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复数:heads  复数:headed  复数:headed  复数:heading  复数:heads  
派生词:headed  headless  

1 . He won a head -to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.



2 . I let the horse drop his head to crop the spring grass.



3 . His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.



4 . That song has stuck in my head for years.



5 . Any head teacher who made errors like this would be chucked out.




head off

1 . 拦截:阻挡…的进程或完成;拦截

be banging (或 knocking) one's head against a brick

2 . 硬做不可能成功的事;劳而无功

bang (或 knock) people's heads together

3 . (尤指阻止争吵时)严厉斥责争吵者

be hanging over someone's head

4 . (不愉快之事)随时威胁

be on someone's own head

5 . (应)由某人负全责

bite (或 snap) someone's head off

6 . 抢白

by the head

7 . (航海)(船)船首比船尾吃水深

come to a head

8 . 发展到危急关头

do someone's head in

9 . (英,非正式)使生气,使糊涂,使气恼

enter someone's head

10 . 被某人想到(或想起)

from head to toe (或 foot)

11 . 从头到脚,全身

get one's head down Brit. informal 英,非正式

12 . 睡觉

get one's head round (或 around)

13 . (非正式)搞明白;想通(不快或不幸之事)

give someone his(或 her) head

14 . 让…放手干

give someone head

15 . (粗俚)对某人行口交,与某人口交

go to someone's head

16 . (酒)使某人眩晕(或微醉)

get something into one's (或 someone's) head

17 . (使)意识到;明白

hang one's head in shame

18 . 极度羞愧

head of hair

19 . (一头)头发(就其外观和数量而言)

—— one's head off

20 . 放纵(或尽情)地(谈、笑等)

a head start

21 . 优势;有利条件

heads I win, tails you lose

22 . 我赢定了;横竖都是我赢

heads will roll

23 . 有人将被辞退(或被迫辞职)

hold (或 put) a gun(或 a pistol) to someone's head

24 . 威吓某人,威胁某人

hold up one's head (或 hold one's head high)

25 . 充满信心;无所愧疚

in one's head

26 . 在脑中想好了的,胸有成竹的

keep one's head

27 . 保持冷静

keep one's head above water

28 . 勉强度日(尤指在经济拮据时不借债度日);(在困境中)奋力求生

keep one's head down

29 . (在困难或危险时)避免引人注意

knock something on the head

30 . 打消(念头,计划);(对传闻)不予置理

lose one's head

31 . 失去自制力;惊惶失措

make head or tail of

32 . 明白,理解

off (或 out of) one's head

33 . (非正式)疯疯颠颠;神志不清

off the top of one's head

34 . 不加考虑的;不加深究的

over someone's head

35 . 不能理解的

put their (或 our, your) heads together

36 . 群策群力;共同努力

put something into someone's head

37 . 建议

standing on one's head

38 . 不费吹灰之力

stand (或 turn) something on its head

39 . 完全推翻

take it into one's head to do something

40 . 鲁莽行事

turn someone's head

41 . 冲昏了头脑

turn heads

42 . 引人注目

head someone/thing off

43 . 拦住并引开某人(或某物)

head up

44 . (航海)迎风行驶


head and shoulders above

1 . 远远强于…

head over heels

2 . 象翻筋斗一样滚动

keep (one's) head

3 . 保持冷静;保持对自身的克制

lose (one's) head

4 . 失去镇定或自制

off (one's) head 或 out of (one's) head

5 . 精神错乱的;疯狂的

put heads together

6 . 一起商量和计划

同义词n.1.头;顶”释义下的同义词 crown top pate 2.头脑,才智”释义下的同义词 mentality mind intelligence brain understanding 3.紧要关头”释义下的同义词 crisis juncture 反义词n.1.头;上端;前端”释义下的同义词 tail foot 语源Old English hēafod, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hoofdand German Haupt 图片英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains;

he stuck his head out the window

2.a single domestic animal;

200 head of cattle

3.that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason;

his mind wandered

4.a person who is in charge;

the head of the whole operation

5.the front of a military formation or procession;

the head of the column advanced boldly

6.the pressure exerted by a fluid;

a head of steam

7.the top of something;

the head of the stairs

8.the source of water from which a stream arises;

they tracked him back toward the head of the stream

9.(grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent

10. the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates)

11. the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head;

he is two heads taller than his little sister

12. a dense clusters of flowers or foliage;

a head of cauliflower

13. the educator who has executive authority for a school;

she sent unruly pupils to see the principal

14. an individual person;

tickets are $5 per head

15. a user of (usually soft) drugs;

the office was full of secret heads

16. a rounded compact mass;

the head of a comet

17. the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container;

the beer had a large head of foam

18. the part in the front or nearest the viewer;

he was in the forefront

19. a difficult juncture;

a pretty pass

20. forward movement;

the ship made little headway against the gale

21. a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer;

the point of the arrow was due north

22. the subject matter at issue;

the question of disease merits serious discussion

23. a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about;

the heading seemed to have little to do with the text

24. the rounded end of a bone that bits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint;

the head of the humerus

25. that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves

26. (computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk

27. (usually plural) an obverse side of a coin that bears the representation of a person's head;

call heads or tails!

28. the striking part of a tool;

the head of the hammer

29. (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship

30. a projection out from one end;

the head of the nail, a pinhead is the head of a pin

31. a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum

32. oral-genital stimulation;

they say he gives good head


1.to go or travel towards;

where is she heading

2.be in charge of;

Who is heading this project?

3.travel in front of; go in advance of others;

The procession was headed by John

4.be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel;

This student heads the class

5.direct the course; determine the direction of travelling

6.take its rise;

These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas

7.be in the front of or on top of;

The list was headed by the name of the president

8.form a head or come or grow to a head;

The wheat headed early this year

9.remove the head of;

head the fish





2. 弹壳头


1.头[部],又称 :头[部](cephalon (无脊椎动物) )


1.①头:结构或身体的上部、前部或近端,尤指有脑及特殊感觉器官的部分, 〔NA〕又称caput




2. 頭部


1.[鱼]头部, 鱼体由上颌前端至鳃盖骨后缘的部分。

2. 去头机

3. cutting machine 去除鱼头的机械。


1.水头, 以液柱高度表示的单位质量液体的机械能。




1.对头碰撞, head-on collision




1 . 头


2 . 头上

raindrops keep faling on my head., 雨滴打在我头上.

3 . 头部

...对主人和朋友非常忠诚,猴面犬通常很安静,但受到威胁或攻击时会变得十分激动,从不惧怕任何进攻者, ■头部,head,头部大小与体形成比例,头高高抬起 ◆额头部,cranial region, 额头.

4 . 头顶

The bullet zipped past his head., 子弹从他的头顶飞过.


1 . 磁头数



1 . 信头


2 . 前进方向

前进方向( Heading ) GPS没有指北针的功能相对定位(差分定位)是根据两台以上接收机的观测数据来确定观测点之间的相对位置的所以,如果大家的GPS接收机.

1.Ask that banana-head why she is wearing a coat like that in July.


2.Shut up you beef-head. lay off!


3.Sam is a complete putty head. No culture, no sense of style, and no money.



<head> 标签用于定义网页文档的头部,它是所有头部元素的容器。<head> 中的元素可以引用脚本、指示浏览器在哪里找到样式表、提供元信息等等。文档的头部描述了文档的各种属性和信息,包括文档的标题、在 Web中的位置以及和其他文档的关系等。绝大多数文档头部包含的数据都不会真正作为内容显示给读者。head 与 tail 就像它的名字一样的浅显易懂,它是用来显示开头或结尾某个数量的文字区块,head 用来显示档案的开头至标准输出中,
