
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情





In the past few years, the mobile payment market has been booming in China. With the emergence of mobile internet, mobile shopping has gradually become a trend. Young people aged 18 to 30 constitute the largest group in the mobile payment market. Since it is so easy to pay with mobile phones nowadays, many consumers prefer to pay with mobile phones rather than cash or credit cards when shopping. In order to encourage consumption, many stores give discounts to customers who use mobile payment. Experts predict that China Mobile Payment Market still has great potential in the future.


总体而言,今年的四级翻译难度适中。首先,主题依然是热门话题,互联网发展带来的变化和影响,因此,根据话题可以提前积累好以下一些词汇和表达: “手机购物”:mobile shopping;“现金”:cash;“信用卡”:credit card;。其次,翻译和作文模板常用的一些固定句型、固定表达,在今年的翻译中也能有很好的运用,例如:“……在蓬勃发展”:… has been booming;“……成为一种趋势”:… has become a trend;“给……打折”:give discounts to…;“……仍有很大发展潜力”:… still has great potential。最后,考察内容中稍微困难,拉开分数差距的考点是“移动支付市场”、“随着……的出现”和“构成了……的最大群体”的准确翻译,它们分别是:mobile payment market,With the emergence of…,constitute the largest group。而在语法方面,本篇文章的难点是长句的翻译,尤其是在长句中如何挑选出合适的部分确定主语,然后借助介词短语、从句等合理组织语言。
