
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情




Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

      51.He received a ____ from the university in order to continue his research.

A) credit    B) grant

C) prize      D) reward

52.Several of the offshore islands are ____ now that we have a motor boat.

A) available     B) accessible

C) convenient     D) achievable

53.The World Health Organization fights against ____ diseases all over the world.

A) inevitable    B) influential

C) infectious    D) inferior

54.Of course, for years they ____ moving to the country, getting away from the stress of city life, but nothing ever came out of that talk.

A) talked to       B) talked of

C) talked over    D) talked round

55.The Indians see little ____ for success and become frustrated, because they usually go to inferior school and often cannot adjust to life in the city.

A) priority       B) instinct

C) insurance     D) prospect


51. 答 案B。【参考译文】为了继续进行研究,他接受了学校的助学金。【试题分析】本题为近义词辨析题,需对上下文进行分析判断。【详细解答】 grant的意思是“助学金”;credit的意思是“荣誉”;prize的意思是“奖金”;reward的意思是“赏金,报酬”,只有grant的意思 更准确,故选grant。

52. 答 案B。【参考译文】我们既然有了摩托艇,就可以到好几个岸边岛屿了。【试题分析】本题为形近词辨析题,需根据上下文判断其用法。【详细解答】 accessible意思是“可接近的”;achievable意思是“可完成的”; available意思是“有效的”;convenient意思是“方便的”。根据上下文应选B)。

53. 答 案C。【参考译文】世界卫生组织与全世界的易传染疾病进行斗争。【试题分析】本题为形近词辨析题,需注意形容词与名词的搭配关系。【详细解答】 infectious意思是“易传播的”;inferior意思是“低级的”;inevitable意思是“不可避免的”;influential意思是 “有影响的”。根据上下文的意思应选C)。

54. 答 案B。【参考译文】多年来,他们曾商量过要搬到乡下去,远离城市生活的压力。但是这种商量没有产生任何结果。【试题分析】本题为搭配辨析题,主要考察动词短语的搭配和习惯用法。【详细解答】 talk to sb.“与某人谈话”;talk of意思是“商量,讨论”;talk over“讨论某事”;talk round意思是“兜圈子”,根据上下文应选B)。

55. 答 案D。【参考译文】印第安人几乎看不到成功的前景,并变得沮丧起来,因为他们总是到教育水平低下的学校去上学,而且常常不适应城市的生活。【试题分析】本题为形近词辨析题; A和D为一类;B和C为一类;应从语义搭配进行辨析。【详细解答】 priority意思是“优先权”;instinct意思是“本能”;insurance意思是“保险”;prospect意思是“前景”。根据本句话的意思应选D)。


