英语频道小编Alva整理了英语单词harrier的学习资料,关于harrier是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括harrier的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,harrier的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词harrier相关的信息。 harrier英[ˈhæriə(r)]n.猎兔狗;侵略者;掠夺者;蹂躏者网络凌治;哈利犬;猎兔犬;海猎鹰 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . For its part, RAF says any scrapped jets must come from the navy's Harrier squadrons. 至于英国皇家空军(RAF)则表示,若要削减战机,只能削减海军的“鹞 ” 式飞机(Harrier)舰队. 2 . Most species of harrier are included in the genus Circus. 大多数种类的鹞包含在鹞这个种属中. 3 . A : The Harrier jet can fly straight up into the air. 猎鹰式喷射机可以垂直升空. 4 . Harrier ( AV 8 B ) can now perform Short takeoff and vertical landing ( STOVL ) . “鹞”式现在可以 短距 起飞,并能垂直降落. 5 . The photo shows the prototype of Harrier . 上图显示了鹞的原型机. 同义词 runner 语源late middle English hayrer, from hare + -er. The spelling change was due to association with harriermid 16th cent. (as harrower): from harrowharry, rob (variant of harry). The spelling change in the 17th cent. was due to association with harrier网络释义 -harrier1 . 凌治 小说我要定你了外篇一句日本小孩的话 ... 铃木_SUZUKI 凌治_Harrier 碧莲_Civilian. 2 . 哈利犬 ...腊肠犬(Dachshund),东非猎犬(Saluki),惠比特犬(Whippet),川东猎犬,比格犬(Beagle),奥达猎犬(Otterhound),哈利犬(Harrier),灵缇( 右边这只狗是什么品种啊,样子太搞笑了,想养一只,好买吗,魏玛犬。好不好买要看您是哪里的了每个地区是不一样的。 3 . 猎兔犬 harridan 老妇人harrier猎兔犬harrow 耙 4 . 海猎鹰 如此规模的中型航舰将可携带为数25架的英制海猎鹰(Harrier)STOVL战种与反潜直升机,而南韩海军最青睐的选择应该是美国研发中、战力比海猎鹰更强的F-35联合战术打击机(JSF),考虑对象包括ST. 相关词条+harrier jet1 . 鹞式喷气战机 国家崛起爱国战争中,怎么才能让在征服世界战役中的特有单位在剧情编辑器中可编辑,能玩? ... SAS英国空军特勤队 Harrier Jet鹞式喷气战机Patrol Boat巡逻艇. +harrier distribution1 . 隔板的分布 therefore , the harrier distribution should be taken into consideration for the perforation of reservoir with bottom water and gas cap .因此,气顶底水油藏油井射孔时,应考虑隔板的分布。 +Northern harrier1 . 白尾鹞 雪泥鸿爪——观鸟总结 ... 黑耳鸢 Black-eared Kite 白尾鹞Northern Harrier 凤头鹰 Crested Goshawk. +marsh harrier1 . 沼泽鹞 tropic bird:鹲;热带鸟marsh harrier:沼泽鹞;泽鵟termite:白蚁 |