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过去式:had  过去式:had  过去式:having  过去式:has  

1 . The verb should be in the plural, e . g . "have" in " they have " .

这个动词应用复数形式, 如theyhave中的 have.


2 . Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

3 . You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.



4 . Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have ; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie


来自金山词霸 每日一句

5 . They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation.



6 . The verb should be in the plural, e . g . "have" in " they have " .

这个动词应用复数形式, 如theyhave中的 have.


7 . Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

8 . You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.



9 . Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have ; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie


来自金山词霸 每日一句

10 . They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation.




have at

1 . 攻击

have on

2 . 穿戴

have a care (或 an eye 等)

3 . 见 care, eye,等

have got it bad

4 . (非正式)因感情(尤指爱情)问题深受煎熬

have had it informal 非正式

5 . 状态极差;无法修复;已过全盛期

have it

6 . 据说

have it away (on one's toes)

7 . (英,非正式)开溜

have it away or off

8 . (英,粗俚)性交,交媾

have it both wayshave got it in for

9 . (非正式)厌恶(某人)

have got it in one to do something

10 . (非正式)有能力做成某事

have a nice day

11 . (主美)[道别时用于表示良好的祝愿]祝你愉快

have got nothing on informal 非正式

12 . (尤指在某一方面)远不如(某人或某事物)好

have nothing to do with1. I am not worried—they've got nothing on me.我不担心,他们抓不住我的把柄。have one too many1. I am not worried—they've got nothing on me.我不担心,他们抓不住我的把柄。have got something to oneself

13 . 独享

have —— to do withhave someone on

14 . (英,非正式)(尤指开玩笑时)骗人(相信不实之事)

have got something on

15 . 穿着

have something out

16 . 经外科手术(或被开刀)除去体内某物

have someone up

17 . 使出庭受审


have done with

1 . 停止;结束

have had it【非正式用语】

2 . 忍无可忍:尽一个人最大的努力忍受

have it in for (someone)

3 . 尤指由于嫉恨而想伤害

have it out

4 . 尤指通过争辩或讨论的手段最终解决

have (something) coming

5 . 得到某人应得之物

have to do with

6 . 与…有联系或关联

同义词vt.1.体验;感觉;感受”释义下的同义词 feel meet experience undergo 2.使,让;招致”释义下的同义词 compel make cause require 3.容忍;允许”释义下的同义词 for put tolerate stand permit with up suffer 4.必须,应该”释义下的同义词 must be forced need ought should 5.有,拥有,持有”释义下的同义词 own possess hold 语源Old English habban, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hebbenand German haben, also probably to heave英英释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.a person who possesses great material wealth


1.have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense;

She has $1,000 in the bank

2.have as a feature;

This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France

3.of mental or physical states or experiences;

get an idea

4.have ownership or possession of;

He owns three houses in Florida

5.cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition;

He got his squad on the ball

6.serve oneself to, or consume regularly;

Have another bowl of chicken soup!

7.have a personal or business relationship with someone;

have a postdoc

8.organize or be responsible for;

hold a reception

9.have left;

I have two years left

10. be confronted with;

What do we have here?

11. undergo;

The stocks had a fast run-up

12. suffer from; be ill with;

She has arthritis

13. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner;

The ads induced me to buy a VCR

14. receive willingly something given or offered;

The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter

15. get something; come into possession of;

receive payment

16. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses);

She suffered a fracture in the accident

17. achieve a point or goal;

Nicklaus had a 70

18. give birth (to a newborn);

My wife had twins yesterday!

19. have sex with; archaic use;

He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable


1 . 有

“拥有”是及物动词;所有权的客体总被认为是法律意义上的“物”,即“res (物)”。显然,所有权的理念和所有物的理念之间存在紧密的联系;两者都可用“财产(权)”一词来指称,就说明了这一点。显然,通过研究“物”,我们应当能增进对所有权的了解。在法律之外,外部的物质性客体被认为是物的主要代表,在此意义上,物与人相区别。但在广义上,话语的任何话语的客体均可被称为物——如事件、状态、感情、行为和过程都是物。 因此,“物”一词的非法律用法,不能帮助我们发现,什么东西可被拥有。在法律中,我们发现了下述情境主张。就外部

2 . 已经


3 . 已

First names havebecome the standard form of address between English - speaking adults ., 直呼人名的第一个字已成为讲英语的成年人士间互相称呼的标准形式.

4 . 得

First , they haveto make a Christmas picture dictionary ., 首先 , 他们得制作一个圣诞图片字典.

相关词条+that have time have

1 . 时间即

he that have time have life .时间即生命。

+have to have

1 . 必须有

they have to have a relationship between two people ., 两个人之间必须有一种关系.

2 . 必须让人

I have to have my computer repaired today .1我今天必须让人给我修电脑。

+sport have have

1 . 运动员要

gymnastics in particular has a new code of points that rewards the most difficult routines and , as a result , training sessions in the sport have have only become more grueling .尤其体操运动对高难度动作有奖励的惯例,这导致运动员要经过更残酷的训练以完成高难度动作。

+haves and have nots

1 . 富人和穷人

2. ins and outs36. haves and have nots 富人和穷人37.

1.She has a crush on the new gym mistress.


2.Do I have to draw you a picture or you can visualize this?


3.Have a captain at this!


4.I'd never have the deep undying hots for that rah-rah boy.



用法助词v.aux. 1. 锛埣庸シ执剩钩赏瓿墒碧級已经;曾经 have/has done现在完成时 had done过去完成时will have done将来完成时would have done过去将来完成时have/has been doing现在完成进行 had been doing过去完成进行 EG.: They haven't finished the job yet. 他们尚未完成该项工作。 2. 锛堄糜谛槟庥锲硎居牍ナ率迪喾吹募偕栾級锛埣偃缒鞘憋級...的话 She might have come if she hadn't been so busy. 当时
