specified time. If he fails to do so, the Insurer may, depending on specific circumstances either require the Insured to pay the premium due with interest or terminate the contract of insurance. 保险方如果终止合同,对终止合同前投保方欠交的保险费及利息,仍有权要求投保方如数交足。 In case of termination of the contract, the Insurer shall remain entitled to require the Insured to pay the full amount of the premium in arrears and the interest due hereon before the contract is terminated. 第十三条 投保方应当遵守国家有关部门制订的关于消防、安全、生产操作和劳动保护等有关规定,维护劳动者和保险财产的安全。 Article 13. The Insured shall safeguard the safety of workers and the insured property by observing the relevant rules and regulations on fire-fighting, safety, productive operation and labour protection. 保险方可以对被保险财产的安全情况进行检查,如发现不安全因素,应及时向投保方提出消除不安全因素的合理建议,投保方应及时采取措施消除。否则,由此引起保险事故造成的损失,由投保方自己负责,保险方不负赔偿责任。 The Insurer shall be entitled to make inspections as to the security condition of the insured property, and shall, in case of any potential unsafe factors being discovered, make reasonable recommendation to the Insured in good time for the removal thereof and the Insured shall take measures to eliminate them without delay, failing which he shall be liable for any less arising from an insured event caused thereby, and the Insurer shall exenterate himself from liability. 第十四条 保险标的如果变更用途或者增加危险程度,投保方应当及时通知保险 方,在需要增加保险费时,应当按规定补交保险费。 Article 14. In case of any change in the use of the insured property or increase in the risk exposure, the INsured shall immediately notify the Insurer in writing and shall pay an additional premium according to stipulations when so required. 投保方如不履行此项义务,由此引起保险事故造成的损失,保险方不负赔偿责任。 If the Insured fails to do so, the Insurer shall not be held liable for any loss arising from an insured event resulting therefrom. 第十五条 在发生保险事故后,投保方有责任采取一切必要措施,避免扩大损失,并将事故发生的情况及时通知保险方。 ARticle 15. Upon the incidence of an insured event, the Insured shall take all necessary measures to prevent aggravation of the loss and shall notify the Insurer immediately of full details of the event. 如果投保方没有采取措施, 保险方对由此而扩大的损失,有权拒绝赔偿。 If the Insured fails to take such measures, the Insurer shall be entitled to repudiate liability for any loss so aggravated. 第四章 保险方的赔偿责任 CHAPTER IV THE LIABILITY OF THE INSURANCE OR COMPENSATION 第十六条 保险方对发生保险事故所造成的保险标的的损失或者引起的责任,应当按照保险合同规定履行赔偿责任。 Article 16. The Insurer shall, in accordance with the stipulations of the contract of insurance perform the obligation of compensating for loss of or damage to the subject matter insured or for liability caused by or arising from an insured event. 除另有协议者外,保险方的赔偿责任是对投保方在发生事故当时实际遭受的损失负责赔偿,但最高以保险标的的保险金额为限。 Unless otherwise agreed, the liability of the Insurer for compensation is for loss or damage actually suffered by the Insurer at the time of an insured event subject to a maximum not exceeding the insured amount of the subject-matter insured. 如有分项保险金额的,最高以各该分项保险标的保险金额为限。 If there are separate items with separate insured amounts the insurer's maximum liability shall not exceed the insured amount of each item of the subject-matter insured. 保险方在赔偿保险财产的损失时,应当将损余物资的价值和投保方从第三者取得的赔偿,在保险赔偿金额中扣除。 In compensating for loss of or damage to the insured property, the Insurer shall deduct from the amount of compensation the salvage value of such property and the amount recovered by the Insured from third parties. 第十七条 投保方为了避免或者减少保险责任范围内的损失而进行施救、保护、整理以及诉讼所支出的必要的合理费用,以及为了确定保险责任范围内的损失所支付的对受损标的检验、估价、出售的合理费用,按照保险合同的规定,由保险方负责偿还,但最高以保险金额为限。 Article 17. The Insurer will according to the stipulations of the contract of insurance be liable for reasonable costs necessarily incurred by the Insured for salving, safeguarding, reconditioning or litigation to mitigate a loss within the scope of cover and for reasonable expenses incurred for inspecting, assesing or selling of the damaged subject-matter insured for the purpose of ascertaining the loss falling under the scope of cover, provided that such costs and expenses shall not exceed the sum insured. 第十八条 投保方要求保险方赔偿时,应当提供损失清单和施救等费用清单以及必要的帐册、单据和证明。 Article 18. The Insured shall when lodging a claim submit to the Insurer a statement of claim and statements for salvage charges, etc. as well as necessary accounts, vouchers and documentary evidence. 保险方收到投保方要求赔偿的单证后,根据保险合同的规定,核定应否赔偿;在与投保方达成有关赔偿金额的协议后,应在十天内偿付。 Upon receipt of the documents for such claim, the Insurer shall decide whether or not to admit liability, and where an agreement on the amount payable is reached with the Insured, shall effect payment within ten days from the date of such agreement. 保险方如果不及时偿付,则应承担违约责任,自确定赔偿金额之日起十日后开始按中国人民银行当时对企业短期贷款利率支付违约金。 In case of failure to pay within the prescribed time, the Insurer shall be liable for breach of the contract and subject to a penalty commencing from the eleventh day following the date on which the amount of indemnity is determined, according to the interest rate then prevailing for short term loans to enterprises as set by the People's Bank of China. 第十九条 保险标的发生保险责任范围内的损失,应当由第三者负责赔偿的,投保方应当向第三者要求赔偿。 Article 19. If the insured property sustains a loss within the scope of cover for which a third party shall be held liable, the Insured shall file a claim with such third party. 如果投保方向保险方提出赔偿要求时, 保险方可以按照保险合同规定,先予赔偿,但投保方必须将向第三者追偿的权利转让给保险方,并协助保险方向第三者追偿。 The Insurer may make compensation in advance according to the provisions of the contract if the Insured claims against him, in such case, however, the Insured shall subrogate to the Insurer the right of recovery against the third party and assist the latter in pursuing such recovery. 第五章 附 则 CHAPTER V SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS 第二十条 公民个人同保险方签订的保险合同,参照本条例执行。 Article 20. The Present Regulations shall apply to contracts of insurance concluded between the Insurer and individuals. 第二十一条 涉外财产保险合同参照本条例执行。 Article 21. The Present Regulations shall apply to contract of insurance on property involving foreign elements. 第二十二条 海上保险合同,除法律另有规定外,适用本条例的规定。 Article 22. Unless otherwise stipulated by The Law, the present Regulations shall apply to contracts of marine insurance. 第二十三条 本条例自颁布之日起施行。 Article 23. The present Regulations comes into force on the day of promulgation. |