
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情





Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

      41.After leaving school, Nigel decided to ____ in the army.

A) enroll B) sign

C) register D) enlist

42.Even at that early stage the school felt that she ____ a good chance of passing her exams.

A) stood B) achieved

C) possessed D) took

43.Although the coach had not thought her a good tennis player at first, she ____ to be a champion.

A) came round B) turned out

C) turned up D) came out

44.If she hadn't ____ on the last question, her score on the test would have been perfect.

A) slipped up B) slept up

C) spilt up D) slipped on

45.The ____ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually makes jobs easier to do.

A) addition B) association

C) application D) affection

46.The government ____ the people to be economical of oil consumption.

A) call in B) call up

C) call on D) call off

47.It's possible to ____ from all the information give

n to us and to make various decisions.

A) enclose B) generalize

C) tackle D) withdraw

48.She gets along very well with everyone; so she is the most ____ member of our family.

A) rusty B) impetuous

C) compatible D) imperious

     49.Immigrants, fleeing from political and religious persecution, came from nonindustrialized ____ industrialized countries.

A) also B) and too

C) as well as D) and both

50.Mary is by no means learned; nor is she good at any practical trade. The only ____ she possesses is her beauty.

A) something valuable B) asset

C) something pleasing D) womanly virtue


41. 答 案D。【参考译文】离开学校后,奈杰尔决定从军。【试题分析】本题为近义词辨析题,应从上下文中判断和区别它的用法。【详细解答】 enroll的意思是“录取,登记,注册”;enlist的意思是“从军,入伍”; register的意思也是“登记”;sign的意思“签字”,根据上下文应选D)。

42. 答 案A。【参考译文】甚至在早期阶段学校就认为她有很大的成功机会。【试题分析】本题为近义词辨析题。但其重点是考搭配辨析,不在语法正误与否。【详细解答】 stand a good chance是固定搭配,有很大的成功机会,故选A)。

43. 答 案B。【参考译文】最初教练并没料到她是一位好的网球运动员,但结果她却获得了冠军。【试题分析】本题为形近词搭配辨析题。 A和D为一类;B和C为一类;主要考察动词词组在上下文中的用法。【详细解答】 turn out意思是结果出人意料之外,而其它三个短语都没有此意,故应选B)。

44. 答 案A。【参考译文】假如她没把最后一个问题答错的话,这次考试就会得满分。【试题分析】本题为形近搭配辨析题。 A和D为一类;B和C为一类;主要考察英语短语的搭配及习惯用法。【详细解答】 slip up是固定用法(口语),意思是犯错误,而其它三个短语都无此意。

45. 答 案C。【参考译文】在工业生产上使用科技新成果往往使工作做起来更容易。【试题分析】本题为形近词用法辨析题;需要注意和其它词语的搭配。【详细解答】 application意思是“应用”;addition意思是“增加”;association意思是“联合会”;affection意思是“影响”。 根据上下文应选C)。

46. 答 案C。【参考译文】政府号召人民要节约燃油。【试题分析】本题为搭配辨析题,主要考察短语的固定搭配和习惯用法。【详细解答】 call on意思是“号召”;call in意思是“收回”;call off意思是“决取消”;call up意思是“打电话给…”。故选C)。

47. 答 案B。【参考译文】从给我们的全部信息中进行归纳并做出各种决定是可能的。【试题分析】本题为近义词辨析题。需要从上下文中判断它们的用法。【详细解答】 enclose意思是“封入”;generalize的意思是“归纳,总结”;tackle意思是“解决”;withdraw的意思是“撤退”。根据上下文选B)。

48. 答 案C。【参考译文】她能和每个人都相处得很好,所以她是我们家中最容易接近的成员。【试题分析】本题既是难词辨析题又是形近词辨析题; B和D既是难词又是形近词。【详细解答】 imperious意思是“傲慢的”;impetuous意思是“冲动的”;rusty意思是“生疏的,生锈的”;compatible意思是“能共存 的,相容的”。上下文的意思应该是容易相处的,故选compatible。

49. 答 案C。【参考译文】由于政治和宗教迫害的缘故,移民既有来自非工业化国家的,也有来自工业化国家的。【试题分析】本题为近义词辨析题。【详细解答】其它三个短语不能用于这个结构中。 as well as=in addition to以及。因此,应选C)。

50. 答 案B。【参考译文】玛丽既无学问又不善于做生意。她唯一的资本是她的美貌。【试题分析】此题为难词辨析题。【详细解答】 A)、C)两个选项在这句中都是不合适的,因为英语没有这个用法。D)womanly virtue与上下文的意思不合,因为其意思面太窄,B)asset意思是“资质”,正合此意,故选B)。


