
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情





Due to the rapid development of communications network, the number of smartphone users in China has been increasing at an astounding speed in recent years, which greatly changes many people’s way of reading. Now they usually read news and articles on their smart phones instead of buying traditional newspapers and magazines. The developing of a large number of Mobile apps enables people to read novels and other forms of literature via cell phones. Therefore, the sale of paper books is affected. But the survey shows that though the market of reading on cellphones is growing steadily, over half of adults still love reading paper books.   


本次四级翻译整体难度适中。从主题方面来看,继续沿袭了近年来的风格,关注当下中国最热门的事件之一:互联网相关的话题。在整篇翻译中,有不少表达是可以靠平时积累翻译常用的固定表达来解决,例如:“……的快速发展”:the rapid development of …;“以惊人速度增长”:at an amazing / astounding speed 或者at a breathtaking speed;“……受到了影响”:…… is affected/influenced/ impacted;“移动应用程序”:Mobile apps;“调查显示”:the survey shows;“市场稳步增长”:the market of… is growing steadily;“超半数”:over half of…。当然,在词汇方面,其中较难的部分是“通信网络”、 “其他形式的文学作品” 的准确翻译,分别是:communications network和other forms of literature;在语法方面,难点依然是被动语态往往容易被忽略。
