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2018年12月英语六级易考范文: 我对国家公共假期变化的看法


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英语六级易考范文第26篇: My View on Changes of National Public Holiday 我对国家公共假期变化的看法

From 2008, the past national holiday pattern has changed:the previous seven-day Labor’sDay has been shortened into a three-day holiday,with some new one’ day holidays set up, suchas Qingming Festival, Duanwu Festival, and Mid-autumn Day.

And this change has become a hot topic around the country.

People hold different opinions about this change.

Some argue that it is of great benefit.

Firstly, it can restore and consolidate Chinese traditions, for Qingming Festival can remind people of their ancestors and those who sacrifice themselves for the liberation of the country,

Duanwu Festival can make people better understand nationalism, and Mid-autumn Day can make people share the happiness of family-gathering.

Secondly, it’s helpful to release pressure on transportation with the short holidays adopted.

Since in the past, many people would go traveling during the seven-day Labor’s Day, it will unquestionably put much pressure on the traffic.

However, other people insist it is no good news for Chinese economy, especially tourism, with more people spending less on shopping and traveling in shorter holidays.

Personally, I think its benefits overweigh the demerits, since currently, with China developing at a surprising speed, it’s more important to remindpeople of the virtues, traditions, and customs of Chinese civilization.
