
  • 8-3 有助动词肯定句子的被动语气在上一节,我们所有的例子都只是肯定句子,句子中没有助动词,可是有些肯定句子还是有助动词的,以下是一些例子:主动语气 现在进形式 I am writing this letter. 现在完程序 I have written the letter. 过去进形式 I wa...

  • 世界末日 It's the End of the World...

  • 所谓的被动语气,乃是将原来的受词变成主词。举例来说,主动语气中,我们说〝我看到一些狗〞,在被动语气中,我们说〝...

  • 一旦动词是及物动词,我们就可以将这个句子由原来的主动语气(active voice)改成被动语气(passive voice)。但我们 0第八章 被动语气(Passive Voice)...

  • 分析In English, the word "beware" is a kind of warning and is usuaILy directly followed by something "bad" or "dangerous"....

  • 知识扩展As the environment becomes a more and more important issue, what we do with our garbage also becomes more important. The following list of garbage...

  • 第七章 问句(Questions) 7-2 回答不只是〝yes〞和〝no〞的问句 问句的答案当然不一定只是yes或no,以下的问句都是例子: Where did you buy this book? Where did you see him? How do you like America? Wh...

  • 爱思英语编者按:ESL(English as a Second Language,以英语为第二语言/外语)是针对母语非英语的并把英语作为第二语言的语言学习者的专业英文课程,是外国学生申请美国大学所必修的一门语言课程。通过参加ESL考试,考生不仅可以提高语言水平,还可以更加深入地了解英美国家的社会结构...

  • 第七章 问句(Questions) 7-1 答案只是〝Yes〞或〝No〞的问题 有些问题,答案只有〝Yes〞或〝No〞,以下是一些例子。原来句子 I am a boy. He has a car. I gave him three books. He cannot work. He has not ...

  • 到底要卖什么?What Are They Selling?知识扩展Coffee is popular in Westem countries and increasingly so in China.Tea is a traditional drink in China bUt many Weste...