
  • Always remember you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ----Winnie the Pooh永远铭记:你比你认为的更勇敢,比你看起来更坚强...

  • Above all, know your audience and match what you say to their needs. Creating your presentation with your audience in mind, it will assure that your a...

  • How long should your résumé be? It’s a long-standing debate among recruiters, but there is one thing they agree on: it needs to be...

  • Improve your Pronunciation改善发音方式Choose a paragraph and read aloud.选择一个段落并大声朗读。Choose a paragraph and mark each sentence with a sound script (helpful p...

  • If you’re still following job-search advice from a decade or more ago, chances are good that you’re inadvertently sabotaging your own chan...

  • If you use one, a summary statement is be listed at the top of your resume under your name and contact information. If you include a summary statement...

  • What are the things that drive interviewers the most crazy? Listen and learn.到底是哪5种情况让面试官最抓狂呢,看一下吧。1.You arrive super early1. 来得太早了。Everybody knows th...

  • 1、林语堂(现代著名学者、文学家、语言学家)英语学习观:凡不以口语为基础的人,一定写不出平易自然,纯熟地道的英文。近年国内学英语风气甚盛,无论在中学,在大学,或在自修,多少莘莘学子都在用功夫,日求进益,我想据我个人的经验,谈谈这个中的关系。四十年前我在德国,听过柏林大学教出来的操华语的德国人,听起来...

  • 相信很多人都会通过看美剧学英语,但是大家知道怎样通过看美剧来真正提高自己的学习吗?下面是一位英语达人给出的一些建议,有很多借鉴之处,烤鸭们可以在平时观看美剧的同时,试试这些方法,久而久之会有成效的。之前看过英语巴士网论坛里讨论用美剧学习英语到底有没有用,以及用哪部美剧练习等问题,我想说的是这只是一个...

  • 英语是这个年代要掌握的本领,英语好会怎么样,怎么样才英语好,请看来自「知乎」简安 的这个回答:体会为三点。1、在所有的电话会议当中,不会有人认为我是外国人。工作碰面,看到我是亚洲脸会先楞一下。2、同事一致认为我是在东北部长大的亚裔,解释说是中国人会以为我在开玩笑,需要当着他们的面说中文才能证明我没在...