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岳阳楼(Yueyang Tower)矗立在湖南省岳阳市洞庭湖岸边,是“江南三大名楼”之一,另外两座分别是滕王阁(TengwangPavilion)和黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Tower)。自古以来,岳阳楼一直有“岳阳天下搂”之称,与有“洞庭天下水”之称的洞庭湖齐名。最初岳阳楼主要是军用的,用于指挥海上舰队以及举行阅 兵 仪 式 (military review)。著名的《岳阳楼记》由北宋伟大的作家范仲淹所作,它使岳阳楼声名远播,成为中国南方著名的景点。岳阳楼的结构在中国古代建筑史上是独一无二的,具有无与伦比的艺术价值。

Standing on the shore of Dongting Lake in YueyangCity of Hunan Province, Yueyang Tower is one of the“three famous towers in the south of the YangtzeRiver”,the other two being Tengwang Pavilion andthe Yellow Crane Tower.Since ancient times, Yueyang Tower has been enjoying the title of “the best tower on this planet”,having equalstatus with “the best lake on earth”一Dongting Lake. Originally, Yueyang Tower was mainly formilitary use as directing marine troops and for military reviews. The well-known On YueyangTower by the great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan, brought great fame toYueyang Tower far and wide, making it a well-known scenic spot in South China. The structureof Yueyang Tower is unique in the architectural history of ancient China, holding unparalleledartistic values.
