
  • SScrape 刮,擦 2次It took us only a few hours to _____ the paper off all four walls. (00.1---50)A. chip B. shear C. stroke D.scrapeHe ______ his head, won...

  • 我无数次地看到很多大学生在饭店里面大吃大喝,我无数次地看到贫穷的大学生为了博得红颜一笑,买大束的鲜花给女朋友!还有一个故事令我难以释怀:披着蓑衣、穿着打补丁衣服、无比苍老的爸爸到学校给儿子送生活费,那个不肖的儿子留着长发,带着耳机正在听MP3,毫无感恩之情地拿过父亲皱巴巴的两百元钱,赶紧把父亲打发走...

  • 改革之后,四六级考试更加侧重了综合测试部分。该部分又由两小部分组成:完型填空或改错,这部分所占的分值为10%;简答或翻译,这部分所占的分值为5%。这四种题型都能在很大程度上反应考生的英语听说读写综合能力,所以虽然占分比例不高,但是还是希望能引起各位考生的广泛关注。一、 完型填空完型填空糅合了词汇题和...

  • 新东方名师张杨(左)、周雷(中)及蔡卫星(右)作客新浪主持人:各位网友大家好!这里是新浪嘉宾聊天室,大家知道在不久前全国大学英语四六级考试改革项目组和全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会编写的大学语四级考试样卷近日在上海外语教育出版社独家出版了,这本样卷的出版引起广大网友的关注,今天特别请到北京新东方学校...

  • 1. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.2. But it will be the driver’s responsib...

  • 21. For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective...

  • 41. His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against Blacks in the United States, but his definition of racial prejudice as ra...

  • 61. Of course, it would be as dangerous to overreact to history by concluding that the majority must now be wrong about expansion as it would be to re...

  • 81. Both novelists use a storytelling method that emphasizes ironic disjunctions between different perspectives on the same events as well as ironic t...

  • 101. Thus in addition to the chances of going away from the right path outlined above, the scientific investigator shares with the ordinary citizen th...