英语频道小编Dominic整理了英语单词hemorrhoid的学习资料,关于hemorrhoid是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hemorrhoid的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hemorrhoid的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hemorrhoid相关的信息。 hemorrhoid英[ˌhemə'rɔɪd]美[ˈhɛməˌrɔɪd]n.痔疮;很难相处的人,招怨的人网络痔;痔疮 双语例句 1 . Objective introduce three and treatment methods for hemorrhoid postoperation hemorrhage. 目的介绍痔术后大出血的三种针对性防治方法. 2 . Objective introduce three and treatment methods for hemorrhoid postoperation hemorrhage. 目的介绍痔术后大出血的三种针对性防治方法. 3 . Objective : To improve the curative effect of operative treatment in mixed hemorrhoid . 目的: 提高手术治疗混合痔的疗效. 4 . Objective : To improve the curative effect of operative treatment in mixed hemorrhoid . 目的: 提高手术治疗混合痔的疗效. 5 . Chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, pregnancy, and portal hypertension enhance hemorrhoid formation. 慢性便秘 、 慢性腹泻 、 怀孕和门静脉高压均能刺激痔形成. 6 . Chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, pregnancy, and portal hypertension enhance hemorrhoid formation. 慢性便秘 、 慢性腹泻 、 怀孕和门静脉高压均能刺激痔形成. 7 . Lap hemorrhoid Si end, only pure color line. 舐痔结驷,正色徒行. 8 . Lap hemorrhoid Si end, only pure color line. 舐痔结驷,正色徒行. 9 . Objective : To observe the effect of sitz bath with fumigant on patients with mixed hemorrhoid surgery. 目的: 观察混合痔患者应用术后薰洗方坐浴的治疗效果. 10 . Objective : To observe the effect of sitz bath with fumigant on patients with mixed hemorrhoid surgery. 目的: 观察混合痔患者应用术后薰洗方坐浴的治疗效果. 行业释义网络释义 医学1.痔:由于静脉压持续增高,使直肠上静脉丛或直肠下静脉丛的静脉曲张而成 2. 痔:A.内痔 3.B.外痔 4.C.混合痔 5.D.栓塞性痔 药学1.痔 2. 内痔、外痔、混合痔的合称。 -hemorrhoid1 . 痔 summarize and treatment principle of hemorrhoidand hemorrhoiddisease ., 痔及痔病的概述及治疗原则. 2 . 痔疮 痔疮(Hemorrhoid )是发生在肛门和直肠下部的疾病,常因腹泻、便秘、妊娠、久站久立、负重远行等引起,造成静脉回流障碍,使肛管和肛门缘静脉的血. 相关词条+treating hemorrhoids1 . 治疗痔疮 clinical pharmacology of huazhi suppository in treating hemorrhoids ., 化痔栓治疗痔疮的临床药理研究. +hemorrhoid desiccation1 . 枯痔法 枯梅肉 mume [fruit]枯痔法hemorrhoid desiccation枯痔钉疗法 hemorrhoid desiccation therapy +hemorrhoidal forceps1 . 痔核钳 hemorrhoidal clamp 痔夹hemorrhoidal forceps 痔核钳hemorrhoidal needle 痔针 +hemorrhoids ligator1 . 痔疮结扎器 hemorrhoidal nucleus clamp 痔核夹hemorrhoids ligator 痔疮结扎器hemorrhoids ligature set 痔疮结扎器 |