The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之三
2023-11-24影片对白MICHAEL: Lilly, the car's here!LILLY: I’m coming!MICHAEL: Thanks for the ride. Thank you.MIA: Hey. What?LILLY: Michael, don't always think...
The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之四
2023-11-24Download影片对白 GUPTA: The phone's ringing off the hook.MIA: What?! Oh!O'CONNELL: Mia, your mother's on her way.GUPTA: Gupta. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm....
The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之五
2023-11-24Download影片对白 SUKI: It was just last night that San Francisco's own little princess partied at the beach but what started out as innocent fun soon ...
The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之六
2023-11-24Download影片对白CLARISSE: I've been thinking about it a great deal and the truth is I think you'd make a very fine princess. You know, people thin...
Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之一
2023-11-24Download影片对白Crowd: You got him! You got him!Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (voice-over): Only ever met one man I wouldn't want to fight.Man: I can't ...
Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之二
2023-11-24Download影片对白Priest: Bye.Woman: Goodbye.Frankie Dunn: Hey, Father, that was a great sermon. Made me weep.Priest: What's confusing you this week?Fra...
Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之三
2023-11-24Download影片对白Frankie Dunn: Yeah, I know, Hogan. Your guy's the champ, so we don't split fifties. But if I don't see 40%... Look, you call m...
2023-11-24许多英语学习者都有一个同感:当学习达到一定程度后,要再上一个层次似乎变得非常困难,常有一种事倍功半的感觉,而且,不同英语水平的人要“更上” 不同的“一层楼”时,都会遇到这个具有共性的问题。究其原因,没有足够的阅读量是根本性的制约因素,因为阅读量不够,至少会造成如下几方面的弊端,从而造成“原地踏步”的...
2023-11-24量的问题-听多少才够? 听写系统使用教程新闻词汇天天学[听写攻略] 十大方法听懂英语新闻我们都知道,任何事物的发展都有一个从量变到质变得的过程。语言学习也不例外,如果没有一定的努力和量的积累,想突破英语几乎是不可能的。听力练习尤其如此。由于我们日常英语学习不我们的母语那样有很好的视听学习环境。我们的...
2023-11-24互联网的确为英语学习提供了很多方便,但是互联网的时代也是个信息爆炸的时代,我们到底应该怎么使用互联网来更好的学习英语呢?* 首先要记住,学习一门语言是个渐进的过程,不可能一夜学成。* 尽早确定你学习的客观因素:你想要学习什么方面?为什么?希望通过考试的同学就要学习应试相关的内容,如果想要提高听说能力...