2023-11-24出柜的英文:come out of the closet指Female to Male (FTM) 或者Male to Female (MTF) 向周围的人公开自己的性别认同与生理性别和社会性别不一致的状况。“出柜”就是让自己的性取向示与人的状况,站出来,承认是同性恋。come是什么意思:v. 来;...
2023-11-24出国的英文:go abroad参考例句:Her hopes of going abroad went up in smoke她出国的希望破灭了。He went overseas on business and not for a vacation.他是因公出国而不是去休假。Barbara went ...
2023-11-24出国留学的英文:1. to go abroad to study one's studies; to go abroad to pursue one's studies; to study abroad参考例句:I intend to study abroad.我打算出国留学。Mor...
2023-11-24出国学习的英文:study abroad参考例句:She will never let slip a chance to study abroad.她绝不会错过出国学习的机会。Her parents pinched and scraped so that she could study singin...
2023-11-24出海的英文:follow the seaput to seaset out to seaset sailtake the seatake to sea参考例句:Sunset and evening star, and one clear call for me! And may there be n...
2023-11-24出海口的英文:sea gate参考例句:The Pudong New Area lies at the mid-point of China's coastline where the Changjiang River empties into the sea上海浦东新区地处中国海岸线中点和...
2023-11-24出行的英文:trip参考例句:Travel guide出行指南It is ideal for daily use at home or while traveling.居家出行理想用品My heart has been heavy all day long because you have so f...
2023-11-24出击的英文:sallysally forthsortie参考例句:During the attack many of our pilots noted the brave efforts of American fliers to get planes off the ground我们出击期间,许多...
2023-11-24出嫁的英文:get married参考例句:One of their daughters married a lot of money.他们的一个女儿出嫁后得到一大笔财产。I never thought that my kid sister would get married. Congratula...
2023-11-24出界的英文:out of play参考例句:A linesman signaled“off-side“, but the referee overruled him and ordered“play on“.一个巡边员做手势表示〞出界〞,但裁判员否决了他的裁定并命令〞继续进行比赛〞。The ball...