Millions of TV viewers were gripped by an epic battle yesterday. The arena: the snooker World Championship in Sheffield, England. The combatants: Chin...
The Presidential Pooch 总统家的小狗
2023-12-07The world has been watching US President Barack Obama closely since he took office in January this year to see whether he makes good on his promises a...
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies 傲慢与偏见与僵尸
2023-12-07What do you associate with Jane Austen? Genteel romance? Wry social comment? Blood-splattered bodices?If that seems inconsistent, you may need to flic...
Technology: Anti-social Networking 科技:反社交网络
2023-12-07Have you recently been poking your friends, twittering, or blogging? Well, according to a recent report from the global research company Nielson, you ...
Entertainment: The Apprentice 娱乐:学徒
2023-12-07One of Britain’s most popular reality TV programmes has returned to our screens for a fifth series. The Apprentice sees 16 ambitious individuals...
Culture: St Patrick's Day 文化:圣帕特里克日
2023-12-07All of the countries in the British Isles have a patron saint’s day but the biggest celebrations are always held on March 17th, Ireland’s ...
Culture: Shakespeare’s Face文化:莎士比亚的肖像
2023-12-07It’s not every week that England’s greatest playwright William Shakespeare hits the headlines, but the Bard of Avon has been the subject o...
Education: 59 Million Words 教育: 5千9百万字
2023-12-07Not keen on reading? Do you have trouble finding a novel that takes your interest? Why not follow Ammon Shea’s example and start reading a dicti...
The cast and crew of British movies will no longer be hailed as the underdogs at awards ceremonies. At the recent 81st Oscars ceremony, British actors...
Culture: A Historic Love Letter 文化:一封历史情书
2023-12-07The 16th century English King Henry VIII is best known for his prodigious appetite and habit of executing wives he was unhappy with, but a love letter...