
  • 宜昌的英文:(N) Yichang (city in Hubei)参考例句:In Shasi and Ichang, the local troops and the Reds get on famously together-like cats and mice living in the sam...

  • 宜家的英文:IKEA(瑞典家具卖场,世界上最大的家居用品销售商)参考例句:The cyan vase is from Ikea.蓝绿色的花瓶来自宜家。...

  • 宜家家居的英文:IKEA...

  • 宜家效应的英文:Ikea effect无论自己动手做的东西是好还是坏,总觉得自己的创作特别有价值。 英英解释: Increased feelings of pride and appreciation for an object because it has been self-made or se...

  • 宜居城市的英文:livable citylivable是什么意思:a. 适于居住的;可住的Leading Taiwanese magazine Global Views once conducted a survey on the most livable city in the world and...

  • 宜居带的英文:habitable zonegoldilocks zone宜居带指一颗恒星周围的一定距离范围,在这一范围内水可以以液态形式存在,由于液态水被科学家们认为是生命生存所不可缺少的元素,因此如果一颗行星恰好落在这一范围内,那么它就被认为有更大的机会拥有生命或至少拥有生命可以生存的环境。hab...

  • 宜居重庆的英文:Livable Chongqinglivable是什么意思:a. 适于居住的;可住的Leading Taiwanese magazine Global Views once conducted a survey on the most livable city in the worl...

  • 宜人的英文:amenity参考例句:Comfort zone(气候、温度)宜人的地区The noise of the stream have a pleasantly somnolent effect.小河潺潺的流水声有宜人的催眠效果。They are bouncing with health in...

  • 贻误的英文:bunglebungle是什么意思:v. 拙劣地工作,粗制滥造n. 粗劣,失败,笨拙The gang spent a year planning the robbery and then bungled it这伙人蓄To have a capacity not enough for su...

  • 移除的英文:detach参考例句:You don't need to remove every bit at this point. 这点上你不需要完全移除。 The cloth backing and thirty patches were removed.布料的衬背和三十处修补已经被...